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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. New word, Bluestreak and Prowl have been pushed back to a few months
  2. Man i'm loving the real grade line. This is what I consider my first complete RG. I have two others built but not stickered, lined, or topcoated. Also this is the first time I applied top coat to a model. A lot of learning when into this kit. While it's not perfect (mainly due to my still learning out to panel line and properly get rid of nub marks) it is amazing to me. Can't wait to finish the rest. Except for the recently released or about to released RG Destiny I have the entire line to build up as well as the HGUC G-Defensor and Flying Armor exclusive to go on my MK IIs.
  3. Man of Steel figs from P.A. Kai coming soon. http://www.tomopop.com/kneel-before-play-arts-kai-man-of-steel-figures-30050.phtml
  4. Will post in appropriate thread as well but felt these figures can be here too. http://www.tomopop.com/kneel-before-play-arts-kai-man-of-steel-figures-30050.phtml
  5. I used to think that about 1/44 scale but the RG have opened me up to it. Plus living in the apartment I have in Chicago for the time being getting a lot of MGs just isn't reasonable. But the HGUC and RG kits are perfect, plus I can fill out the zeta series using the HG kits since a lot of those suits never made it into MG scale.
  6. For of mastermind creations not-Predaking http://tformers.com/ig.php?mode=view&album=19834&pic=Mastermind+Creations+Feral+Rex+Fortis%2C+Bovis%2C+Leo+Dux+Figure+Images+%281%29.jpg&dispsize=600&start=0&sl=transformers-mastermind-creations-feral-rex-fortis
  7. From all the information, Rocksteady approves of the group and handed over much of their unreal software and other stuff to make for a seemless transition with the games.
  8. It's official, Foster has all ready tweeted pics from the set of the suit in action sort of.
  9. Actually it has been made, just not as a RG, but as a HG and yes it is massive. You can see it on dalong.net. So after trying to fight it I feel into the RG fold. I picked up the strike and launcher kit out of boredom in Chinatown in Chicago. While the Strike is by far no where near a favorite it did spark something. Then I got the RX-78 Mk II and it was all over. So in the mail I am currently awaitng the freedom, justice, and titans mk II to go with my Zeta, AUEG, Strike, and RX-78-2. Yeah I acquired those all within a week, which gives me stuff to work on as I work on this huge personal project that will from this point on tie up all my funds. This was the last of free fun spending for the next few months. I believe it was well worth it. I will try to squeeze the Destiny and RX-78GP in there somehow.
  10. I have heard amazing things about the film, especially from fans of the original. I do want to see it but I admit i'm a punk and normally don't see horror movies in theaters. I need to be in the safe comforts of my own home. But I don't want to wait.
  11. Just if you seen the film or even just the trailer you know it's basically a 4/5 man Joe team. Kind of hard to have full on vehicle battles when you don't have enough people to man the vehicles.
  12. No, I think people look at the later books wrong. Book 3 is a huge climax, but you can't go from that to more climax. 4 and 5 are kind of a reset situation yet pushing the stories forward. You are introduced to a lot more people and get more info on what's going on, but there aren't as many epic battles like book 3 and that's why people are "bored" with them. I for one love all the books and the last 2 were great.
  13. It's hard to have vehicle porn with the fight being so incredibly one sided though.
  14. I liked it, not the greatest thing ever but it is far superior than the first one.
  15. Toy Arena, though I got him through their Ebay store. They can at times be a bit pricey but they are always awesome and shipping is extremely fast. Usually I order on friday and have it Monday if i do expedited or wednesday normally.
  16. Got Red Alert who it seems has a better paint job than Sideswipe but over all love it and glad I picked him up when I was on the fence about him for so long. Now if only I could snag a MP-11 SS who is getting hard and more expensive to find.
  17. This is how all toys need to be tested before distribution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gdkh15vm2RE
  18. Hearing the lamborghini bots are about to become scarce I went ahead and got red alert while the price is still worth it. At least my autobot teams is finally building as they were heavily out numbered by the MP decepticons (mostly due to the seeker variations) and soon not-Shockwave.
  19. The problem i feel with that is you don't actually know Hot Rod's size. He's never on the same screen at least in a good shot with the older bots just the newer guys. So we really don't know how tall he is other than he's Prime size as Rodimus. While he should be shorter than Prime I don't know if he is as short as Prowl and Sideswipe.
  20. More pics, and yes he's the same size as Sideswipe which should've been obvious http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/new-takara-tomy-transformers-masterpiece-mp17-prowl-and-mp18-bluestreak-images/26834/
  21. For the most part we bought them because overall the alphas are hard to come by from any company. Granted another company did make some but thene the proportions were off and didin't look right when combined with the betas. Both of my alphas have crumbled and now I just have a beta. I did wish I could get another alpha but those are such ticking time bombs I'm calling it a loss and moving on. Maybe if the rumors are true and Mospeada is back something will come out this year to satisfy us but for now it's like being back in the dark ages of macross where companies put out less than stellar product. Except for Beagle they did it right then went under
  22. No due to license issues with Lamborghini.
  23. Bryan singer is pretty dependable. Not all of his stuff is great but it is entertaining, i will give it a chance.
  24. I swear I read a while back elsewhere that Sunstreaker was also slated to be coming down the pike, but whatever.
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