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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. There is an article on IGN about why it's actually a good thing Marvel does not have these properties. Basically the gist was if Marvel Studios had Spider-Man and X-Men they wouldn't take the chances on other lesser characters like Thor or Guardians of the Galaxy. Yes I would love it too but honestly I like that Marvel is digging in to their catalog to bring to life characters that otherwise wouldn't be touched since all they would have to do is Spidey or/and Mutants. Also it's because these properties were handled so poorly that forced Marvel to try something with Iron Man, to do it right. On the other spectrum Marvel is forcing the other companies to make better movies or rather bigger universes. Granted it hurt ASM2 but it helped X-Men correct itself. So if this is the path we are getting with X-Men I'm happy. Sony needs to stop killing Spider-Man though. It's like the film franchise since Spider-Man 2 is getting hit with the Parker luck. (Actually I think ASM1 was amazing)
  2. Adding Tom Welling would suck because even though it won't happen it ruins the dream of these characters in the Justice League movie. Plus welling already had a green arrow and a flash. Makes no sense continuity wise
  3. Dammit. Voyager Rhinox is at my Target and I'm low on funds.
  4. He also runs various dojos in Texas. He does have a lot going on and goes to cons for the fans which I respect because he doesn't have to.
  5. I'm slowly getting back into it, unfortunately won't be able to get as heavy with purchases as I used to. Thankful with a lot of help from Shrapnel my return is with my favorite valk the YF-19, Arcadia. On after this is a VF-25F renewal
  6. You could say it's all HBO for the amount of nudity and sex but honestly it's like that in the books too. I thought oh it's an HBO show that's why it's like this till I read the books and was like oh it's pretty much true to the book in that regards.
  7. Yeah as someone who already has both I would want something extra to entice but I also know many people skipped the booster so I guess it's not bad for them. Now how about finishing Fire Bomber instead, retool the VF-17 and do the 11 MAXL, yes it's practially a single use mold but well sell very well to complete the set.
  8. Finally saw it. It's great and it worked on me. Immediately went out and got Metal Beard which is awesome and Wildstyle's bike
  9. Skywarp is a remold of MP- 3 from a long while back. Mp-11 is king starscream a retold seeker mold with crown and cape though I did have the tru version with 3rd party crown and cape I liked this mold more
  10. FINALLY!!! After missing the initial release and not having the money for the after maket mark up I have an MP-11 Starscream. This means I have all MPs up to 14. Since the ones after sound wave are easier to acquire I shall now pick those up. I've held out waiting for SS and though I had the MP 03 mold I really preferred the new mold for him but will use the old molds for TC and SW since I have those too.
  11. Well it makes no sense she would be better. Sure she has natural talent and ability, but she lacks experience which is where Levi tops her. He has the talent and the ability, plus more experience. The Show is amazing, I just watched it for the first time. Since its been awhile since I've gotten excited about an anime I was very impressed how quickly I consumed the first season and purchased the new figmas. Now the long wait for the next season
  12. I tend to go to comic conventions regularly and one of my favorite surprises is that I purchased a signed lithograph from the character designer of the show. He was just chilling at his both and if it were for the print being display I would never have known who he was or how he helped shaped my pre-teen life.
  13. http://arkansasonline.com/obituaries/2013/dec/21/corey-nooner-2013-12-21/ Unfortunately you have to sign up for more info. Looking into a better source now
  14. Just got word, if you want you can donate to this paypal address: noonerkr@gmail.com
  15. Some images I pulled from his FB page.
  16. He does, if you want I will post more info once I get it.
  17. I don't know where to put this and I know it is not that appropriate overall but I wanted to share news of a member and the crazy connections this site can make. MacrossMan used to be heavy on the boards and was impressed and inspired by many of you and your photos of toys/ models/ figures, etc. He was so inspired he began taking up photography and sold much of his collection to fund his new venture in life which turned into a career for him in Alabama. I met him off the boards through a mutual friend and connected instantly. He has recently passed and while I don't know the details it is sad to hear but he overall is one of my favorite stories to share to people. A man who found a community he loved which brought forth a passion that changed his life. Overall keep inspiring everyone around you both here and off the boards in life.
  18. Also HGAC Wing Zero! Called it the HG line will be for the TV version of Wing and the MG line for the EW. Hopefully this means the of the other suits are coming as for now this us just part of the All Gundam Project
  19. But really what else would he come with short of more hands he only had one weapon, unlike the other rangers that tons of weapons
  20. Which would be the new one, hence it's the best. Years and practice and engineering finally provides me with my dream toy. Haven't bought anything Macross related in a long time, but this is all I want right now. Time to start saving up.
  21. So I love the new Lego Cuusoo projects and recently picked up the Delorean which is amazing, but here's a fun one. It just reached enough votes but I think there is going to be a huge issue to actually getting this into production due to Harmony Gold or just licensing in general but the Lego VF-1 fully transformable with Armored, Super, and Strike parts just met it's goal for possible production consideration. http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/638 He also has variant versions including Max and Miria, and the Skull versions from DYRL http://www.mocpages.com/home.php/84284 Another project that just reached their goals include the Ecto-1 with all four Ghostbusters http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/36088 and of course the main site with other potentials http://lego.cuusoo.com
  22. Got to walk around one of the sets as i saw the G&E (Grip and Electric) guys chilling up in Uptown a few blocks from my house here in Chicago. I almost asked if I could be a day PA but none of the primary cast or crew were there. They are shooting in a beautiful old theatre though and I saw part of optimus prime sitting on the road
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