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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. No that was a previous suit
  2. Hmm. Valks Anonymous leads to Alcoholics Anonymous. Hi my name is Travis and I am a valkohol. Because i can't afford the high prices i turned to something cheaper and easier to access. Now i am addicted to both valks and alcohol. Alcohol helps me cope with the fact that i can't afford valks or the fact that i have destroyed my life buying them. After buying them i am happy but then more come and i am depressed so my friend Jack helps me with my sorrows. Man i live on the streets now and i smell like booze but my valk net worth is around 60 so i am happy lol.
  3. Or the Episode the Amazing Mr. Brisby, and how they were taking down the Brisby Empire. The best part other than Brock's and Molotov's fight was when Brock polevaulted a fence by jamming the pole in a guard's mouth while he was in mid sentence. Classic.
  4. You will regret those words lol, yes you will yes you will. I have a nice size collection ( and by nice size i mean small at only like 12 valks......for now) but i am constantly jonesin for more. After i buy one and display and pose it i look and think i need another. I am a huge max fan and finally obtained the 1/48 vf-1j max type and now i am thinking i need millia to compliment him. I didn't even like her valk that much (blue is my favorite color) but i am already makin plans to buy her, 2 SV-51, 2 VF-0s, another YF-19, and 2 YF-21s; and that list doesn't even include the new VF-1 1/60th line. And on top of all of this i am seperating from the military to go to film school in the fall so my income will drastically fall so nothing but top ramen for me but i will be Valk wealthy lol. Hmm a new phrase? Did i coin a new phrase? I hope so. May we all one day be Valk wealthy, screw everything else. Now we can ask people what their Valk net worth is.
  5. Since when did Sienna Miller be even considered a decent actress? There is actually talent and skill in this movie and she gets that role? All she is really known for is being with Jude Law.
  6. "You never told me bigfoot was a dude" - Brock "What's the matter Sampson, he doesn't have anything you haven't seen before."- Six Million Dollar Man (forgot his name) "Bigfoot is something i haven't seen before!!!!"- Brock Or Brock's love, Molotov Cocktease. Man I can go on about this show forever. Like when Race Banon died, or when they ran into Johnny Quest. This show is to great for words.
  7. Favorite show ever and i am constantly turning people on to it. My fav characters are the Monarch and Dr. Orpheus. They have the best dialoge. My favorite quote is "Don't go for the reach around" one from the trial of the monarch. Funny enough one of my many nicknames is King Gorilla which i picked up in Africa. I got the name because we were smoking and watchin the episode where the Venture Brothers were in a Scared Straight scene for supervillians and The Monarch traded Dean for a smoke to King Gorilla. I love this show. I am watching seasons one and two again during my lunch break with my friend, and now she is into it. Oh the Monarch's henchmen are funny as crap too.
  8. Actually Stark did want to do that. But then he found out about his company moving forward with weapons and got mad and decided to do things his own way. Plus he got sidetracked about his weapons being used to kill soldiers so he put everything on the back burner to make the new suits to take out his weapons. Stark Industries always has business, and I am sure he will move on with a different form of the reactor so that it does provide power but is not as advanced as the one in his chest.
  9. I think he believed it was without knowning the full power Stark actual had like when he blasted him from his chest. The Mark III suit has a lot more to it than even in the audience knew so Stane didn't know either. He just assumed it all
  10. I still have a vf-1j hikaru (rick hunter) MPC (Mastpiece Piece Collection to answer your question) and I do have some love for it as it was one of the very first macross/robotech toys I bought. It isn't bad but when you get your hands on a yamato you will leave your MPC in the box. The Yammies are better scuplted, more accurate, better accesories or add ons and are just simply beautiful. Yes the price tag is a little steep but one of those is better than most other things.
  11. you can always buy from an american business like lost and found toys, so that will still boost our economy so ha!!
  12. That was one of the best things too. I thought that they might try and stay away from his alchololsim but it was very apparent that he is a drunk in the film. It is one of the things that define him, he drinks and it comes back to haunt him and cause more problems than any of most of his rogue gallery could ever do. In a sense Stark is and always has been his own worst enemy. Just take a look at the Civil War he caused in the comics which led to the "death" of his best friend Steve Rogers aka Captain America.
