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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. There might be one or two. If my eyes didn't fool me, I thought I spotted an extra quick, gory Uruk decapitation by Aragorn, when he and Gimli sneak out the sally-port. Also a few more quick inserts of the elf brigade getting decimated, just before Haldir gets his...
  2. Yeah, that doesn't look terrible at all. Doesn't look like you'd have TOO much work ahead of you to generate a fighter-mode model from this guy....
  3. Cool. Keep posting shots as you bring it along...
  4. My obvious guess would be that the oversized limbs will give you an undercarriage that's too wide and WAAAAY too long, that the full-width arms will force the legs out past the edges of the chestplate, and that the fighter will be snubnosed and small-tailed. But I'l LOOOVE to see how the specific proportions work out. Who knows? Maybe it'll be a cool look....
  5. Thanks MM Yeah, they are plain for the most part - thing is they can hinge open to reveal an array of itsy bitsy engines (we see them used fairly early on, but I don't remember which episode exactly). In my insane sticklerish quest I'd like to try modeling those...
  6. Time to start buying MANIMAL dvd sets...
  7. Hey gang, Just a shot in the dark, but would anybody happen to have any detailed images (or even screencaps) of the panels which unfold from the under-side of the vf-1's chest plate upon transformation to battroid mode to close off the "chest box"? These close off the side and bottom gaps, and if I recall have thruster banks mounted on them. Thanks!
  8. Hey MM- Just out of curiosity, would you mind laying out your battroid parts in a fighter configuration and rendering it? I've been curious to see what kind of a bastardized fighter those sleek Hase battroid parts would Frankenstein into, and this seems like a less painful way to do it than sacrificing a kit. If it's too much work, please disregard. Thanks!
  9. Hey MM, just out of curiosity, is your valk fully rigged, or do you manually position its poses by moving around the constituent parts?
  10. Kick ass, Gam - can we assume you're contributing this to the poster?
  11. Point of order: A more extensive 2-disc X-Men release was hinted at, by both Fox and Bryan Singer, even before the original release (and hence, I didn't buy that one). The only problem I have with X-Men 1.5 is that it falls short of what was promised then, namely a new cut of the movie incorporating bridging material to be filmed during the X2 shoot. Wish they'd done that. This Robotech:SE stuff, though - this $#!@ is f#@$!ed up!
  12. Hard to evaluate based on a test render, but I really hope the f/x team ups their game for the actual production shots. Those images are several shades shy of photo-real. There are several people on these boards who could do a better job...
  13. Dude, what does he play the other 2 with...?
  14. Jeez, Vinnie - Just looking at these shots makes me want to grab your shoulders and shake while screaming "FINISH!!! FINISH!!!!" Awesome stuff.
  15. I would recommend Max - it has an easy output path to Flash, which is your goal.
  16. Nice. Send it to Shawn, on the chance that he has some use for it.
  17. Very nice After Effects?
  18. a brief update
  19. Looks good! Any further thoughts about what this mod is going to be?
  20. Could go on about how the Scouring is the fulfillment both of the hobbits' character arcs and of several themes present throughout the book - and also of the World War II allegory, if you dare to dissent with with the Professor's assertion that LotR contains no such. But I won't. Instead, I'll just restate that the Scouring was never shot, and will not be on any DVD present or future. The death of Saruman, were it included, would've come at Orthanc.
  21. And now I bring you all The Fear: My father is the Last Beta Diehard - still uses the format exclusively. He has 2 players (and a local electronics repair joint willing to maintain them), as well as a huge closetful of commercial and personal cassettes. Scary as all hell.... Still remember a Jeopardy parody from somewhere: "There are nine of these in the Solar System..." "What are 'video stores that still rent in the Beta format'?"
  22. Pretty damn gorgeous looking. What are your plans for it?
  23. *BUMP* C'mon guys, let's post some stuff!
  24. Come to think of it, where IS Vinnie? Time for some new VF-4 goodliness, man!
  25. Sacrilege - where's Shatner?
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