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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. Hey Revoltech, how about taking a mold and selling this to us Nice work!
  2. Naah, reads to me like Wolvie and IM are 2 of the 4 talked-about series
  3. Mine is missing a small piece of the left leg fin (the forward/yellow "base" of the fin, the non-pivoting portion). I combed through the box but, if it was ever loose in there, it isn't any longer. As I'd very much like to fix this, has anybody parted out a broken VF-1S? Is there ANY chance that one of you guys in the 9% might have a spare off of a broken valk that you'd be willing to sell? Thanks, DG
  4. Noted, and thanks! Unfortunately, I need to find a replacement piece before I can actually think about gluing it on
  5. Quick question for all you 1/60 lovers out there: has anybody parted out and/or broken a VF-1S? mine appears to be missing a small piece of the left leg fin (the forward/yellow "base" of the fin, the non-pivoting portion). I combed through the box but, if it was ever loose in there, it isn't any longer. Is there ANY chance that one of you guys might have a spare off of a broken valk that you'd be willing to sell? Thanks, DG
  6. Damn, am I gonna have to take time out from my WoW addiction to play this??
  7. I would think that, even if rights weren't an issue, we wouldn't see existing mecha or character designs in the film. That they'll do some version of the "Macross Saga" is all but a given (it's what most people think of when they think of "Robotech") but if TRANSFORMERS/GI JOE/etc have taught us anything about how Hollywood thinks when adapting nostalgia fare like this, it's that the filmmakers expect the freedom to "reimagine" the look of the thing to suit their perception of broad audience tastes. So I'll bet you anything that there'll be an "SDF-1" and "Veritechs", but that they'll bear only a passing resemblance to existing designs. And they'll probably have flames on 'em
  8. Wow, I was iffy on this one, but Graham's and all the other positive reports have sold me on it. Any recommendations as to best priced (reputable) dealer that still has any left? (Ordinarily Kevin's got my business, but I see he's sold out!)
  9. Let's see some other angles!
  10. 'grats! That's a fabulous school.
  11. Hey, what can I say, it's cheaper than buying a Yamato (WISH I could afford one of those right now....) How about you? Any recent work on that front?
  12. I was young, I was foolish... and I had a 2 min minimum length, two days to meet it, and only the one mocap clip to cheat it out with.... what would YOU have done?
  13. Way ahead of you..... CLOVERFIELD MONSTER VS. MECH
  14. Second that - have a SPECTACULAR 2008, guys!
  15. Yeah Az, hi and congrats! Those F-16s look sick! Now all we need to do is dig up Vinnie and Les Parisek somewhere...!
  16. Found the source of this image - it was done by a conceptual artist NOT involved in the movie for a "design your own Cloverfield monster" contest. His stuff IS really sweet though!
  17. Aye, and if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon...
  18. He got stationed in Japan. I've talked with him once or twice since. Hope he's enjoying it over there!
  19. Given how far right that show is, the villain would doubtless have a worldbeating piece of super-secret Red technology-- a Mac!
  20. Hahahahaha - legends of the Macross Fan Works forum unite!!! I called Rod out, I'll say the same to you Dat -your turn! Bust out that awesome valk of yours!
  21. Man, that'd be SWEET, but I very much doubt it -- they'll probably list the contractor (Curious Pictures) but not the staff there. My experience is that any time I've gotten a pro credit (all 3 of 'em ), I've had to sign an affadavit agreeing to my role and credit - nobody passed me anything like that here. On the plus side, I'm hoping to hop on an employee incentive prog for RB when it streets - can you say "major discount"?
  22. Amusing anecdote here: This past March, I did some freelance animation work in a NYC production house, on a project code-named "Harmonix". Though the prooject leads were very cagey, it was kind of obvious what this must be, given the name and the fact that we were working with mocap data of singers and guitarists, so finally one of 'em admitted, "yeah, dude, it's Guitar Hero 3." So I've just assumed for six months that that's where my work wound up. Nowadays I'm working at Viacom, and the Harmonix PR crew works down the hall (though not development, they're in Boston. ) Anyway, I chatted them up yesterday, told them about the work I'd done and the timeframe, and they corrected me - nope, the title that work was for was Rock Band, NOT GH. Apparently at that time they weren't ready to tell their contractors about their publisher split or new title. So long story short, I guess my preference has changed since yesterday, for entirely egocentric reasons!
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