  13. Hey that is to boost out economy not Japan's. Lol someone told me that when I said the exact same thing you did, but what better way to spend 600+ right?
  14. Have faith in Chris Nolan and his abilities. Everything I have read from Wizard magazing, to Superherohype, and everything in between says that it is being handled well. In the film he will be Harvey Dent the entire time till the end which allows for great character build up as opposed to a quick mentioning of his accident then him running around like a raving lunitc as Two-Face. I hated that. Also if they had stayed with any kind of continuity from the first two films Two-Face would have been Billie Dee Williams seeing as how he was Harvey Dent in the first few films. Joel Shumacher just doesn't understand Batman or most things and decided to completely ruin all that was good about the Bat. I would say his films were worse than the film with Adam West in it which is bad. "Robin, hand me the Bat Shark Repellent."
  15. Not really cause the trailer still focuses a lot on the Joker when the story is mainly about Harvey Dent slowly becoming Two-Face
  16. I think in the second one it should be like The Dark Knight where the story is about the rise of the Mandarin but there is another villian posing a threat. And yes he has to succumb to alcholism and have Rhody take over and go over board since they established he is more gung ho than Stark a lot. In the Dark Knight if you don't know it is about the creation of Two-Face and the Joker is just a force of anarchy that comes throughout the film. This has been said many many times already by the filmmakers. Then the third movie will be all about the Mandarin. Although we all know they probably won't go to the space rings, they will most likely be magical to keep the film more based on Earth like they did with Spider-Man 3.
  17. It was better than the original suit which was pieced together so yeah it was better in a sense.
  18. The Hulk, not necesarily a villian but he is sent to stop him a lot, hence his cameo in the new Hulk film. The Mandarin is the biggest villian. He uses magic rings and it a good counter balance to Starks technology. And he too is smart. Not as smart as Stark the only one smarter than him is Reed Richards, Mister Fantastic of the FF4
  19. Well Stane isn't dumb. Is is no where near as smart as Stark but he remade his suit so I am sure he would know how to work it. I read an early review where they said how would he know how to pilot the suit? Well after seeing the movie it is obvious, he made it using stark tech. That's like how would i know how to work something i made that is based off another design. I made it. Yes i want to see it again and stay behind for the credits. Also the movie has already made 35 mil domestic and 22 overseas and it isn't even Saturday yet, or at least not late enough for theaters to be open.
  20. And the bad news keeps on coming. Lex is leaving the show and Doomsday is coming in...... The "Smallville" producers, The CW, Warner Bros. Television, and Michael Rosenbaum announced Thursday that the actor will be leaving the show. First up, the statement from the former three, which also announces that Doomsday and a female antagonist will join the show for Season 8: Joint statement from "Smallville" Executive Producers Darren Swimmer, Todd Slavkin, Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson; The CW Network; and Warner Bros. Television regarding Michael Rosenbaum's departure from "Smallville": "It has been an honor and pleasure to work with Michael for the past six seasons. He is one of the best actors on television and has never failed to bring a new layer to the character of Lex Luthor in every episode. While Michael won't be a series regular and we won't have the pleasure of working with him on a weekly basis this fall, we like to think that we haven't seen the last of Lex Luthor. Stay tuned." Details for Season 8: Additionally, two new villains will join the cast of characters on "Smallville" this season: the legendary, unstoppable Doomsday, and a female antagonist who will challenge Clark in ways never before imagined. Casting is underway for both roles. Doomsday: In season eight, Clark will face his ultimate challenge with the appearance of the legendary, unstoppable destroyer Doomsday, who appears on "Smallville" for the first time. As comic book fans know, Doomsday is notorious for being the only character in the DC Comics universe to have killed Superman. Female villain: Doomsday won't be Clark's only nemesis in the upcoming season. The executive producers are tight-lipped about a new female villain they will be introducing, but they can say she will be familiar to many fans and will set her sights on Clark in ways Lex never could. Intelligent, brilliantly manipulative, and