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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. No because they can just pull a movie whenever. I remember seeing previews for a horror film called Trick - Or-Treat and said coming Holloween 2007, and yet that movie has yet to even see the light of day. It's isn't even on DVD. Any thing can happen to a film, there are a few completed films that can't get distribution so they are locked away somewhere. If you look into it there are a ton of movies that never got finished or did get finished and never released.
  2. You know that does make sense since it had to be pressed. Ah but there is another person lurking around the coccon that hasn't been mention in a while. Baron Underbeiht!! I think he is still there after i was kicked out of Underland
  3. lol now that is funny. I am tired of all this speculation because that is all it is. No one knows what or who will be in the next film and the casting choices are just annoying now. How about we wait for more info to come out. Nolan is probably so burnt out right now he could care less about it all. It is what happened after Batman Begins, he felt drained so he didn't really start on anything for like a year or so as far as Batman is concernd.
  4. He was a good character, 21 and 24 obviously became the breakout stars on the show. I don't think the creators intended to be so popular. I can't wait for the next season. There is a huge plot thread still hanging out there that can change everything. ORB, maybe and TS works on it and gets attention it draws back Brock to protect him because he has for the longest time considered them family.
  5. Now i want to see how or why Brock would come back next season. It just isn't the same show without Brock F***ing Samson.
  6. Well it is the style of hollywood at the moment since that's what they taught for Batman and the Bourne franchise and a few other films. I am surprised that Capoeira has been sneaking in more and more lately though. I think they should remake (which i hate remakes really but.....) that movie The Quest and show off more styles from around the world. I want to see more of things i never heard of. lol. It is how i got into capoeira, because of hollywood and video games, Eddy Gordo for the win!! Plus Lateef Crowder from The Protector is on tap to play him in the movie which we all know is going to suck hard but oh well.
  7. lol it is to an extent. Now come let us watch the terrible film ONly the Strong!!!
  8. Bain would be a great story to tell. The man who is physically superior (by juicing) but is also extremely intelligent. Breaking down Batman mentally and physically long before he breaks his back. Tho at the same time unless they change it; it may draw a lot of comparisons to how the joker handled batman in this film.
  9. See one starts to get the feeling the writers watch a lot of macross. I do like when they do stuff like this though like when BB was leaking oil one episode and Bulkhead used his arm in alt mode to plug it up. Soon i am going to try and do cool stuff like that for poses. Like my favorite is have prowl leaning forward on his wheels while his feet are up in bot mode. Its a cool pose and directly out of the show but hard to balance at times.
  10. I do to. Sometimes our wanting the perfect toy gets in the way of how things really are. We all now the Hasbro hasn't been that good at making good transforming jets so why complain about the crappy jet mode. Plus these toys are designed for kids in mind who really don't care as much as us. I for one can't wait until i get mine, and will be happy with him. Plus the Decepticons are being greatly outnumbered by the Autobots at this moment. I need more bad guys to be released.
  11. i am a fan and it was amazing, but there is another reason the magic angle could work. Mr. Nolan did the amazing Prestige film so he knows how to make a movie about magic. Though unfortunately all that seems like a bit much and far fetched for the Bat-Universe he has created. He prefers realism and apparently mafia or crime organizations (league of shadows). But i am sure his brother probably has something cooking up in his head that will surely shock us. Those two are an amazing team together.
  12. I think Fox didn't care at first because they figured no one would be able to do the movie right. Then WB came a started eveything and still Fox was like yeah this is still going to be a crap movie, WB hasn't done a decent superhero flick except Batman Begins ( all this being said before TDK came out). Then they saw the footage in Feb and were like, "Oh poo!!!! It looks amazing, okay we now need to put a stop to this somehow. Wait don't we have the rights to this?? Yeah let's tank this film."
  13. Technically speaking the all time highest grossing movie is gone with the wind if you count for inflation. Alas i was hoping it would reach the titanic mark but with the movie dropping 20 mil every week it just isn't going to happen. Now to wait another 2 to 3 years for another one, but honestly if they never do another one i am quite content with these two as are. A third has the potential for massive failure or let down after this one set the bar so high. If Nolan and his whole crew come back then it is a gurantee hit, but he may not be able to do this again. But you never know he may have a whole lot more tricks up his sleeve.
  14. Awesome!! i want one now, i am really waiting for a future trunks with long hair in his civilian clothes figure if they get that far he has always been my favorite.
  15. Love Tropic Thunder, Stiller had a small part but everyone else was great. Tom Cruise especially. I also loved how RDJ can seemlessly switch through so many accents, that was priceless. "I am a dude playing a dude disguised as a nother dude." Classic him speaking fluent chinese. Go see the pic it is worth it.
  16. My updated pics, not great but shows my collection. I hadn't realized how many transformers i have acquired over the past year. I have 4 alternators as well that aren't shown
  17. I have been meaning too for some time now as i am a fan or so i say yet i keep forgetting to rent or buy it lol.
  18. Yes it does and one of Gainax's first animes. It is one of the best in my opinion. After watching go and buy the SOC Gunbuster figure and reenact some of your favorite moments. BUSTER MISSLE!!!!
  19. So I was looking for wave 4 and didn't find any but i decided to go and buy universe prowl and galvatron at target and noticed they had deep space starscream for like 5 dollars so i picked him up as well.
  20. You guys do know that just like the show that Lockdown's weapon fits on Ratchet's arm right? Another reason to buy Lockdown if you don't have him
  21. Hmm most videos by the Brother Stause, too bad they killed AVP 2, Michel Gondry's videos are amazing as well. One of my favorites of all time though is Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance. I have too many to list, never a big fan of AMVs though. Oh From Yesterday and A Beautiful Lie by 30STM
  22. That's f***ing BLASPHEMY!!!! Okay i really need to finish film school so that these pricks learn how to make origianl new movies again. Although I am looking forward to Robocop only because Darren Aronofsky is directing and I have confidence in his skills and story telling. Requim for a Dream and the Fountain are some of my absolute favorites. Plus he was on tap to reboot Batman before Chris Nolan but Warner Brothers said his script was too violent and dark for what they were looking for.
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