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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Yeah it's because those stickers are for flat surfaces. I just pulled them all off instead. Though it seems bare it's more anime accurate
  2. The best way to put it, the Toynami one is a floppy mess. Sure it's been out for a while but other than a stylized look it was never meant to do much. I barely holds poses and honestly I kept it in one static pose for years. Amazing what proper engineering can do instead of copying old designs and putting a slight spin on them.
  3. I'm off tomorrow so I plan on doing more shots. Specifically comparison with Toynami's. I feel there aren't a lot of good comparison shots of those two
  4. Wow this is truly gorgeous. Especially when next to the Toynami one. I thought I'd be more in to Voltron itself but posing the lions are so much fun I think I will leave them separated for the time being.
  5. I'm hoping Bandai makes the Legendary Defender one. They've hinted at it. That and the Vehicle Voltron
  6. I never like the proportions, and due to the diecast in the body of the lions but not their legs and feet, is the overall joints aren't as strong. To be fair the all plastic version is much better but I never got one. Like much of Toynami's offering it filled a void in my collection but was I never truly happy much like the Toynami VF-1. It was bad but before the rise of Yamato or spending a fortune on old Bandai toys it served its purpose at the time. I was almost on the verge of getting the Madkings King of Beasts but this was announced last year. 24 hours left to go till I have the Voltron I've been waiting for.
  7. Finally ordered mine. Will be here Monday. Can't wait till finally get rid of the Toynami one
  8. That ending. I got chills, this show keeps getting better and better.
  9. Just got my ticket for the Switch preview in Chicago. It seems for the cities selected it's a 3 day preview, first two days are invite only with selected times then the last is first come first serve. With that said I'll share my thoughts but I was thinking of something cool as well. If the Joycons are as good as they said it would be a dream come true to have a Macross game with optional motion controls to mimic the valk controls. Too bad Macross hasn't been on Nintendo in forever but with Bandai Namco support you never know
  10. Been out of the figuarts game for a bit but getting back in. My Black Friday Barnes and Noble purchases came in. Leonardo and Donatello
  11. I get the criticisms against inferno's lack of details but he looks amazing and if I really need them there is always reprolabels
  12. Peaugh also has a review of FT Grinder. There are no big surprises with the transformation. Really a more upscale Grimlock but I'm looking forward to completing my Dinobots in scale (though FT Swoop is actually too tall and I still need to get Stomp)
  13. I'm in a small minority as I didn't have many TF toys growing up so I base a lot of my purchases on cartoon accuracy. To be fair I practically base all my toy purchases on screen accuracy since it's what I have the most connection to. I will admit the early part of MP 2.0 line was cooler and awesome with details I'm just as happy with toon accurate toons and to me the differences don't distract me when I look at my shelves of MPs
  14. I still wish we had got the batmobile and batwing from The Lego Movie. The one set they didn't produce 😞😞
  15. Just walked down to Wrigley (live a few blocks north), it's NUTS!!! The city is so loud most of us aren't sleeping tonight
  16. So the screw head debate is based off the original toy but when you loook at the animation only the green and yellow lions had the screw head on the lion shoulders and this figure seems to lean more towards the animation than the original toy. I do wish there were a "Blazing" sword accessory like the Mad King figure to recreate that scene
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