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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I watch it all the time and see things that yes do annoy me in the animation. But it is also one of the reasons that i love it. The main reason no one including myself don't want it to be remade or fixed or whatever is because no one has ever gone back to their original work and just touched it up like a tattoo or something. Look at Lucas he went back and completely changed and in effect ruined the original trilogy by updating it. We all know that if there were updates that it would some how change the greatness of the show. I don't want an update. If people can't except the original show on it's own merits than they shouldn't watch it anyway. I see tons of old movies that aren't up to pay with today's film as far as the way it looks or what have you but that doesn't mean that i want them to be remade or touched up. i hate films that were black and white and are now color because they think that's what people want. My girlfriend has a son who loves star wars, not the knew ones but the old ones. And he doesn't care if the effects are dated, the story and the package as a whole is what captures him. Same with Macross. The stor and the whole should be what people care about not the way the animation looks. If that is what they are concerned with then they shouldn't be watchin macross anyway.
  2. You people are what's wrong with hollywood. Good day to you all sirs!
  3. Very good point. I like what I have seen but look at Mac 0, started off great and then went completely left. Let's not get our hopes up on this one episode. I know we are starving for new Mac stuff but that doesnt mean that we should jump on anything. If you are starving and someone gave you a regular saltine cracker you would think it was as good as a Ritz cracker, until you had more and realised that it isn't as good and may actually be a lot worse. Yes I stole that analogy form Eddie Murphy's Raw but it does make a point and does fit the bill here. Besides I really don't like the protagonists hair. I do hope they do something about that. Sure pilots can have wild hair and all but that is more than pushing it, he looks like a chick. I want hard core pilots dammit. Where are my Fockers, Maxs, Isamus, and Gulds?
  4. I hate bugs so i am sure i would be standing there frozen with a nice warm puddle magically appearing beneath me lol, just being truthful
  5. If they don't have exclusive rights then yamato may have a chance
  6. I loved Grimlock, can't wait for the toy, and i am really feelin the show a lot more than i thought i would
  7. all the valks are VF-1, that was their production type, like the VF-19Kai or VF-11. Those are the types of valks not the squadon number
  8. um yeah i was just asking if it had a number desigination but that works too, it is still in the same area i guess lol
  9. That never happened but i think the company had the rights to those molds and since Exosquad was the only robot show on america tv at the time they just used that to help sell the toys. I miss exosquad lol.
  10. Just watch 300 again for that
  11. Does anyone know the number designation? Are they the 1st Fighter Sqadron "The SKull" or something else?
  12. Its a military term. It means Permanent Change of Station. Basically he moved from one base to another, or one location to another.
  13. Yep, it is about Brendan Frasier and his son who is now like 18, Raquel Welch is not returning.
  14. Obviously you havent heard that he is the next Mummy in the Mummy Franchise with Brendan Frasier then. lol I am not joking that is the sad part.
  15. If you are canon fodder you just can't seem to transform your valk as fast as the aces and are gauranteed to blow up in mid transformation.
  16. Lol i just felt like all the other good ones were taken really and i couldn't think of anything truly witty but i wanted to play anyway hence why my first was like that. And ouch by the way, the carrot top thing hurt, but it's all good. The main problem is we all know the punchline so thinking of a good delivery is a pain.
  17. The only toy i have ever shelled that much or more for was my S.H.E. Perfect Change Getter Robo and i don't really have the interest or the love of the alpha/ beta combo as i do for that. Plus i used the money i made on deployment for it, i won't see expendable money like that again for a looooong time.
  18. I recently read some where that hly floating head said that he will reveal the location of megaroad 1 and hikaru, misa, and minmey, they are ......in Eugimon's Omega Pants™ A scary dark place with no hope of escape
  19. ........... .................. ...................... ......in Eugimon's Omega Pants™
  20. Ahem brother, the bigger the better
  21. I have been one of the few people always against a new 1/60th line and still kind of am. I am not going to buy a lot and i love my 1/48s more than what i have seen here. But i will only buy the ones they didn't make as 1/48s, like two seaters and if they every make the vermillions squadron VF-1A colors. Other than that i am not that excited by them. Actually more disappointed i feel that it was a waste for me to shell out my life saving on valks only for them to be reissued in the original size for a cheaper prices. Oh well. I should also finally get a Q-Rau soon before people start lookking for those to go with their valks.
  22. My friend and i used to joke about Macross and say the best rule is to not really get attached to anyone because anyone can die at anytime. Roy was proof of that, as well as others. I have always felt that was one of the reason the show was so great. They put the realism of war in there. You never know who will actually come out of the battle. In GI Joe, everyone would come back so really there was no drama or suspense. The moment Roy died everything changed, then people started dropping like flies after that. And if you watch the Robotech version first like i did, the original bridge crew save Lisa all died.
  23. I work on a base that has SOCOM, Special Operations Command. I knw they are there, but i don't honestly know what goes on there. So there is my argument about that. It's like the CIA, you know about them, you sort of know what they do and what they use but that knowledge is like 5% of their overall capabilities and what is really going on behind closed doors.
  24. you know i am an educated and articulate person but sometimes no matter how i may express myself just saying it sucks or is crap is about the best way to define something. I can go into detail as to why if asked but it is how i feel. I did enjoy my toynami veritech (i refuse to call it a valk) but that was before i realized there is better quality, before i knew about aquiring stuff from japan. Since thin i have come to realize how bad it really is and worse how bad American company sees their toy markets. Much like cartoons, American companies still view toys as child play things, it is only in recent years that we have seen a real increase in toys aimed at an older market. Look at the Transformers toys, honestly the core trans audience you need to aim for isn't kids. Kids will pick and follow any trend really, but the adults that grew up with the transformers to begin with. If they had made the toys with that in mind like companies like yamato or even bandai's S.O.C. line then we wouldn't get the crap we do when they make toys based off our favorite childhood shows and what not. All toynami did was used the same basic scheme that other companies did and slightly improved them by adding an extra joint here or there. They didn't actually try to do something different. Yamato from the get go has strived for perfection in accuracy and they continue to get better. Their first run of Mac toys were good at the time when there was nothing else in the market but since they have continue to shock and really show us what can be done and how modern engineering has changed how transforming toys work. Yes they still have their faults, and their are still some issues but at least they are trying to give us what we want. Not just re hash old ideas. As far as the Bandai Mac 7 line, we it's odvious they weren't even trying their hardest. Their models were actually better than those figures. I have them and love them because it is all that is available but if the opportunity ever arises for another company to take a crack at the Mac7 line best be sure that i would leave my current stuff in their box (as i do with my veritech) and go for the real deal. I am not asking for much other than at least try and make something worthwhile and not halfa$$ it.
  25. Once again highly recommend. While the action takes a back seat some time the story as a whole never does and you will not be disappointed.
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