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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. It's one of my favorites. Well paced, great story and one of the best and most touching endings i have seen in a long time. Definitely worth watching and owning.
  2. Yeah because then it seems like any damage has no real effect on the show. It is like how comics kill people only to know they will come back eventually. I think that key will play into something bigger later or just lose its power hopefully. I remember seeing the preview for the show a while back isn't Suri supposed to get some kind of transforming armor or whatever?
  3. I don't know the current fate of the Mac7 license other than Bandai had it and just didn't care to make quality stuff. I do have a VF-19 red and blue and a VF-17 (Diamond Force if you are still wondering) but they just aren't all that great at all. Hopefull Bandai will get off their ass and do some justice to the license especially with the whole Macross resurgence across the board lately thanks to a new show. Get them if you want but don't expect to much out of them like you do with yamato valks.
  4. I found a cowriter lol, that's genius hahahaha
  5. You know the perfect street fighter movie has been made. It just needs to be tweaked a bit, but Street Fighter II the animated movie pretty muched summed everything up the way it is supposed to be.
  6. it is, she seems to be from middle eastern decent, which is cool that they are trying to be more multicultural. And of course it was kind of childish. They make justice league for older audiences because comics are no longer being read by kids, but by older people. Transformers is still being watched by children hence why the last three shows lasted as long as they did on american television. So might as well stay with the core audience even though many older people still enjoy transformers. The kids are the ones still being the mostly crap toys lol. All in all i liked it and can't wait to Jan 5th for the actual season. Hopefully the first three episodes aren't repeats of the special.
  7. I am only playin the 360 cause it's all my brothers have. When i get back to tampa i will play my friends PS3. I have played both and like both. I want to stay with playstation cause i still have ps2 and 1 games that i can still play. Plus it's a blu-ray player which i really want too. I am ready to experience HD anything, and so far i have been behind the times.
  8. well i have been thinking about a 80gb PS3 but i have recently heard of the story about the small microchip company trying to recall of them. While i highly doubt that's possible it makes me second guess the purchase. I really want to play MGS4, as well as FF13 and other upcoming exclusives and i am loyal to playstation, though i have had a lot of fun playin a 360 lately. So what is the best course of action? Wait and see or just jump in?
  9. went to a matinee it was exactly what i thought it would be, but at least it was bloody. Not to be an ass or anything but i hate that they dumbed down the violence in the last one. Two rated R properties and a merged PG-13 film never sat well with me. i feel that if there is a next one, i should direct, and akira the guru producitons should handle it. It will be in space in the future in closed areas. the best film would have been scientists doing research on a planet that has the xenomorps, and the preds are there for hunting. Space marines would be doing security detail so that has all the elements. Scientist being dumb or corrupt with the xenomorphs, lets them loose, the preds hunt them down and kill a few annoying humans in the process, then they team up but it is an uneasy alliance. After they kill (or so they think) all the aliens they turn on each other. All of a sudden a queen pops out and it is a free for all to get off the planet and to safety. who wins? Who survives? that's my little secret.
  10. I saw it on cartoon network yes, and for those of you who want to see it it will be shown again on saturday morning. I liked it, it reminded me a lot of the original. It wasn't as bad or as cheesy as i originally thought. Oh and Starscream was classic SS. There is no doubt about it, seems like they finally made a decent cartoon since Beast Wars.
  11. OMG!! i just had an optical orgazm. That was so amazing and with tons of references to the original show as well as DYRL. I am so hooked now. I want more eps right now.
  12. I was doing searches for macross and robotech toys long ago and happened to stumble acrossed it. Though it took me a couple of years to find my way to the forums, i just stayed around the main pages drooling over toys and models that i couldn't have or afford. Thank god for yamato for making dreams come true
  13. The sad thing is that he did that to 3 characters that mattered, made a difference, and had love triangle that was resolved; yet he lets these idiots roam free. I would love to read his mind and see why he does what he does, maybe it is to drive us all f***ing crazy. Good thing he still makes beautiful valks (although they all aren't winners such as the MAXL VF-11.)
  14. ha! i didn't catch that wardrobe malfunction at first hmm. I wonder too.
  15. I got all that actually, i just felt that there was still something missing, something not explained all the way, meh oh well.
  16. Hey i think you guys are missing something here. If yamato doesn't want to do a 1/60 scale on the VF-11 that means they feel it is too small. I think that they like the bigger scales. So this means that those of you asking for the VF-1 line to go to 1/60 are most likely out of luck. And i am glad for it, i could honestly care less about the scale, i only care to have big toys, it is more impressive that way. So odds are we are looking at a 1/48 scale VF-11 so that it will be roughly the same size as all the other valks. Good on you yamato with sticking with big toys, unless i am wrong about this whole thing then you can all yell at me later.
  17. Timothy Olyphant was good as a calculating hitman. Parts of the movie reminded me of the Star Wars Bounty Hunter Wars where he sets stuff up so far in advance you don't see it coming till the end. Also for those wondering if they play up the religious angle that the commercials are selling it is false. I don't think there was ever mention of him being a saint or blessed or anything. You see a priest at the beginning or someone dressed like one but it has nothing to do with the story. I do recommend this film for anyone looking for a good action flick, or anyone who has like real nice suits with red ties.
  18. Yeah i hate the unrated craze too but this is the first movie that makes sense in that fashion. Getting the most money on theatrical release and then release the DVD as the movie was intended to be. Personallly i think they should just release the R rated versions, they still make money. Not as much as a PG-13 or CGI animated dreamworks or disney crap fest but they still make money. 300, American Gangster and all the recent R rated comedies of late are proof of that.
  19. Saw the movie, it is rated R for those who don't know and it was good. The best video game movie i have seen. I haven't played any of the games but the fact that it wasn't lame or too over the top and felt like a straight forward movie puts it there. It is basically you cliche hitman/ assaissin flick. Someone sets him up and he tracks them down. The cool thing is you don't know why they set him up or who, he just goes about doing the job he is supposed to do. Some people will see this as a flaw but i kind of like when everything is not explained. That's just me.
  20. They are not removable, and they do fit inside the fighter, how they do is a mystery/ surprise that we will just have to see later.
  21. Its proper. It isn't dubbed either, they actually just reshot a lot of scenes, or they would cut the scene early in the theatrical version right before they would say the word. There are plenty of close ups of people saying it.
  22. wait there was an ending? last i remembered it was like the protodevlin just stopped caring. sure they learned to make their own spiritia but it still sucked. It was like um okay our bad we are going home now, no big ending. It's the sopranos of the macross series lol.
  23. Um it didn't look like it but you know after watching it again there weren't too many shots were you should see tons of blood watching, and the shots that were like that the camera was moving fast so it masked it. There is still a reasonable amount of blood though. And if you are wondering the F bombs are just dubs as i was first thinking they were, looks like the shot the whole movie intentionally to release it like this. PG-13 for theaters, R for the DVD was isn't a bad idea i guess if you are trying to make a huge gross off of the theatrical run.
  24. Okay so i am having a Die Hard marathon and the unrated Live Free or Die Hard is great. I saw it in the theaters and the only real difference is that now it is an R rated movie since McClane is dropping the F bomb left and right. Which is good because it fits his character. I know there are a ton of arguments of PG-13 vs R especially in this case but i do prefer an R rated Die Hard because it is more in line with the others. Just my 2 cents
  25. I don't think there is a difference except maybe the language and blood. The run times for the DC and theatrical are the same so there isn't extra footage i believe.
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