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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. It's a bad angle, I've seen the other photos. It looks great. http://www.gundammod...wboy-bebop.html and more of Vicious http://www.gundammodelkits.com/square-enix-play-arts-kai-vicious-cowboy-bebop.html
  2. So according to the video that was taken, he can store multiple cassettes and when one is removed another moves to the front of his chest in preparation.
  3. http://www.seibertro...ed-alert/25076/ Pics of MP Soundwave edit: nevermind too late
  4. Until recently rewatching G1 on netflix I would've been upset that Sideswipe is so small in bot mode compared to Prime but apparently everyone save Grimlock and a small few were small bots compared to him. Never noticed that as a kid. I am loving this fig so far and wondering if they will add the Jetpack gimmick as Takara has no problem usually adding a one off gimmick featured in an episode of two. Maybe they are just wondering how to fit it on Prime in scale as well as staying with 'Swipe's scale.
  5. Uh no, the cosmic cube was all ready created like thousands of years ago. It was lost on Earth and then uncovered in World War 2 by the Red Skull. Watch Captain America for the background on the film version of the cosmic cube
  6. Breath of Life by Florence and the Machine
  7. kanedaestes

    DX VF-25G

    These pics still don't answer my overall question, will the rifle attach in fighter mode and how because right now it doesn't look like it does. Or rather if it does you can't have landing gear down.
  8. I sell drugs to the community......lol. Also I have the Fansproject City Commander, Warbot Defender (Springer) and I am looking to pick up Hercules soon as well as an Arcee.
  9. Lol ok not for the song, honestly I just have no interest in this one. I love Smith, but meh it just seemed underwhelming. If the girlfriend wants to see it maybe i will go.
  10. Actually I would like a version 2 of Masterpiece Megatron cause you know Prime needs a challenege and it looks good with the two fighting each other on a case.
  11. Yeah I absolutely HATE that song and it makes me not want to see this film either.
  12. Well if they can somehow nail the tape transformations then it will be ok if Soundwave isn't that impressive of a transformer in Masterpiece. Especially if we get all the cassettes!
  13. Quote for the win......lately I have been reduce to ebay
  14. Haha I love it, yeah now my finances are back on track I going to do the Avengers in Hot Toys but I have to play catchup with Macross and Transformers first. Still need an Ozma and that.......well after that I will get back to Hot Toys. Especially when they release the Iron Monger!!
  15. Kicker.....WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING?? I have a lot of stuff but then I see your stuff and I weep that I don't have your job lol.
  16. http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h297/kanedaestes/IMG_0342.jpg[/img]"]http://
  17. I would love a Tornado pack but after seeing what happens when you don't jump on items when they first come out I am making sure to at least get the Bandai stuff when I can while I can and they are still resonably priced.
  18. Got my super pack, it's awesome and i love it though one of my hip armors is loose. It has fully rejuvenated my passion for more macross toys.
  19. I have been MIA lately popping up here and there but mostly due to financial woes I had to avoid the site because it showcases all I couldn't get. Guess what? Time to get back in the game. I just ordered my armor pack but the one thing that upsets me more than anything is that unless they rerelease him I am going to have to shell a freak loud out for Ozma as I couldn't get him during the release. But to prepare I will get his Armored pack as soon as I can even before getting him so as not to make the same mistake.
  20. Roz is meant to be the face of all the nameless prostitutes from the books. There will be the big battle from A Clash of Kings on screen, that was confirmed. Will it be as epic as the book, probably not but it will be there. Yes it bothers me too how things are changed as I am currently going through the books but I understand why they are and yes they do have to spell things out for the mass audience where many things are implied in the book because remember most people are reading the books, yet. I didn't until i saw the first season then I was hooked and haven't stopped reading. It's always fun to jump on the L train and see two other people with the books in their hands, and give them a smile. Even at work (I am a genius at Apple currently in Chicago) when someone works as a business representative they where black shirts, a guy visiting the other day said that yes he put on the black. We had a great conversation about GoT from that one phrase. I look forward to where the series go, and can glance over most differences except one. When the birth scene happened that pissed me off. Only because they are trying to shock audiences which I get but I think you could've gotten a double wow moment by sticking with the books in terms of events on that one. Let the death happen first and be all mysterious and mystical then show where the killer came from. That would've been better but oh well.
  21. Seibertron.com has a whole article about it. I am glad because nothings seems to have change except for the color of Roller from the Takara version and now I don't have to spend 240 for it.....though I was so close to. The only reason i haven't is i didn't have the funds yet.
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