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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. Thanks Rod - I'm still milking that model, even 4 years on Your turn now! Break that totally awesome valk of yours out of mothballs and let's see some new work!
  2. Can't take credit for that, it was part of the background plate - I just faded the valk into it.
  3. I've got a Max paint scheme around somewhere - I'll give it a try...
  4. Correctly called, all - Iron Man it is! Sad thing is, the VAST majority of the time investment was spent painting out Iron Man with AE and fixing the background - if I did it over, would be MUCH quicker to make my own from scratch...
  5. http://homepages.nyu.edu/~pfb206/vfim.mov Bonus points to those of you who can tell me where I shamelessly stole the background plate from
  6. Heh, made it. And sure, I'll make whatever - what would be good? VF in shots from ELIZABETH: THE GOLDEN AGE?
  7. Iron Man, eh Mike? I seem to have found some of your work. Man, they should know better than to put a Macross fan on this, I can't help but think your hobby is influencing your work.... Iron Man shot?
  8. Unfortunately, execs' brains run on about a decade delay. When the ALIEN franchise was still alive, THE biggest fanboy demand was for "the Aliens to FINALLY reach Earth." We wanted our Earthwar, dammit! Bet you anything some brightboy Fox exec remembers those strident demands and figures that this film, even moreso than AvP1, is "giving the fans exactly what they want"....
  9. Happy Birthday Dave!
  10. Just wanted to say THANKS AGAIN to Kicker773 for helping me out with my YF-19 breakage problem. He's a stand-up guy and a real lifesaver!
  11. Wow! Looks beautiful, Adam!
  12. I've included pictures of the snapped part below - it's the hinge that holds the pegs of the t-bar on which the nose and neck pivot. Maybe if I'm REALLY lucky, somebody on here has spares....?
  13. On the offchance that somebody reading this might be willing to sell me the part I need to fix my YF-19, here are two pics of the damage:
  14. I can try, but I bought it for cash from a vendor at the NYC Comiccon - might have a hard time getting them to accomodate....
  15. This is a bit of a longshot.... but has anybody parted out a YF-19 who might be willing to sell me some pieces? Mine just suffered fatal battle damage on its first transformation - when I snapped the neck down as per Graham's video, it snapped clean off! Now my $200 paperweight is in two pieces.... is there any chance somebody might have a spare cockpit/nose for sale, or even just the gray piece that attaches to its underside via twin screws and incorporates the plastic pins on which the nose pivots? Thanks, DG
  16. I can only urge you to be VERY careful - I just got my own and, following the manual Graham's video, attempted this section of the transformation. The nose section snapped clean off. Inspection revealed that two tiny gray "prongs" on the in/underside of the nose which socket into the rest of the toy and provide the pivot axis have both snapped clean off. I am VERY upset.
  17. I for one don't want to argue at all - take my post above as idle grousing over packaging that is likely to increase the difficulty of getting it through Customs intact - I am well aware that it is in line with the previous MP releases and certainly don't begrudge Takara anything. I'm just not looking forward to the prospect of having to choose between an iffy import scenario and a "20th Megs" that will in all probability be day-glo green/toxic orange and modified, as you note, in other unguessable ways. And I got my no-prize ages ago for resolving the Great Howard the Duck Vest Color Quandry, danke...
  18. Goddamn it, I'd made my peace with Yamatos. I hadn't bought one in over a year - times are tight, I'm scraping $$$ to buy a house and help my wife pay for gradschool (and missing her income), valks don't fit into the financial picture. I'd managed to pass on all the last-gen 1/48s, the Konig Monster, even the VF-0 without shedding (more than one or two) tears. Then, yesterday, I got bushwhacked. Was minding my own business, walkin' around Comiccon, and suddenly there it was. A YF-19. And I couldn't resist. Now I'm $200 in the hole, and my valk addiction is threatening to re-ignite. Bad business.
  19. good job takara, putting a pic of his gun mode right on the box....
  20. Man, was I alone in being more traumatized by Starscream's violent snuffing than by Prime's relatively benign, dignified sendoff?
  21. Agreed! Some enterprising soul on this board with decent DVD mastering skills should cut and author one!
  22. Always here for ya Rod - still damn cool!
  23. Hey, cool! According to imdb, Sylar.... is Sean Bean! Ol' Sean apparently filmed 3 episodes a few months back. Well, we know he looks good in a hat.... Think he'll drop "Still Sharpe!" at some point?
  24. Oh, total speculation, no hard facts I by no means think it probable that Sylar==Future Peter, I just thought it a fun idea and in tune with the whole "Days of Future Past" riff they've got going on.... and Sylar being a power thief with multiple "permanent adds" (ala Rogue) by virtue of the brains he's taken is no more and no less proven out by what we've seen than his being a telekinetic with superior control of his single talent is (even the bullets tinkling on the floor is a non-decider - they could've been blocked, sure, but they could also have penetrated and then been ejected by rapidly closing wounds.) Whatever way it goes, I'm hoping for an interesting backstory and a compelling superpower.
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