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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I am glad the thing wasnt cgi. CGI is way over done and many times unnecessary. Yes the Surfer has to be but not the thing. The rubber suit gave it a more realistic feel instead of that slick glossy look. The best CGI characters ever have been gollum and the hulk, but that had great special effects team working on those. WETA and ILM unfortunately cant do CGI for everyone though.
  2. I may be in the minority here but i honestly believe that Jessica Alba didn't belong in the movie. Being the huge comic book geek that i am, and being the film maker i am i pay close attention to whose cast in movies depicting my favorite heroes. Granted i was never much of a Fantastic Four fan but i believe that she was only in the movie to pull in people to the theater. She wasn't a good Sue Storm, they could ahve gotten a better one, she is just one of the most well known young actresses in hollywood. Much like Hallie Berry in X-men, bad casting, I still to this day believe Angela Basset though much older is the perfect Storm. Just watch any movie she's in. Anyway back to my poiint. The reason the first one failed was because of the writing. The plot was too weak and the dialog terrible. I hope they can improve on that. And as i did with hallie berry i will just have to tolerate looking at Jessica Alba. Sure she is gorgeous but she isnt the most believable actress
  3. And i actually like the way the surfer looked in the trailer too. The surfer is being played by Doug Jones who was Abe Sapien in Hellboy
  4. Yes galactus be in the movie. And just because the Silver Surfer is in this doesn't mean that he won't get his own movie one day too if this does well which i am sure it will in theaters. I enjoyed the first. Sure it wasn't perfect or anywhere near it and i felt Doom was waaaaay underwrittern, (he's in the new movie too) but i did like the relationship between the thing and the human torch. I thought it was funny and made the movie worth watching and having. Besides you never know this one may just be very good.
  5. Don't know if it has been mentioned but it looks as though they are taking a Superman Returns approach to it. Apparently this movie takes place after the secret of the ooze, and completely ignores TMNT 3 (thank god). I still have my doubt cause i still love the ole jim henson rubber suit turtles. I never saw anything wrong with them, and in this day and age of overused CGI that look way to slick to be real (see spiderman web slinging for reference) i think those suits would still be perfect for a new movie. And it makes everything more real and believable. At least as believable as four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles can be in a real life.
  6. Right now i believe i've spent around 1000 - 1500 on mine. wow that is a lot when u have to actually sit here and think about it. Granted not as much as most of you, but when you are a low ranking military member that is a lot
  7. kanedaestes

    Graham's Sig

    here here, come on graham, at least drop a hint that will accidentally tip us off on purpose
  8. I believe most of you'll are spoiled and ungrateful. There i said it, mwahahahahahaha . But seriously it does seem like a lot of complaining, and yes the price is kind of high, but dammit most of us don't have any SDF-1 toys. I can't wait for this one, i am definitely going to buy one, aawwww all my childhood dreams come true now that i am 25.
  9. kanedaestes

    Graham's Sig

    So now that i have had my yf-19 for a day, and have palyed, er, um, i mean "handled" it (heh heh heh) i desperately want a new yf-21. i am no longer satisfied with my ole 1/72 one. i know from the hints that have been dropped that yamato will go back to the m0 series next then back to m+. I am hoping the next in the m+ line will be the 21 so that i can pose them together in great dynamic poses, i can wait for the vf-11 for now. I am also hoping that some pics will be readily available by summer
  10. Here are some decent poses. I really like the one i just got my 19 into
  11. I got mine from a HK seller on Ebay, bought it on the 15th, got it this past friday
  12. Its funny cause i originally didnt plan on putting my toys on the counter. I just had my transformers there cause i didn't have boxes for them, and i hadnt gottne my furniture yet for my apartment. Eventually i just thought it would be neat to put everything there, mostly because its has the most shelf space so far in my apartment. And i agree with the cool yf-19 display above me
  13. Updated collection for your pleasure
  14. Thanks, i am glad this was made cause it is much cheaper and sturdier from what i hear that the studio halfeye one. I am going to order one right now. I can't wait to get it now. I hope that they can make a perfect change getter like haleye did, but better and cheaper, then all my transforming toy dream will all have come true
  15. Okay i have been looking at the pics of the gunbuster, and have heard that there are some swappable parts. now i can see what parts those are, and have noticed that they arent really required for transformation, just for cosmetic purposes after the transformation. So is this toy a perfect change with just the original parts on it? I really want to buy it and i am dying to know if it both machines combine as they are supposed to.
  16. I saw it after work on Thursday, i thought it was good, or rather a lot better than i gave it credit for. If you are a Rocky fan, or just want to kill a saturday afternoon I recommend you go see it.
  17. kanedaestes

    Graham's Sig

    But if u look in the Design Works book, you can see the gun folds, and collapses on itself while it is stored in the leg, and unfolds when it ejects. I think or would like to hope and wish that it can be done.
  18. kanedaestes

    Graham's Sig

    Okay i know that graham desperatly wants a VF-17, but it doesn't look like one is coming anytime soon but i do have a question about it none the less. The transformation is very simple so if they do Valks from the VF-X series it will be great, but do you think they can actually make the toy to where the gunpod is in the leg? Or will that interfer with the landing gear underneath?
  19. I just got my 19 today and oh my god i just cant put it down. i love it so much. far better than my vf-19s from bandai (or rather my bootleg versions anyway), and better than than the original yf-19 toy from yamato. I am glad that i didn't wait, my didnt have too many issues all though the arm flap on the left arm falls off occasionally, but meh its a small thing. Now all i need is a SOC gunbuster, the WAVE Macross figure, a masterpiece Voltron, a VF-0S, and a VF-0A, and... and.... and... (the list just goes on forever)
  20. kanedaestes

    Graham's Sig

    Hey here's my one concern. I really want a 1/60 yf-21, but i never liked the way the bay door were on the original toy. Is there anyway they could like somehow make them collapse or slide to make them a little bit skiiner in battriod mode like the line art? anyone have any suggestions
  21. kanedaestes

    VF-X2 toys

    If yamato makes toys from this line since they don't have the rights to Macross 7, what does this line offer us? Will it bring us the VF-5000? a VF-19 and VF-22? Please fill me in I must know for the sake of all that holy and so i can start saving now.
  22. all this talk about the SHE heatshield design does anyone have any diagrams or anything showing how the SHE model works their heatshield? Graham maybe?
  23. here's a new set of pics of my collection, dust free even!!!!!
  24. all right i have always love gunbuster and this one is waaay easier to obtain that the studio halfeye version, which leads me to my next question? when i will finally be able to get a cheaper transforming getter robo?
  25. kanedaestes


    So i just found out i finally get to move out of the dorms on base and get my own space, so now i have to pack up the collection. But the place will have more space, and i can have a place to properly display them, and they shalt be dust free.
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