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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. Az, No specifically particle stuff here, but enough cool stuff in general that it might be worth posting: HighEnd3D Max Tutorials
  2. It's the Orgroid, done up with some valk parts. That'd be a fun thing to include on this poster!
  3. Oh, and lest I forget, the Ishforn is looking great!
  4. I'd suggest a new thread. We certainly enjoy seeing your work (it's totally kick-ass) and very much want to continue viewing it and discussing it, but this thread is technically the staging area for an ongoing community CG project that is strictly Macross-themed. Besides, a full exclusive thread with properly descriptive title would be a lot more likely to attract the notice of the many Orguss admirers on this site...
  5. Rod, This is the reference I used for mine:
  6. The VF-4 runs on WINDOWS?!? Run for the hills!
  7. Okay, fine - for the sake of PURE, UNADULTERATED OVERKILL, I notched the frame. So NYAAAAH!!! (sorry for caps and ranting - not having a particularly easy day...)
  9. Yeah, my cocpit is precisely as you describe. problem with milling it, though, is that the frame interpenetrates the glass - I didn't bother to section the glass where, say, the "roll bar" passes through...
  10. Cobywan: That looks beyond awesome. When can I buy the finished kit?
  11. Not that I know of man. You can do all the parenting, then duplicate, but you'll get nasty mirroring effects (notably, the OPPOSITE attribute is automatically set, which you then have to tunnel into the Attribute Editor per-piece to fix - failure to do so results in pieces rotating and translating mirror-wise, i.e. backwards.) All in all, less work to just duplicate each piece, THEN parent.
  12. Looks like you've also stuck a pilot in there...
  13. Mech: Looks great! Big improvement IMHO. Rodavan: I think it looks awesome. We're trying to corellate lighting, so that everybody renders using the same settings. What program are you rendering in? Somebody might have a lighting rig they could lend you... Oh, and when we do do our final renders, it would be best (if your renderer supports it) to output as .tif. These files have built-in alpha channels, which would make compositing the poster much easier. -pete
  14. Lookin' quite smooth, gorgon...
  15. Cool! Thanks Nied!
  16. Damn, yours too eh? You must've hit the same snag with the hasegawa proportions I did. in order to get the pack low enough in battroid and flat/level in GERWALK, mine deploys on a double armature. actually, the trapezoidal section of the dorsal surface that the backpack connects to slides rearwards at the end of these double arms, then rotates 45 degrees up. Then the backpack rotates the remaining 270 degrees. I dunno if this makes any sense, but...
  17. oh! and do you happen to know which ep that cap is from? I'd like to watch it tonight so I can see the animation of the cover opening....
  18. Helps a lot Az, although it does give me more work to do. Thanks! So you actually modeled the verniers and cover, eh? Well, you know I could never let you out-detail me..... What did you work out as far as stowage/deployment of these? Are yours deployed from the chest plate, the cockpit underside, or the backplate, and how/when do they pop out?
  19. SWEET. The bump detail looks great!
  20. Gorgon: Lookin' sharp!
  21. Gorgeous, bro, just gorgeous.
  22. I think it's time for some new pics of your beaut, Az...
  23. Have that one (minus the tank barrel, which got lost sometime over the last 20 years) - it's actually one of the first 2 transforming toys I ever had. Gobot name is "Destroyer". Tank mode is pretty sweet - working rubber tracks (though not real wheels underneath - the tread basically is "T" shaped and runs through a groove cut around the perimeter of the molded wheels), swiveling/elevating turret, nice overall look - could easily be a toy tank. Robot mode is lacking, though, to say the least - the tank body folds double to go vertical, the treads swing down to form the "legs", little, wimpy T-rex "arms" are deployed, and the turret is the head.
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