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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Also RG Strike Freedom was announced with what looks like a new stand/base for dragoons/funnel/bit stand slots. http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2013/08/rg-1144-strike-freedom-gundam-announced.html?m=1
  2. I am worried for the film. Goyer is so far the only writer we know of and other than Blade 1and 2 he hasn't written anything decent in years. All his best films were co-written by better people I.e. the Nolan's. Even the story to MoS is Nolan's. so knowing he's the only writer is not a good thing. As I said else where go to IMDB, look at his credits and prove me wrong.
  3. I finally watched AGE, wasn't bad but i think trying to fit 3 generations of stories into 49 episodes is what hurt it as it jumped around a lot without fleshing things out properly. It felt very rushed story was while watching it.
  4. The Minions were the best surprise of the first film. Basically there is no backstory and they do all the grunt work for Gru. With that being said they have a ton of personality and tend to steal every scene they are in. Unfortunately if you haven't seen the first movie you have no attachment to them so the marketing for DM2 that has been doing a lot to showcase them would be lost on you. I went to see the first out of curiousity and it turned out to be one of my all time favorite animated films. I would say at least give it a try, you may be surprised by it.
  5. So it looks like for Wing suits, the MG scale will basically be only Endless Waltz style except for MG Wing, but the HG scale MAY (hopefully) give us the actual animation suits which I am definitely on board for especially if they do more enemies to go with them.
  6. Actors at Smith's level in Hollywood are usually play or pay meaning no matter what they just get money even if the film fails. The more accurate scenario is yes unless M. Night starts using his own money for projects he is dead in the Hollywood water
  7. Full Trailer, still no gameplay footage though. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/gamenews.php?id=104505
  8. Saw it, loved it. A better summer film than Iron Man 3. I can see why ppl would hate it but my girlfriend who primarily only knows the new films, and is a harsh film critic liked it then it served its purpose. Not for die hard fans but more for any and everyone.
  9. Mark officially retired his Joker after Arkham City
  10. Except that's just a cut scene so yeah still waiting for gameplay
  11. So it looks like MG 3.0 is basically an upscaled RG model. I think I will stick with RG prize and space saving wise until a see a new MG 3.0 that I would want. http://www.gundammodelkits.com/mg-1100-rx-78-2-gundam-ver-3-0.html
  12. He has been working non stopped for years with marvel and his Sherlock Holmes franchise. I think right now he just wants a break. Taking into account right after avengers he filmed this.
  13. It does indeed, but still I feel overall there is a lot of info missing and it just keeps moving forward without explaining much. I guess I feel a little underwhelmed by the whole thing though it does look gorgeous, and that if I didn't have previous knowledge I would be completely lost with the whole thing. Nothing is explained, stuff just continues to happen and I sit here like ok well.....what the hell was all this? If I were to show it to someone one they would ask what Adam is or the nemesis series, or why children are piloting, or their connections to the Evas or etc. etc.
  14. Just finished all three basically back to back for the first time. For the most part watching them like that it makes better sense of it all but still yeah the third film still seemed completely off. Not in a terrible way, just I felt if I had never watched the original series or even Death, Rebuild and EoE stuff and just watched this I would be so lost. It seems though this is meant to be more accessible for non fans that unless you have seen the original stuff you would be completely and utterly lost by this film.
  15. I loved the film but I too felt like something towards to end was missing, like a big payoff. Maybe that comes from the fact the plot is not that strong so it felt like one action or character scene to another with no real through line for it all. None the less still loved every minute. RDJ and Black always make a great time as evidence by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I also like how it was primarily focused on what makes Tony a hero. End credit scene, priceless.
  16. So I have a question. I want to make a really good HG Hyaku Shiki and was wondering if the HGUC Gold Delta gundam is the same metallic gold of the original Hyaku Shiki because it may be my first and probably easiest kitbash ever.
  17. Meh it's not like those scenes will be entirely intrigual to the plot of the film so I'm not too concerned about it.
  18. They are not considered foreign as the films are made by American studios. Locations where they are shot doesn't matter, it's where the studio or production company originate from thus all the previous films are American films. Or rather to truly simplify it all, it's where the money comes from. US dollars are producing the film, it's an US film.
  19. Just loving the RG line. Still need to line, sticker, and topcoat these then on to the other 6.
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