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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I prefer valks too, but i do love the hot toys figures and if my budget allows will gladly by both
  2. Great version of the song, the full song at that and awesomely edited to film clips. It does start like the scene from the movie and goes from there.
  3. So question, I believe I remember seeing some lineart somewhere a long time ago that show the sound booster can connect in fighter mode like a fastpack. Is that going to be possible? The hi-metal version didn't seem to try and do that.
  4. Finally got my Kai, and I am so happy, now i want to go to storage and get all my valks.
  5. Maybe but to some it would have been a great site without knowledge. It is not a huge spoiler but some of us want to see the little surprises
  6. I think he referring to the paint scheme part since most of us have not seen the second movie yet.
  7. Teen wolf wasn't X, he has to secretly slip it in like that film
  8. Thank god, I am very unhappy with how my 25s have held up this far. Plus I hope they redesign the armor packs as well so it works better with the new figures.
  9. Shhhhhhh both options are clandestine black ops stuff....lol
  10. Ok one of two things need to happen, either someone steal grahams phone, or we bride the hell out of yamato to let us see what he has on the phone.
  11. Well mine cleared customs and should be here tomorrow. My first valk in almost a year, and without a doubt of my top designs too. Man why can't it be tomorrow yet?
  12. MG 00 Seven Sword? http://www.gundammodelkits.com/master-grade-1100-00-seven-sword-gundam-prototype.html
  13. I keep saying that once i get in more shape and cut I shall make a Black Ranger costume and rock it all day long....at you know costumed styled events. Zack the original black ranger was my favorite. He was dancing and kicking ass lol.
  14. Be awesome if it were the end of the year, but it will be next year i am sure. Since we saw the CAD designs for the VF-19 last year and it was released this year.
  15. Well seeing as how the last thing to show was a CAD design, unless it is more CAD designs I don't see why they would have anything to show just yet. They are still working on it.
  16. Do they ever? But still their voltron is great until another company makes another one
  17. Damn A7 beat me too it.
  18. He hasn't dropped Deadpool. He's still attached and working on it but did this first which I think is a bad idea.
  19. Green Latern Parody http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/167591-the-muppets-being-green-teaser-trailer
  20. MG Epyon Review at Yellow Submarine http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2011/06/mg-1100-oz-13ms-gundam-epyon-ew-review.html And here http://www.gundammodelkits.com/master-grade-1100-epyon-gundam-ew-model-kit-review-by-yellowsubmarine.html
  21. The original MMPOR American theme song is still awesome almost 20 years later. Always brings me back to my childhood.
  22. I've had a bad feeling about this film since the first teaser trailer. Outside of Batman DC/Warner Bros just can't seem to get it right. Honestly RR was a terrible choice for Hal. Kyle maybe Wally West Flash def but Hal Jordan no. Oh well i will still see it. At least Marvel is putting out enjoyable films this year, can't wait for Cap.
  23. It really doesn't seem to add that much, they could've easily packaged this with the regular release. At least with the YF-19 FP release they included the Fold Booster though that was a different company.
  24. That can't be right. It started in 2008.
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