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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Definitely getting it. Funny enough everyone is talking about price but I recently learned Lego pricing usually follows around the 1 cent a piece aim. Which makes sense now why small sets that have a lot of pieces can cost 50-60 dollars, but larges sets with less pieces can cost the same. I think it is a fiar pricing since even though some pieces aren't worth that much, large pieces like the wheels on the Ultimate Tumblr are worth more than that. This keeps everything even. Anyway while the price on this is steep, especially after the holidays the play factor, minifigs and interior are defintely worth it. I just don't understand why they always wait till the new year like they did with the UCS Slave-1 to release these sets instead of the Holiday season. Maybe they figure they couldn't keep up with the demand, and post holidays not everyone has as much disposable income which helps keeping up with demand for awhile.
  2. Photos of the undercarriage of MP Rodimus. While everyone on the boards in the transformers pages are screaming foul it seems they purposley went with the G1 toy undercarriage look. http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/new-magazine-images-of-takara-masterpiece-mp-28-hot-rodimus-hot-rod-undercarriage-shot/34133/
  3. That's old news. The new news is that they should be announcing what the first game should be any minute
  4. Limited Edition MP Ramjet is coming! http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/takara-tomy-transformers-masterpiece-mp11nr-ramjet/34107/
  5. Luckily per contracts there will never be a remake or sequel as long as Zemeckis is alive and he continues to say no.
  6. It's a solid figure. The only SOC I ever owned. Held up very well until I accidentally broke it. The transformation is great with minor parts forming/removal to make it screen accurate. Nice articulation and tons of accesories
  7. Kicker didn't know you were in my neck of the woods. Riding on the lake is beautiful. Back on topic Hot Toys Star Wars is going to bankrupt me will all these announcement of figures from the OT and Ep 7
  8. They also have Monster Hunter which surprises me how they've handled that. I mean free dlc every month? That's insanity from Capcom
  9. It looks like it's just Hot Rod so no trailer.
  10. That's Hercules and yes it's bigger than Giant
  11. Man I can't wait. I have the original but it got damaged so I'm getting this one.
  12. I definitely knew about the other too with the next in testing now. Fans Toys just seems to strike that right balance of toy and toon and that's always been a huge factor to me as an adult collector. I will get X-Transbots Megatron as well and their upcoming Cyclonus and Scourge since they seem to be the ones doing a good amount of cons at the moment
  13. So my last Third Party TF was fans project springer so long ago. I just got FT Scoria for myself for my birthday and man third party companies have come a long way. I know they are different companies but Scoria just is an amazing figure and I plan on getting the other two, Quakewave and Tesla very soon.
  14. It's actually part of a longer scene that was cut. AoU is like a three hour movie that got drastically cut down. That scene is one of the major hits, luckily they said their will be a directors cut coming to Blu Ray this fall
  15. ThreeZero figures coming http://www.gundammodelkits.com/threezero-16-action-figure-leonardo-michelangelo-set-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-movie.html
  16. Anyone else playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate? I've put 66+ hours into it and love every minute though I will need to find people to do gathering hall stuff with. I haven't put this much time into a game since the Macross PSP franchise.
  17. I have two Amiibos. Right now it's a virtual character you train and grow to fight. In other games they can add special abilities or skins. They are still new so the overall implementation of them within games is kind of scarce. Overall it's still fun to take my Amiibo to a friends place and let it destroy other ppl while I chill or rest between matches.
  18. Finally the Robot Spirits Hyaku Shiki http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2015/01/robot-damashii-side-ms-hyaku-shiki-new.html
  19. Sounds like the new hour long special will wrap up last season. http://m.ign.com/articles/2015/01/17/the-venture-bros-all-this-and-gargantua-2-review
  20. I'm getting the Monster Hunter 3DS. I prefer silver to gold and everyone will have the Zelda one as its already sold out. Plus the design on the MH4U is one is cleaner.
  21. I know the original toy was a white convoy in armor which is why everyone expects this but honestly he was never shown like that in the cartoon or movie and the only reason it was made like that is because that's where toy technology was back then. Granted this is beating a dead horse but I like how they made a full functioning Magnus transform with out being a clone of Optimus with armor. That's just me I guess.
  22. So in case anyone is wondering and I don't remeber if it was mention everything so far locks in place for Destroy mode on the Pg Unicorn. The knees have a great locking mechanism and the waist is secure unlike the various MG Unicorn I've built before. So satisfied with this beast so far though I'm not done. I'm really hoping the Banshee is next with all its various components so I can finally one of those. After the MG unicorns and they way they don't hold up I never got the banshee
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