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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. Tober, Yeah, this model is for whatever reason one of two or three that I've just kept tinkering with through the years. Most other ones I just finish and put away, but this one I've just kept using as a testbed for new things I've learned, new ideas etc.
  2. Still haven't had a chance to work on this -- but I did promise I'd try to post, so here's some longstanding WIP...
  3. Life goes on. Found an older copy of my vf-1 model on a backup CD and have been renovating it. It's almost up to snuff again. Maybe some new pics soon!
  4. Horatio: interesting! Any chance you might be willing to post some full renders of this model?
  5. Doktor Gonzo


    Absolutely stunning, Rod. Now dirty it up a little!
  6. I hear ya, Tober. I've most definitely been lax on backing up, and I've blamed most of it on a lack of funding (times have been tough of late and jobs have been sparse, so I haven't been able to replace failing hardware -- both my backup RAID drive and DVD burner have died in the last year and I haven't replaced 'em yet, so those modes of backup fell by the wayside.) Nevertheless, I thought I was safe with the 2 redundant external drives, since I NEVER took both out of the house at the same time... 3 Tuesdays ago was the first time ever, in 3+ years of ownership of these particular drives. So..... sick joke is right!!!
  7. Bizarre. I've been gone from this thread out of sheer depression because, 2 weeks ago, I lost all my models too (along with my music, family photos, documents....) My neighborhood was all flooded out so I was crashing at my parents from the week and basically living out of my backpack, and I had both my external drives in it. Fell asleep on the train on the way home from work and when I woke up... backpack was stolen. I've since managed to recover some stuff, including my VF-1 model (minus textures) from places like the temp directory on my home machine, but the vast majority of my digital life is GONE. So Dat, man, I feel your pain.
  8. Love it!
  9. Looks good!
  10. Nice stuff!
  11. The better part of a decade on, and this model STILL makes my jaw drop, Tober.
  12. Az! Great to see you, man!
  13. More fun stuff
  14. The cg VF-1 I made a while back featured such a compromise (albeit things like that are much easier to do in cg, but still, mine is a "realistic" model with no anime magic or part-swapping): I have a long beaver tail as in the lineart, and at transformation time, rather than just hinging over, it first moves FURTHER rearward on an armature extending out of the backplate/dorsal surface -- that way, the hinge sits lower on the back and the top of the tail section is still flush with the shoulder lights in battroid mode. If anybody cares, I could render a detail shot showing what I mean.
  15. Let's say I'm back from a looooong vacation. Meanwhile, Dat's started a new thread for MW old-timers, and obviously you're invited. Break out Max 2010 and get some VF-4 awesomeness up there!
  16. Sorry guys, got caught up late at work, only had the energy to set up a single render when I got home... so I figured I'd do an "apples to apples" with Dat's awesome first shot!
  17. Awesome, the support craft don't get anywhere near enough love.
  18. Working on a new render or two! And, if I might expand your list, Dat, we also saw amazing stuff back in the day from: Ruak Jay-Lew LesParisek Tober Vinnie and I'm sure others I'm forgetting...
  19. OOOOOH, me too!!!
  20. Doktor Gonzo

    Klan WIP

    Love it!
  21. No, absolutely right. I didn't understand a thing about GI/final gathering or faking it with ambient occlusion when I did this render (now, I STILL don't know a thing about 'em, but I 've been in the room enough with people who do to know that I can use 'em to get the kind of deep, soft-edged shadows you're talking about.)
  22. I remember trying really hard when I did the materials for my VF to capture the narrow, irregular specular highlights of hullmetal like that. Tried my best, but don't think I really got there: VF-1 render Maybe this is something else to revisit...
  23. Mental Ray isn't THAT bad -- just stay away from all the fiddly physical illumination bits!
  24. Pretty sweet! I'm primarily just proficient in AE. I took a class in Shake once and I used to be okay in Combustion, but it's been years and I don't remember much. As for backgrounds, LA would also work fine as a cityscape subsitute. You should shoot some plates!
  25. Brian, I'm totally down with comping into live plates, either exclusively or mix-and-match with digital backgrounds. As for where to get 'em, the GOOD news is that I'm in Manhattan, which would make a pretty good stand-in. The BAD news is, I don't own a video camera Here, my reel has a bunch of shots from my thesis project for school salted into it. The project is a few years old now and pretty rough in places, but it had a good mix of all those kinds of elements in it: valks, plates, camera tracks, digital background extension, etc. http://homepages.nyu.edu/~pfb206/reel.mov
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