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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. So far, looks pretty durn good....
  2. Was going to post, but Mechmaster's approach is basically identical to mine, so see above I guess
  3. Looks great
  4. I like the cockpit
  5. Well, this is a language that I speak a little of, I'll see if I can help - but I confess to being a little confused by your description. Can you please establish your coordinate system with x,y,z correlated to the major axes of the bike? thanks.
  6. Looks great! Could we get some more/larger shots, and perhaps a description of how you're building it? Thanks
  7. Mechaniac: looks damn sweet. If that's the preliminary shading, can't wait to see the final. Dat: as always, looks killer.
  8. Hey gang, Wow, I'm out traveling for a week, and a LOT of great work goes up - looks fantastic! I'll have to get down to playing catch up....
  9. Looks good! Now give him the ride armor!
  10. MM: It's the wrong trousers, Grommit! It's 'cause I'm in the middle of retexturing the valk - the upper half is sporting nice new properly weathered textures, while the legs are still wearing very basic textures I did when I still intended to turn it into a VF-1S Hikaru... Dat: Yeah, it's the GI rig. I'm not positive what causes that, but I suspect that that patrticular rig is making more evident the effects of the edge normals. Those bay door surfaces are basically single rectangles with the edges set very soft - so the entire poly is blending out the curvature of the edges where the "front" meets the 4 "sides". I get the feeling that tweaking those edge normals would fix it - though I don't know if I will, I kind of like the effect....
  11. Confidentially, she never called me Darth Maul.... Hmmm.... I'd guess you're at a zoo, visiting - what? Tigers? Wombats? Prairie dogs??
  12. Only pic of me I could find. Forgive me for the costume, I was young and foolish then...
  13. That would definitely be "make"...
  14. And more random fun
  15. WIP - valkyrie pilot. Poser dude used as base...
  16. I don't have maya in front of me to find the exact place, but it's in the Camera Attribute Editor (which you get to from the drop down menus immediately surrounding the view pane.) Expand the tabs and you'll find it, I think under the "Environment" tab....
  17. Naaah, looks fine Rod! I'd say the combo used on the nose is clearly the best effect...
  18. Looks pretty badass - I like it
  19. Rod, I see bump mapping on the rear section, pure texture mapping on the dorsal surface and intakes, and a third technique on the nose, but I'm not sure what it is - combination bump and texture?
  20. Afraid it's not a simple thing. We're rendering the image in numerous pieces on various packages, then combining them in Photoshop - each of these elements would have to be cel-shaded and rerendered. Even so, a cel shaded version might be something to think about once the regular one is done....
  21. Mildred, yellowlightman, It's a mark of how focused and tunnel-vision'ed on the milestone of getting thing done we've gotten while working on it that we honestly hadn't thought at all yet beyond getting copies for our greedy ol' selves. We never really even considered that there might be interest from the rest of MW and/or the fanbase. If you guys are serious, I'm sure we'd be more than happy to discuss it and see what we come up with....
  22. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994263
  23. Doktor Gonzo

    VF-1J M&M

    Wow! Very nice!
  24. 114, As you wish. But I think you must be mistaken - the image in this thread is a preview mock-up only, done for previsualization purposes with old art. We have not even started to render or composite the actual final poster yet.
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