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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I saw sunshine and had faith you would do just well. Chris is a good actor who just takes a lot bad roles at times, though to be fair he was the best thing about FF as his Johnny Storm was perfect and spot on. Chris seems to understand his comic characters more than more actors especially seeing as how he has done more comic movies than anyone else
  2. All valk wings shrink in the anime, but there is no physical way to duplicate that on the toys. Gotta love anime magic.
  3. I don't think so, considering that the FP are major accessories and to create a toy without being able to add them unless you have the FP versions would be bad business. Yamato learned that long ago. I think it will be able to add them, how well that we will have to wait and see.
  4. Awesome though it's missing something....Ah a little bit of Bruce Campbell. That would make it complete.
  5. I don't think the legs will be as fat as we want them considering how they sit in fighter mode, and having a slim fighter means having a slim leg. The VF-19 gets away with it because the legs sit on the side in fighter, while on this they turn sideways and sit underneath the fighter. Still a gorgeous prototype so far.
  6. I watch tons of anime subtitled and yes i do get some of it, but still i would like to be able to know the story as I watch it. I may download the raw but as far as owning I would much rather have the subtitled version. As far as the game demo, as others have said in the game thread as cool as it is if it's not a full game I can wait for a full version of a Macross game on PS3. I have my psp titles till then.
  7. I want the boxset but I don't speak Japanese :( . If there were english subs the films and series instant buy or rather pre-order right now.
  8. Great film, love the teaser trailer at the end. Awesome way to include all the nods, like the original shield, and the comic costume, and Dum Dum Doogan!! I really hope in Avengers they focus on Cap constantly comparing Tony to his dad.
  9. No model, that is all toy lol.
  10. From other pics i have seen more like the VF-27. Also, I WANT IT NOW, finally a VF-25 I can be proud of.
  11. Dammit October will be expensive
  12. From what I have seen and heard they will all get sequels after Avengers
  13. Well the reason Iron Man got two was because the first one was a gamble, after the success they knew to push on with the others but they wanted Iron Man 2 to keep the buzz going while they worked and finish on these. After Iron Man's success they said that Avengers is coming 2012 no matter what, and that was a Marvel move not Disney.
  14. No he never was. He didn't become one for a long time actually.
  15. Sooo.....Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3. I am excited about new characters like Ghost Rider (personal fave) and Hawkeye (also a fave), not so excited to purchase a new game. This is one of those times that DLC would've been nice. Now I know how everyone felt when Super Street Fighter 4 came out after buying Street Fighter 4 not less than a year before.
  16. Watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show
  17. It was the only one to ever peak my interest. I am all ready a big guy so I never really cared to learn how to hurt people as I can do that easily, plus I have military combat training. I like the style and flow of capoeira, I like the constant movement of it all, the spontaneity, and the creativity.
  18. Whoops lol I didn't mean I learn from online, i tried that long ago and that was a failure. I go to an academy here in Orlando for capoeira. Yeah capoeira as with most if not all martial arts needs to be learned from someone else, not through videos.
  19. I figured as much, that was more towards Agent One, as I didn't know which part in particular of my post he thought was a joke, or the whole thing. It's all good, we all study different things for different reason in different ways.
  20. In the end this is the one true martial art/ self defense right here.
  21. I am serious, in capoeira we strive to play what are called "beautiful games" of skill, trickery, and patience. While it is good for self defense our main goal is not so much killing each other but having fun with each other. Also I don't learn capoeira from watching youtube, I actually train at an academy, but I watch the vids on youtube for inspiration.
  22. I have taken a few months away from a lot of things, but I am about to hit capoeira harder than ever before again. I want to be able to play amazing and beautiful games like the mestres and profesors that teach me or i watch on youtube.
  23. Not since the 80's lol
  24. Does bandai even make cannon fodder anymore? I mean of all the recent toy lines i have any interest in they don't seem to make CF for, they barely complete the series for those figs.
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