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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Man another great one has passed. One of the innovators, most of the recent most popular monster movies and creatures are credited to him. From the Terminator to Predator to Aliens and countless more. The man was a true visionary and there are few like him left, everyone wants CGI now. You will be missed, and you were a master of the game. I am actually truly upset by this passing, though I didn't know him he touched all of our lives with his magic.
  2. like he tried to do on the Simpsons lol?
  3. I love it too which says a lot cause i liked the first one so much. Is it me or did anyone else seem to notice that the director must have been play Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction while making this. So many scenes and things Hulk did came out of that game. Sure i know it was in the comic but still the way he made boxing gloves out of the cop car was the exact way you do it in the game.
  4. Correct me if i am wrong but itsn't Violence Jack a part of Devilman cannon? I believe it is the time after the demons took over the world and Satan imprisioned himself in a human body again to pay for his sins.
  5. Ant-Man is getting his own film. Edgar Wright (director of Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of The Dead) is the one currently working on it, while Matthew Vaughn is doing Thor. Luckily since Marvel is producing everything now we can have this cross pollination of characters in movies
  6. Man i love this line. I just picked up Lockdown, Prowl, Deluxe Bulk Head, and Grimlock. Some tranformations are easy, some are moderate. I just really like that they do so much to maintain the look of the toys with how they actually look in the cartoon. So now i can reenact some great scenes. I wonder though if there will be more constructicons and if they will combine. It doesn't look like they are meant for that in the show right now.
  7. I don't know if it has been mentioned yet since i don't usually come here. No there isn't one being made or anything but i was thinking wouldn't it be cool. This thought came too me as my brothers and i were playing rock band last night. Imagine a Fire Bomber game in the vein of rock band or guitar hero, how cool would that be? using instruments to control the valks. Combining the love of mech games and karaoke games. Oh the possibilities. Please close if it has been mentioned all ready.
  8. I am the same, the OVA was first so i prefer it more and feel like the Movie was just not entirely complete for some reason. They are both great and just really depends on my mood but i do prefer the OVA version to the movie.
  9. Hey before i had a good paying job and access to real macross stuff i picked up anything with robotech on it including the novels. They arent bad, just not that good either especially after seeing more and more macross shows and sequels,
  10. Come on all the answers have been said. It is the helmet or "thinking cap". Think what you want your battloid to do and it will do it. Gosh have known of you seen the greatness that is Robotech that answers all questions????? (and ducks and covers, and hides behind a huge muscle bound body guard by the name of Brock F#@$ing Sampson)
  11. I am sure it will come up in the season 4 premiere lol jk, hopefully it will be addressed but as the show moves forward it constantly opens up new plotlines about the past with newer characters like Venture's first body guard. I do hope we see why all the hatred with Venture started though, in the first season we knew why Underbeit hated him, now to learn what the Monarchs deal is. But all this has solved one question, despite many objections it is a fact that Dr. Girlfirned is all woman now i guess.
  12. Plus in Home Insecurity him and Underbeit were talking about going through proper Guild proceedures to kill Venture, so he must have been part of it in some way. Actually when you think of it he probably was since he was a henchmen so that would explain why he shows up in the Guild database and why he knows so much about it; but since he wasn't an actual supervillian he wouldn't be in the Guild supervillian database. There is your answer right there. It was all explained in the last episode.
  13. He is another one, the whole Rusty's Law about what to do with capture people and how to act whenever they need immediate medical attention as in "Are You There God? It's Me Dean." The Guild has a lot of laws to do with Rusty or just the whole Venture family.
  14. It's all good because now the Baron can blame Venture for losing his thrown and the archnemesis role can continue.
  15. I've known about this for some time now and i don't know what to think yet. The mortal kombat series has gone way down hill and can't compete with better 3D fighters like Virtua Fighter, Tekken (the greatest), and Soul Caliber. This seems like a last attempt to make the series relevant. Now the question becomes will our favorite DC heroes have fatalities? I mean DC doesn't really kill except for a for guys, very few but the fatalites were the high point of mortal kombat. If i can destroy some one in some bloody nasty way with Batman then i will check it out.
  16. I am really loving the show but i am having some qualms with it. My main one is the huge gundam influence it has taken on. First with the valks that use special packs. So now it is like every valk is it's one different machine, also the new vf-27 running around, a mystery mech. Yeah i have seen that a couple of times in gundam, and the addition of blades doesn't help either. Sure the vf-11 had a bayonet but that was different. Plus SMS being a different organization than the military with better equipment, maybe Bandai is having too much influence on the show. I am sure this has all been mentioned before but i figure i would say something since i haven't yet. Anyway the show is still awesome and the best offering since the original. I like Alto but why does he find the need to constantly get rid of his fast packs like that will make him faster in every episode. Plus as good as he is he is always being hit. I hope in later episodes that changes because i am sure SMS doesn't have the funds to constantly fix his one valk while most people never receive damage, or not a lot of damage anyway. I do love despite the bitching i just did that Michel is a sniper. That is something that never gets old, him transformer, setting up his anchor and taking people out. I wonder who good of a pilot he really is compared to Alto or Ozma (whatever his name is) seeing as how he is always so far away from the main action.
  17. I thought it was a great start seeing the rise of the Monarch lol. Also is it me or does anyone else really notice the amazing detail that goes into the back story of all the characters. I like how all the stuff that was done in this episode has been mentioned before, we just now have visual representation of it.
  18. I just watched Love Behiets again during my lunch break. I forgot how funny that was with Hank as the Bat, it's maddening; and him making hand signals for the hell of it cause it looks cool, then running down a hallway. Yep best Hank episode ever. Oh and Brock grabbing that guys crotch and feelin a lump, classic. Why isn't stuff like that ever used in movies???
  19. But yamato is known to do that there have been many of times that we here on these forums have changed their products ask Graham, but is Bandai willing to listen to us or just do as they please?
  20. Well shouldn't he be younger though? I mean this is supposed to take place before Terminator 1, and is about the rise of John Connor as the great leader he will be. So in essence most of the supporting cast might be younger. Christian Bale doesn't at all look as old as John did in the earlier movies and that's because we aren't supposed to be there yet. We will most likely get the badass version of reese in the third movie
  21. I know i am so excited, i wish it were sunday already. I could watch the Movie awards then The Ventures, and i love the answers Jackson gave to Adult Swim which they have been airing during their bumps about the premier
  22. You know what's sad my younger brothers were watching subtitled anime with my back when they were like 10 and 11 and they kept up just fine. I like to believe i helped them increase their reading capabilities. I find it an insult to say that ppl can't read and watch at the same time. So when Crouching Tiger came out in theaters the mass public must have just not looked at the words and not comprehended the story at all.
  23. bout 70% of my collection of transforming toys.
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