dangerously sinister, our gorgeous new villain has one more weapon in her arsenal: Her mutual attraction with Clark may prove to be as deadly as kryptonite for him. And Rosenbaum's statement: Dear Smallville Fans, Well, it's been seven wonderful years. Your support is what has made Smallville so successful, and I appreciate you all more than you know. That being said, it is time for me to start the next chapter of my life and career. I hope that I gave you some enjoyment over the years, and that you found my portrayal of Lex Luthor to be satisfying. I am truly grateful, as Smallville fans are the best fans out there. I sincerely hope that you will continue to follow my career through my hair growth period and beyond. I'm very excited about what the future holds, but certainly, Smallville will always be a part of me. I will definitely miss the greatest crew in the world, and the wonderful cast that has been like a family to me. Thank you Al and Miles for creating the show. Thank you writers, producers, directors and editors. Thanks Tollin, Robbins and Davola for being there for the pilot. Thank you Peter Roth for employing me for ten years. Lisa Lewis, I miss you already. John Glover, thanks for helping me feel more comfortable touching other actors, while acting. Bizarre, but helpful. Mostly, I want to thank Greg Beeman for directing the "Oh Sherry" video, by Steve Perry, back in the 80's. Thanks crew. Thanks fans. Thanks Smallville. I love you all, Michael Rosenbaum
  21. Just saw the pic, here is my review i just posted on my myspace page, no spoilers but a few easter eggs if you don't catch them First on the chopping block is Iron Man. I am a fan so over course I was expecting a lot out of it. First of all Robert Downey Jr. is the man and is perfect casting. Second Jon Faveru (can't spell his name), the director of Elf and Zathura and Vince Vaughn's best friend came hard in his action movie directorial debut. This movie is fun and exciting. Whether you are an old school Iron Man fan or just like RDJ and company you will not be disappointed. The movie stayed very true to the comic origins without straying to much like other have. (See Spider-man, and the X-Men.) Sure it isn't an all action movie but most origin stories aren't. It is very funny, and really really smart. They did their home work and research on the tech stuff. The suits are nothing short of amazing and the action scenes will put a huge smile on your face; and if they don't RDJ's wit and humor is sure to win you over. Also for the fans there are tons of nods for us. They don't say it but the Mandarin is in the film as the head terrorist in charge of the terrorist organizition the Ten Rings (hmmmmm...... cool huh?) The two F-22s we have seen from the trailer are code named Whiplash 1 and Whiplash 2 ( no that was not lost on me either); and although the Nick Fury cameo has been deleted ( I was waiting to see ole Sameul L Jackson but i guess i have to wait longer) S.H.E.I.L.D. does make it's presence known in the film. All in all it is a great movie and a great way to start off the season. I recommend all go and see it and you all know that I have great taste in films and I rarely disappoint. See you next week when I review the Wachowski's latest offering since the Matrix Trilogy, Speed Racer which I am sure will put me in an epilectic seizure from all the bright colors. The colors Duke the colors......old popsicle commercial. I'm out bitches.
  22. I totally agree. It is the design other that i am dying to own other than the vf-4
  23. God i love being in a place where we can pick apart everything then once we get the figure we rejoice in it's greatness (unless it has terrible QC problems), god bless macrossworld. I for one don't care about how big the legs are in battroid as long as it looks great as a whole not just one particular mode. (which i know it dumb since it is made to look great as a fighter) Anyway, this thing is lookin far better that my 1/72 FP version so that is what has me satisfied right now.
  24. I liked that too. Why make us wait for what we all knew what would happen. You know despite it's flaws i do enjoy the show; and even though they don't want it to happen i guess in the very last episode i would love to see clark in the suit, and lex in his white suit in metropolis looking at "superman" fly through the sky. THat would be an amazing closer to the show. Of course with the Superman fanfare playing as well.
  25. Wow um wow, i wonder if i could use that line......anyways worst actor ever well i have a new one. After watching some of his more recent movies like Awake and Jumper i nominate Hayden Christansen. I thought the Star Wars prequels was just because of bad directing but no he just sucks.
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