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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. Coby, I'd be happy to help out, but my model (and most of the others', I think) is polygonal. Unless I'm mistaken, don't you need NURBS geometry for CNC?
  2. HighEnd3D In their Maya Shaders section, there's a good glass - called "TrueGlass 2.0"
  3. Dat: Pretty much either-or. You could assign the projection from such an angle that it wouldn't warp. OR (and I've done this more often than I care to admit) you could "counter-warp" the arrow decal in Photoshop, so that it appears straight as projected. OR if you want to really sink the time into learning how to unwrap meshes, the place to visit is Maya's UV Texture Editor. It has a lot of options, but most can be ignored at first. Concentrate on the Cut and Sew UVs options, and the "framing" options, and remember that you can drag around vertices in here over the 2D map the same way you'd move them in a Maya ortho view. Oh, and you might find the "UV Texture Snapshop" option very useful. This dumps out an image of the texture map with the current UV mapping superimposed.... good for modifying texture maps in Photoshop....
  4. Dat: NICE. Just... NICE. Told you it wasn't so hard!
  5. Angel: Thanks! But half the work is Datterboy's. Az: So yeah, bottom line, we can get it in there if you want to give it a shot.
  6. Yup - can do it with NUGRAF, PolyTrans or Deep Exploration - all 3 can go back and forth between Maya and 3DS (and also Lightwave, and probably also XSI, Cinema4D, Truspace....)
  7. Care to join in, Az? We could easily make it a threesome. (Jeez, that DOES sound gay...)
  8. At last.... one step closer to my dream..... ...WIERZBOWSKI FIGURE!!!
  9. Thought you guys might get a kick out of this - a side by side render of mine and Datterboy's valks!
  10. Er, try not to stain the sheets then...
  11. Meanwhile Dan, you might want to PM Ruakar - he also works in the gaming industry, and he has a pretty amazing low-poly valk (put together, I believe, for a LithTech engine Macross mod he's working on) - perhaps you guys should talk....
  12. Dan, Wow - that cockpit is gorgeous. Mine has a lot of detail (my cockpit and Rod's are pretty much equivalent-looking) but your textures elevate the mesh to another level entirely. Color me jealous!
  13. NICELY rendered, my man.
  14. Random WIP
  15. Like the Green and the Tan schemes. Overall design is very nice. Not too crazy about the laser barrel, as it looks just like a ballistic barrel. A weapon of such different nature would probably have a very different looking emitter - perhaps blunt it and cap it with a lens? Also, "mass driver" is usually used synonymously with "rail gun" - so if it's one of those, then the ballistic force is imparted magnetically rather than chemically, and the ammo is caseless - no need for an ejection port...
  16. Awfully good question. At the moment, the project is hanging upon the individual members' models being ready for "shooting". I've been as guilty as everybody else, working on my own thing and neglecting this thread. So perhaps that needs to end. I'll declare myself "ready" to render. How about the rest of you? Are your models "camera ready"?
  17. Not so fast Gorgon, time for the REAL challenge: Make it transformable. You have to admit, it'd be a hell of a challenge...
  18. Here you go... That's....upsetting....
  19. Tober? Care to step in here, buddy?
  20. Patience, young one, for the Jedi it is time to eat as well....
  21. I'll see what I can do.
  22. This is a repost for those who frequent the Mass CG Project Thread, but I wanted to see what the rest of you thought of my progress...
  23. That's off to a splendid start, Rod! Keep posting updates as you go...
  24. Down with nyu's servers, seemingly. Wait 'til I get home from work, I'll upload directly Huh, seems to be back online...
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