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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I don't know, I feel that it has potential. I can see the threads being made that are going to turn this into a great show. A friend of mine pointed out that Joss takes awhile to usually hit his stride on a show. Plus he may be playing it safe after Fox mutilated the last show of his they aired.
  2. Hey what's the best way to shake missiles in fighter mode? Like say when there a 10 itano circuses after me?
  3. This just keep getting worse. If it wasn't for the fact I am trying to work in Hollywood, I would totally write them off and stay with independent and foreign films.
  4. I wouldn't saw skip the movie. True that there is no way it will live up to the book and Zack has already stated he changed a few things including the endiing but none the less he is trying his hardest to be as close as possible. Plus Dave Gibbons the artist and co writer has been a large part of the production of the film. Read the book first but the movie is in fact different from the book.
  5. Cant wait to get mine next week. Now all I need is the VF-1A TV Max and Kakizaki and I am done with the 1/60 VF-1s. I have enough 1/48s so I feel as though I won't be missing anything as more stuff is released. I am not nor do I have the funds to be a completist. Besides I still love the 1/48s. I did get the 1/60 1J to have the full vermillion squadron soon. Correction.....I will also be getting the ELINT and maybe the Ostrich. I said maybe because except for the fast packs and some sculpt differences it is not that much different than the Vf-1D.
  6. Overdrive is great. They have great prices and ultra fast shipping, usually only takes 3-4 days to receive something if it is in stock
  7. I would rather have the carrier, plus the red white, and blue look of the tv version. Exactly how would the "Macross Attack" work with the ARMDs? I wouldn't have been as cool. Even in frontier they used the flight deck to do it.
  8. Yeah I don't think it was ever meant as a trainer it is just a two seater. The first episode it was just for display so it wasn't equipped properly except for the gun pod at the last moment
  9. Ok now whoever gets this first needs to take the cockpit off and put it on the VF-1S in gerwalk and fighter mode so we can relieve some of our favorite scenes from episode 3!!
  10. Same here. I have had the first release forever and its still holding up pretty well
  11. kanedaestes

    SCOOP thread!

    Behind the pic of the quarter you can also see the i guess Alto in his working EX suit. So that cool as well. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=719165
  12. That's way to big for me right now and i am sure the price is insane. Plus I have the WAVE one and there doesn't seem to be too much of a difference other than sheer size. Now if they made a TV SDF-1 then I would probably get one since I don't have a TV version.
  13. I don't remember a VF-1A he flew in that episode. He had his 1J buy then.
  14. I finally played the game. I feel a little let down. It seems so slow compared to previous incarnations of the series.
  15. Actually oddly enough a hardpoint came off on my Hikky VF-1S. It was an easy fix but I was surprised when I noticed it So I understand the original post and his question. But it really is quite simple none the less
  16. Only Bandai can make that prayer come true
  17. Well I just got my VF-1S Hikky from Overdrive. Now I was one of the few who were not that thrilled by the new 1/60 line after spending so much on the 1/48s but damn this is a great figure and I must eat my words. Next will be the VF-1D, and the three valks for the Vermillion Squadron.
  18. I prefer the VF-5000 over that one, a much better design
  19. Thanks, yeah I bought the VF-0S from them as well and was surprised at how fast it came. Literally like 2 or 3 days. I love that place.
  20. Roboblech is the worst thing ever, booo to Harmany Crap and all that lol. Tho the figure isn't perfect I still want it. Yes we are particularly picky bastards when it comes to our valks but at the end of the day most of us are satisfied with what we get as long as it isn't broken or anything. The VF-25 is the perfect example. I too said it would suck but I am content with my Alto actually, so I am happy to get this too. Plus I can reenact some cool scenes from the first couple of episode like the cockpit on Roy's arm and stuff.
  21. I just bought the 1/60 VF-1S Hikaru from Overdrive, I am not sure but it has been released already right or did I just preorder it?
  22. Look at the TV version Kakizaki figure, so cool. I really want my Vermillion Squadron now
  23. I doubt it will suck because Aronofsky is directing. Any other person I would say it would suck
  24. I just want a Future Trunks and SS Future Trunks, hopefully they get that far
  25. No I saw that but if I am buying from an online dealer how is currently selling the fixed one? I checked a few places and none of they say that it is a version two, just that it is a VF-0S. I just want to make sure where ever I get it from they actually are selling the right one.
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