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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I am a huge fan of SOTD, and i look forward to anything those guys put out. I have never seen spaced, and only just recently heard of it but i am going to see if i can get a copy on dvd somewhere. more tv shows to add into my collection
  2. Ha ha, let the hazing begin!! Yeah just use the thread and also head over to the macross compendium (did i spell that right i sm out of it today) and learn everything there is to know about macross. Don't worry i was just like you though i began at robotech, and learned the hard way the truth about everything. I am still a fan of robotech though because that's what i watched as a child.
  3. I agree i love mine two. there is only one thing on mine that bothered me and that was the loose wing joint, but i have learned to fix and work around that. The wheels don't bother me much cause they are rarely out, and the gunpod doesn't bother me much but then it wasn't that bad. I can understand the anger but as many have said before instead of battying don't buy, nuff said. When other releases come out just simply don't buy them.
  4. In case no one has noticed Graham is getting very annoyed by all the battying on pages, and frankly so am i. I remember when i came to the forums and it was a cool place to chill and talk about macross, bad mouth mac 7 and robotech, and just be in the company of fellow macross fans such as myself, but lately there is a lot of hostility and it makes the environment on the pages s**t. It is getting to a point where the toy section isn't a place to go to anymore, and what's worse Graham will probably stop sharing his info with us. He already posted in another area about not coming to the toy forums anymore.
  5. I've had the Hikaru VF-1S since its release about 3 or 4 years ago and it is still fine as well
  6. He also has a poster of a half naked girl on his wall next to his bed in that scene. I just watched the series again and saw them both
  7. I only have so much many man gosh. I will get the game color scheme and that will most likely be my last 19, totalling 3
  8. Hey i know it is a little off topic but since yamato is making changes to their products and the materials they use do you know if they will do the same for the garland?? Back on topic i can't wait for this figure to come out, that way i wil have one for fighter mode and one for battroid. mwahahahaha more more more!!!!
  9. I go for theYF- 19 as top followed by the VF-1 VF-5000,VF-4, VF-0, YF-21, VF-11, all the ones after i like but not as much.
  10. God i whole heartedly agree. I've seen many pics of the 1/60 series, and i am sorry they may be more accurate but the 1/48 is stilll waaaaay better lookin. And why do you want small valks anyway? i like that everything is bascially the same size, it looks better when they are displayed next to each other. No one is ever going to walk into someone place and say, "Hey does 1/48 are out of scale from the rest of the valks, god your display sucks now." Everyone that has ever seen my stuff are always impressed by their size and how cool they look, and so am i, leave them the way they are and quite whining about every little thing.
  11. I think the new moon knight series, and ghost rider series are pretty good
  12. You know what, at least now i know i won't have to look hard to get one since you are all cancelling you orders. I am going to get one very soon, screw waiting around, cause you never know if another comes from another company.
  13. yeah true the range is limited, but if you are a fan or like the way he looks i suggest picking up a dante anyway. I have had mine ever since it was first released. I love it and still think it looks bad ass. there are still so many cool poses you can put him in.
  14. So you mean to tell me that if the current toy makers hadn't come around and made newer and better stuff, and we were just stuck with old bandai releases and reissues you would have passed on all macross toys? All i am saying is that yes compared to what we have it is crap, but if you don't consider that and just rememeber 7 years ago when we didn't have it you wouldn't have bought anything? Okay then, different strokes for different folks. I remember when i bought a floppy mess of a used loose jetfire and it seemd to be the greatest thing in the world. Maybe i just hold macross and the toys no matter how bad they are now and then to a higher degree than you, no offense though. But as a child growing up on a military base in germany where i only had one channel that showed american shows, and one of those few shoes being robotech i have always loved it, and will continue throwing money out the door for stuff as stupid as it does sound. Oh well
  15. Oh it is easy to say it was all crap now, but i remember before this second coming of macross or most transforming toys that people were begging for the old crap toys. I remember seeing a loose custom vf-1s on ebay back during my brief stint in college back in 1999, and it was going for like 200 to 300 dollars cause there was nothing else out. I don't care if they were crap, back in the day i would have loved to have them. Anyway, when are we going to see some new pics of this thing? it is the next thing i am going to buy after i get my SHE getter robo next month
  16. I am starting to realize that i am in the minority here. Maybe it is because i missed out on so many macross toys as a child so i appreciate all the ones i get now. Hell before i switched over to yamato i was really happy with my toynami vf-1j hikaru. And yes yamato has it's issues but dammit ive been wanting figures like these for years. it was the only toy i never got as child so i will continue to buy them and be happy. I will by the sdf-1, and other products with pride cause now i can say i finally have them.
  17. no I think that it is fine the way it is, as i have said you people are waay to picky and spoiled. Honestly if you all have a problem with it and don't like it then dont buy it, more for me to pick up
  18. Huuurrrmmmm.....I would like to have a good EVA figure now that i think of it. Adding it to the list.
  19. kanedaestes

    Graham's Sig

    Hey the VF-0D went underwater for a couple of minutes, so there you go
  20. God now i really want one, i must have it, i will have it. I shall be mine oh yes it shall be mine
  21. I just got my Gunbuster a week or so ago, problem is i am deployed so i can't even hold it until may, and that sucks. Luckily i had a sent to a friend's house who is watching my place for me while i am gone. Unfortunately all the toys and stuff i buy i won't be able to do anything with until then. I have a SHE perfect change getter robo on the way too. dammit.
  22. Oh please don't misunderstand the post or let that experience be a deciding factor, yamatos products are pretty good, yes there are issues but for the most part despite what people complain about no one is willing to give up their stuff, and most of them will keep buying their products (like me). You should go for the 1/48 and 1/60th line and see for yourself
  23. The only thing i would possibly change is make the dog fights a bit more intense like in Mac0, other than that why change perfection? But i do see and understand your point. And it would be up to all of you fine people here on Mac World to keep me on the right track if i do ever get the chance to do such a thing
  24. I really don't understand all the frustrations you guys have. On my YF-19, i just wiggle the neck slightly so that it moves pass the tabs and then slide it down and have never had any problems so far (knock on wood). And as i have said i am pretty rough with a lot of my toys and my 19 has held up fine with me
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