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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. Not to flog a dead horse....
  2. Dat's being ridiculously modest, he's probably got the best vf-1 model on this forum. As for the rigging, man, what can I say? If I were in your shoes, I'd actually make multiple rigs. For the battroid, just rig it the same way you'd rig up any biped. Do a separate fighter rig for animating all the control surfaces and so forth. And do a dedicated rig for transformation. It'll be MUCH easier, and you'll ulitmately save yourself a lot of grief...
  3. I'm working on a cg/live action short dealie of the vf-1 fighting what, in order to keep this Macross-related, we'll here call a "Protodevlin". It's nowhere near done, though I produced a crappy first pass at two or three shots as my final project for my masters degree last year. Still twiddling with it when I have the time...
  4. Beautiful, man, just beautiful. White Star next!
  5. DAT - you said it - time to come out of "retirement"...? Wongster - straight-edged, yeah... but you might try to bevel the edges, give them a slightly less abrupt feel. That applies to many similar edges throughout the model.
  6. Heehee. ...er, now if only I had some new work to post here umm.... I worked as an animator on THIS last year, if it's worth any kudos.... but I don't know if it's exactly Macross-related...
  7. Brings back memories, doesn't it Rod? Keep it up, Wongster!
  9. About a week ago, I finally got a nice flightstick for my PC. I celebrated by breaking out MAME, firing up Space Harrier, giving myself about a zillion credits, and finally playing the damn thing through to completion. Easily one of the high points of my gaming life to date...
  10. Wasn't there a recent arcade sequel to Space Harrier? I never saw it in person, but I recall reading about it...
  11. Awesome. Bryce for the backdground?
  12. Mike, Pardon my confusion - but to the best of my knowledge, YOU have built the most impressive/faithful ride armor model I've seen. Has something happened to it? -DG
  13. Paging Bill Shatner (or John Lithgow)....
  14. The beauty of this, Rod, is that your 'Fury is almost certainly smoother and more detailed than the original 3D mesh...
  15. I second emotion - beautiful work.
  16. Sorry G, We'd help if we could, but to the best of my remembrance I can't recall seeing any valk hangar cg models pass through this forum. YOu might try poking around on sites that feature Gundam CG stuff, those guys always seem to be cranking out hangar scenes...
  17. Thanks Rod!
  18. Yeah, very cool animation!
  19. So long as I can lift one shaky, bloodied finger to type, THIS THREAD SHALL NEVER DIE!!!
  20. At least one...
  21. This one took me ALL NIGHT...
  22. Man, you guys are critical! I'm not exactly 100% on this either, but considering how far afield from the original design the proposed Superman outfit for this film ranged at points (denim, biker leathers, no cape), I think we lucked out in terms of how faithful it wound up...
  23. Dude, ease off on the 30 year olds....
  24. Sorry Shawn, as a native New Yorker I am obligatorily clueless as to what to do here. If by chance though you happen to be visiting either Forbidden Planet (NYC's best comic book store) or The Strand (the WORLD'S biggest used book store - 16 miles of book shelves and counting!) either today or Friday, drop me a line - I work upstairs from these 2.... Oh, and be sure to hit the Greenwich Village bars tomorrow night - quite a scene... Okay fine, and some additional: The Museum of Natural History on 85th is world-famous, and easily a full day - catch the planetarium show! If you're into theater, a Broadway show is a no-brainer - there's a booth called TKTS on the traffic island at 47th and broadway - they open at 3PM, and sell half-price day-of tickets for whatever hasn't sold out yet for that night -- a great deal! And of course, like others have mentioned, the Met, the Guggenheim, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)..... and yes, the Compleat Strategist (at 11 East 33rd Street) IS the coolest gaming store EVER....
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