Dat: Pretty much either-or. You could assign the projection from such an angle that it wouldn't warp. OR (and I've done this more often than I care to admit) you could "counter-warp" the arrow decal in Photoshop, so that it appears straight as projected. OR if you want to really sink the time into learning how to unwrap meshes, the place to visit is Maya's UV Texture Editor. It has a lot of options, but most can be ignored at first. Concentrate on the Cut and Sew UVs options, and the "framing" options, and remember that you can drag around vertices in here over the 2D map the same way you'd move them in a Maya ortho view. Oh, and you might find the "UV Texture Snapshop" option very useful. This dumps out an image of the texture map with the current UV mapping superimposed.... good for modifying texture maps in Photoshop....