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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Well BBTS was correct. It's now officially confirmed. MP Prowl on the way http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/takara-tomy-transformers-masterpiece-mp17-prowl-teaser/26734/ Or rather almost correct, it's Smokescreen not Sunstreaker that will come up after Prowl.
  2. MP Rumble and Ravage review. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zQ-Ou19VN0M
  3. Same here I think I am taking a massive break from Macross toys for a while and just doing Transformers and maybe some Hot Toys/ Sideshow figs. Much cheaper and easier to acquire.
  4. I tried to give it a chance, hoping it would've been at least decent or passable. I wanted my money back and I used gift cards that were given to me by a customer at work. That's how offended I was, it really hurts knowing for Valentine's Day my girlfriend and I did a Die Hard marathon and then we watched this damned abomination to end our day.
  5. Just saw the review for not-Silverbolt. Yeah epic fail on so many levels, honestly if the overall combined mode is just meh i would seriously skip this one. I can give a pass on the looks of the other bots, but damn. I think they rushed this one because they want to capitilize one their success from Hercules.
  6. To my knowledge they are supposed to stick out as the stacks are shorter in bot mode than alt mode
  7. Yeah i skipped Red Alert mostly because as far as Autobots go I have way too much red going on plus I used to say I am not the biggest fan of repaints yet (though not shown) I have 4 different paint variations of the original MP Seeker mold, and currently trying to get a newer MP SS so that arguement becomes invalid. I will be getting Red Alert soon.
  8. All this talk makes me want to rewatch but more importantly makes me wish for a 2.0 MG ZZ. I have the HGUC version but I want one to display with my other UC Era MGs. I do like the design a lot of the ZZ
  9. I have both and MP-10 is the one I display for now and if my favorite, makes MP-04 look very old and dated.
  10. Hmmm bought my Soundwave too soon but whatever. I may just get two. At least I have a megs gun mode and an emerging cube out of the 200 I put down. I'm honestly not upset surprisingly, because at the end of the day TRU soundwave may be an impossible get here in Chicago as mp prime was. I still ordered him online though it was waaay cheaper than the takers version.
  11. Yeah I have the original MP thundercracker and unless they did a newer version of skywarp I don't want to get the newer version of that one, really just SS and honestly I don't know why I have two MP SS all ready but I do want that one for whatever reason. I'm using my tax return on it. Now i really want a new megs, he just fails pathetically in comparisson to everyone else now yet I still have him displayed for the sake of having a menacing megatron somewhere.
  12. Finally got mine, super happy though one of the tail wings on lazerbeak had a really tight joint and I was afraid that i would break it making it stand straight up. Great addition to my MP collection, now to get the elusive MP-11 SS.
  13. Honestly I never decal that much on any of my kits but something about this kit made me want to do it and honesltly it's not as cluttered as it seems once it's done. I am going to post more photos of my other kits soon. Right now I am still working on decaling the FA Unicorn MG
  14. I predict MP-20 megartron. I think it is taking of lot of time and effort to get v2 with all the right proportions so they are taking their time on that one, plus it would make sense with MP-10 being prime.
  15. Agreed. Now on to my pursuit of MP-11 and MP-13. I'm going to pass on Red Alert at the moment. I want to say it's because I don't like repaints an year I all ready have 4 different paint schemes of the Seeker mold and I want the 5th. I'm odd I know. I feel a lot of it is because there is way too much red going on in my autobots MP collection and I just want to break that up some more. I will probably get him after Prowl and Sunstreaker.
  16. First time truly completing a model including all decals (minus a few I messed up) and paneling
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