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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I hope not, but anyway there will be repeated viewing oh yes there will be repeated viewing. If i didn't have to work today i would be gettin another ticket right now.
  2. Thought the film was amazing, complete masterpiece.
  3. Seriously people let it go, Shoji has stated he won't be going back to them so let's move on.
  4. I like the episode, sure it wasn't as epic as some of the other ones but every now and then they have to do episodes like these. Besides its the dialoge in the show that kills me. Jefferson Twilight and his Blackulas, Brock asking that wanna be Ant-Man about his powers and stuff, even its worse episodes is better than 90% of the crap on tv anyway.
  5. Yeah whatever it is all about business and money, but Versus 13 is still PS3 exclulsive so they haven't completely jumped ship yet.
  6. Just picked up Animated Leader Megatron and Oil Slick and Jazz. I love these figures and i am always amazed by them. Megatron while he looks cool and all his transformation is kind of weak but it's cool since it is dead on accurate to the show. My only real gripe is that the nanchucks on Jazz aren't stored on his leg like in the toon, I think that is where they deployed from. Other than that I really want to see new episodes now since we haven't seen Oil Slick yet and they have a Elite Guard Bumblebee repaint wonder if he finally made it or not. I am still looking for Blitzwing, I really want him since and of course Soundwave, and Slag. Then I get to wait again for Wave 4 to complete my Dinobots, and get Sentinel Prime.
  7. Yep I can't do it. I love the anticipation of waiting each week, then waiting an extra day or two for the subs to come out. Plus with all the threads about the new toys, and with avatars showing scenes from the show i don't want to be lost. Imagine looking at that one avatar with the 25 pulling out a knife and being like wow um okay so now VFs have knives they can deploy whenever, or missing the transforming armored pack for Ozma, man you just got to suck it up and watch. Come join us, join us. You will like it, be one with us...........
  8. I sooo feel your pain lol. At least this site isn't blocked that would be even worse
  9. From all the reviews i have read they are concentrating too much of Ledger's performance. Yes it is a tragedy but who actually thought that he wasn't going to do anything short of amazing with the role? I want to hear how the film actually is. I am not too worried because the Nolan brothers, Chris as director and Jonathan as writer, are an amazing combo but still we get it Ledger is great. Now tell me more about the film itself. The only thing i have heard was Kevin Smith said the movie was epic, and that it lives up to the name Dark Knight. He mention the movie is actually long but it is the Godfather II of superhero movies. So let's see if he is right.
  10. I guess it makes sense. How much sex have we seen Brock have already? And have you ever seen or even heard them make mention of condoms? I am surprised he is not a infestested with every STD out there. He was banging strippers in a bathroom of a dirty strip club with no problem.
  11. I am wondering if there will be some isssues with the bots that are originally from cybertron and the newer bots created on Earth. Like tension between the two "races" i guess you would call them now. That would make for some pretty interesting stories later on down the line. Also I noticed there is a Autobot Elite Bumblebee. Is this a repaint or is this actually part of the story in the future? For those wondering there is a 3rd season. With all the new toys coming out we need to see who these people are. Who is Oil Slick and how good is he at his vehicle on vehicle combat? It talks about it on the box for the toy but we have yet to see it.
  12. I was thinking of getting the two pack prime just for the axe too. Voyager is my favorite. The most accurate with Prowl on a close second. I can't keep him out of my hands, I love it.
  13. lol exactly (shakes fists furiously)
  14. Same here. I was real big into in the early to mid 90s with Devilman, Gunbuster, Angel Cop, and of course Macross and Macross Plus. But then it became the cool thing. I still remember watching Dragonball Z early in the morning when no one knew about it. Then Toonami came along and introduced anime to a much larger audience. Them with the WB and Fox importing all the kids show such as Pokemon, and Digimon anime became more mainstream. If you disagree about that it is mainstream now go to any major book or video store and just look at the walls, WALLS! not shelves, not sections, but walls of anime and manga. I am surprised by it all now and feel that it has become cliche to like anime. I see all these teenagers with Naruto shirts and i am like um okay whatever you know nothing at all about the old school ways. So i am now watching one or two shows if even that. Macross will always be watched but there are very few shows that i am interested in now a days. The last good show i watched was Samurai Champloo. Speaking of which how come Watanabe hasn't blessed us with another great show in such a long time?
  15. So how big is this supposed to be? Like what are the dimensions? Should it be larger than the YF-19/ 21 or the same size. I am not sure how much bigger the VF-25 is to the older models on the show.
  16. Hey so apparently if you can't wait for wave 3 to hit stores you can go to the Hasbro website and order the figures. They even have Ultra Magnus up for sale. I really want that figure, it looks like the only Leader class figure that actually has a decent Transformation, the rest just look weak. Their deluxe, voyager counter parts have more innovative and complex transformations. Which is sad because i would like an Earth mode Megatron, but the Leader class doesn't interest me at all. It was like they were being lazy just so they can add lights and sound.
  17. I was having the same problem i will use your tips and work it out when i get home. I am such an addict i am sitting here thinking of what i am willing to sacrifice this week to get the last two figures i need and then i went online and look the the toys for wave two. I must have NOW!!!!
  18. Finally picked up TFA BB, SS, and Voyager Prime. Right now Prime is my favorite. They need more decepticons, right now there doesn't seem to be enough until wave 2 comes out. I still need to buy Black Arachnia and Voyager Megatron and I will have practically all of wave one. I haev never owned this many transformers from one series but i love these figures and i can't wait till the next wave hits.
  19. well those pics make it look better, they need more dynamic pics to really show it off
  20. " Who how old are they? I can't be around minors"- Sgt. Hatred. Classic i remember they mentioned him being a pedophile in an earlier episode.
  21. How many body parts and organs do i have to sell for them to make this??? One of my favorite designs, this and the VF-5000! I want both, perfect and amazing, then i can die happy.
  22. I love how for once the pilot isn't breaking his back trying to impress the girl. Everything is reverse now, everyone want's Alto's attention and are trying hard to please with for his birthday. Usually we get Hikaru trying to run to a bratty Minmei in the middle feeling bad because work got in the way of her birthday.
  23. Is it me or with more info on some of the features does this model seem to get better and better and outshines the toy even more than before?
  24. Yes his name is Kevin, though i didn't know he was still in business in a smaller capicity. Now i have can him some business again. I got a few1/48s through him, and the clear fast pack covers. Great, guy to deal with highly recommended, him and LOS. I mad now cause i moved out of Texas only to find thatLOS is there. I couldve have physically went to his shop and chatted with him.
  25. Man i bought Lugnut last night. Everytime i am next to a walmart i go hunting for more figures. I would say that these are my favorite transformers right now. I pretty much over look any other types from any other series.
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