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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Lol i posted that on facebook, very true and makes you think we are near the end of the road in a lot of places. And in response to Dynaman it's Cracked, all their articles are like that. Providing insight with crass comedy.
  2. This is Graham's site, his and Sean's. These guys gave us Macrossworld. Also Graham is our inside connection to Yamato so we have a nice direct feed to the company we get out stuff from.
  3. Just watched New Getter Robo, about to watch Shin Mazinger, Mazinkaiser and Mazinkaiser SKL, been on a Go Nagai kick recently.
  4. One more day then I can dive back in to the fray against the AFOS/Zentrans/Meltrans/Sharon Apples/Protodevilns/and Vajuras lol haha I can't wait i'm so excited.
  5. It fits with the first two, or rather the Bryan Singer ones, since he was the director of those, and the producer of first class.
  6. I didn't see or feel any rascism and I can usually pick up on it *cough Revenge of the Fallen cough*. I felt the characters were strong, and though the two minorities didn't last long at the end of the day it's not as though they were major X-men anyway, they took through away characters from Grant Morrison's run to add more color to the film.
  7. I gots one....in storage till i get a bigger place.
  8. FINALLY after having my PSP with all my good games stolen I am getting a new one and have Macross Triangle Frontier on the way from Cali!!! Oh the joys, I haven't play Macross or even my PSP since October last year
  9. Something tells me we may just get all of Fire Bomber, though there isn't much as far as repaints go for the MAXL if they release a VF-17T then everyone will be yelling for the complete set, and the profit capabilities alone of that I don't think Yamato will really pass on., but i could be wrong.
  10. So far yes it is region free as is the PS3 which i didn't know, though you just can't any DLC from games from other regions without logging into that regions store.
  11. I don't think it's worth it, just a gray version of the regular MkIV, nothing really different or special about it.
  12. So they went from the family gaming system to this. I don't know, I don't care for the new controller honestly. Too big and what happens when I get pissed and want to throw it? That and I have passed on every Nintendo system after the 64 let me down. The games that came out the year or so were amazing after that they were basically all rehashes of Super Mario 64. PSVita looks cool but I doubt i will get it since I got the PSP for Macross games primarily. Waiting to see if the 3DS does more though since I am interested in purchasing all my beloved 64 games again like Ocarina and Star Fox 64
  13. But if it isn't region free which it may not be since there isn't a UMD drive is it worth it? Cause I bought a PSP mainly to play macross.
  14. Just saw pics of the MattyCollector Voltron figure for Comic-Con......yeah, no. Also I don't understand why companies continue to insist on making Voltron toys THAT DON"T FREAKING TRANSFORM back into all five lions. Luckily I have the Toynami one. Was expecting a lot more from MattyCollector though.
  15. Gamu Toys Review
  16. I really liked it, I felt as story goes it was deeper and richer than the rest. Sure it wasn't as action packed or effects driven but the story of Erik and Charles was well worth it.
  17. Max even says this in the show, that he's as good if not better than himself.
  18. Meh while there is now evidence of chrome on it, the lack black bloots bother me, i thought that was one of the most inventive features of the transformation.
  19. DID YOU JUST "YUCK" THE WORD GERWALK!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Where's my freaking sniper rifle. You shouldn't even be allowed to watch the rest of the stuff, you should be banned to Robotech crap for all eternity, ETERNITY!!!! This is a guardian This is a GERWALK LOL
  20. If you lose your free games... "If this happened, go to the XMB and under the PlayStation Network column, go to Account Management>Transaction Management>Services List>SCEA Promotions to download the game for that first slot."
  21. If you lose your free games... "If this happened, go to the XMB and under the PlayStation Network column, go to Account Management>Transaction Management>Services List>SCEA Promotions to download the game for that first slot."
  22. Add Spoiler tags to the last statement please
  23. I enjoyed Quantum, while not a good Bond movie persay, a decent action flick none the less. It's more enjoyable if watching directly after Casino Royale, makes it more tolerable that way
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