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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. I too am going with the Human Alliance, but that's just me.
  2. The fact that is MP-11a means they will probably do all three seekers if not more and call them b,c,d, etc.
  3. Well more valks for me then since you guys are passing on it lol.
  4. Yeah I have the 80GB version and mine definitely didn't take that long when I got that and other games from PSN.
  5. Anyone playing Arkham City. I got it, downloaded Catwoman and Robin during lunch and now I am just waiting to get off work before destroying it lol.
  6. So many complaints all ready...I like it especially from a fighter like this.
  7. Damn........I am going to be so broke and living on the street but with all my awesome macross toys with me cause I am so getting this.
  8. X-Men First Class was nothing like the original, and I am sure there are more but that is the most recent I can think of. Oh Batman Begins nothing like the other Batman films and then The Dark Knight established itself outside of Begins without having to rehash things. I felt since seeing the official trailer they focused to much on the JC version. I remember reading an article saying they were watching the JC version constantly on set to keep with continuity. I think that is really what hurt it, instead of keep with continuity you basically just rehashed the same scenes and plot devices thus not crafting it's own identity.
  9. The Fire Valk did have leg missiles actually. Basara was very pissed when Ray installed them, it happened like in episode 5 or so. EDIT: Nevermind I read that wrong.
  10. The last one was fun, no where near the level of 1 or 3. It's better watching the unrated version which they basically shot an R rated film at the same time and just used the PG-13 edit. I don't like the resume of this director though. Bring back John Mcteirnen obviously the only director that understand John McClane, just clear up those criminal charges and we are good.
  11. I have been getting back into them since I bought the Ultimate M. Falcon almost 2 years ago. I know have the Slave 1, X-Wing, Vader's Tie Figther, and the Hoth Cave and Speeder. Next I want an ATAT, debating the new Vader Star Destroyer, and I want to get the upcoming POTC Black Pearl.
  12. So IGN pretty much confirms what I thought would happen from viewing the trailer. There are just too many aspects of the original in this film, not just the nods to it but what makes it feel less like a prequel or more like a remake until the last third of the movie. http://movies.ign.com/articles/119/1197745p1.html
  13. Speilberg has mentioned he himself might take the helm.
  14. I think sir you just aren't happy with the modern gaming climate and the way things are now you aren't going to be happy anytime soon. Especially if you don't buy a PSP. I bought one for Macross Fontier games and have since picked up a good amount of oldschool style RPGs among other games so that satisfies my JRPG fix. But I am always excited for the new crop of games, and though I haven't finished it I do enjoy FF13. Plus it's fall how are you not excited for games like Batman Arkham city, Uncharted 3, Assasin's Creed Revelations and so on? You have a PS3 man use it, otherwise just go to the PSN store and buy and download all the oldschool RPGs you want.
  15. One of my all time favorites that I do hope gets made, plus there are tons of variants and repaints that can be made from it. Will Yamato go for it? I hope so unfortunately it's as featured as other valks so I don't know if they will take the bait.
  16. Whether or not you liked his products or agree with Apple policies you can't deny what this man has done for computers and technology or even entertainment in general (helped jump start PIXAR if you didn't know). Today is a sad day indeed. http://www.apple.com/
  17. Who cares who the pilot is lol, just buy it, its a VF-19!! And if you don't have the Fire Valk then this is a good alternative. I have the fire valk and will most likely be getting this one too.
  18. HONESTLY.... It have never bothered me. I love the overall proportions on the v.2 and think Yamato continues doing a great job. As far as the Hi-Metal porportions while they look fine in Battroid, the fighter doesn't look all that good to me. So far this is the best version and the closest to the anime I have seen that is still a perferct transforming toy.
  19. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35341&st=280 Yeah we have been on top of this also in the above thread you will see pics of the VF-19P as well.
  20. Are you sure cause I only use N routers and have had no issues. Edit: Nevermind.
  21. Exchange it, I havent heard much about broekn arms. I have the Takara release and even that one is holding up pretty well.
  22. See now give me a decent in scale ratchet to go with my HA and Leader figs and I will be a happy camper.
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