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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Oh i will but i figure the japanese might need some assistance too lol.
  2. Well maybe its a good thing now i can use my stimulus check for it lol
  3. I too have signed and the last count was 117385, and i am sure that will double if not triple in the next week or two.
  4. More importantly with a Mac7 license I could have my VF-5000
  5. Meh it looks like they are just showing how the arms transforms by removing the legs is all, not the actual delimiter mode, i don't think there is one but i have been wrong many of times before.
  6. I saw it and enjoyed it. Apparently if you read the graphic novel first it explains a lot of the film, or you could just wikipedia it and read the details. It was a very different, artistic and ambition film that will not resonate with everyone but as i said i liked it. I especially like the very serious and dark turns a lot of comedians took for their roles it was interesting to say the least.
  7. Yes wolverine is being done, it is production now. Interestingly enough there will just as many mutants in it as a regular X movie. Mutants confirmed are Beak, Blob, Gambit.....yes finally we are getting Gambit. He is being played by some kid from Friday Night Lights the tv show. Oh but if nothing else i do have on bit of info that will make the movie great no matter how bad it is. The have casted a perfect actor for the role he was born to play. Are you ready for it??? Ryan Reynolds is confirmed to play DEADPOOL!!!!!!!!! How f###ing great is that!?!?!?! That made the whole movie for me right there, i could care less about Wolvie or anything else, i just want to see Deadpool
  8. Snyder is good at making adult films. I don't think he will dumb this down at all that would be blasphemy in it's greatest form. He held true to 300 so i am sure he will do the same for this.
  9. Here some stills of the Hulk, the Abomination, and Bruce Banner
  10. I don't think it is because he didn't want to. I think Marvel saw all the bad press and reviews and decided to do a Batman Begins reboot after just one movie lol. They say it won't be an origin story again but there will be elements of the origin in some form in the film.
  11. http://incredible-hulk-trailer.blogspot.com/
  12. The new trailer is out finally and well while i do like this cast much better than the last i will say that ILM from the first movie at least rendered a far better looking hulk. And despite what the nay sayers say i liked the first one, it dug into the psychological aspects of the hulk. I felt it was more accurate to the comics of late, and was happy that it wasn't a HULK SMASH!!! movie that everyone is hoping for. It looks like on June 13th those people will get the movie they wanted. I do have high hopes though since Norton is the star and wrote the film so it shouldn't be too bad.
  13. That's what i am waiting for. I called Gamestop and the manager told me that if i can't preorder it he will just hold it for me and i will go and leave work early to pick it up.
  14. More pics of characters
  15. For those who haven't seen pics yet
  16. It's the same director from 300. He seems pretty passionate about it and it looks really good and faithful from the few screen shots i have seen. Even Dave Gibbons himself is very pleased with out things are going. Alan Moore could care less as he does with all adaptations of his work. Funny for someone that hates the hollywood process so much I found it odd he did a recent episode of the Simpsons. It was funny but not something i would have seen the great Moore.
  17. um they never made a great qualtiy product outside of Gundam until recently. They have screwed various other mech toys and models in the past and that has left a bad taste in people's mouth. For reference look at the Macross 7 line they produced back in the day.
  18. I will agree that Die Harder was bad, but Die Hard with A Vengence was pretty good, if nothing else very entertaining.
  19. I just picked up the military garland and i am loving it. It is so cool, i need another one to display in both modes.
  20. I think he is talking about that black mech behind the blue legioss
  21. so do i
  22. I posted that before i saw the other threaad. It was the first thing i saw on the toys section before scrolling down.
  23. is the 25 a model kit or an actual toy prototype? and is it really at the yamato display?
  24. so i am sitting here watch the last few episodes of smallville on my dvr and is it me or are they now blatantly ripping off other movies. the gun fight between lex and green arrow is obviously from equilibrium and the episode where clark enters his mind is from the cell. i know films and tv rip from other sources but now this is ridiculous. start at least geting ideas from the comics.
  25. Except that dragonball z is currently in production right now in Mexico with James Masters (Spike from Buffy and Angel, Brianiac on Smallville) as Piccolo so yeah can't make that statement anymore.
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