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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. Cross-post:
  2. Only things that look like they could use revisiting to me are the lower legs - everything else is pretty much poyfekt!
  3. Mechmaster: Awesome model! But in addition to Dat's lighting suggestions, you might consider tweaking your camera lens settings - shooting closer up with a wider-angle (shorter focal length) lens setting will give you much more perspective distortion, which'll add to that mile-long feel. If any mecha deserves to be filmed as if it were huge, it's the Macross!
  4. Yeah, that's where I cribbed the pose from
  5. Here's a "new" pic, actually an old one. Wasn't planning on posting this as I was unsatisfied with the render and its lighting and couldn't clean it up adequately in PS - but I haven't had time to do any new CG, so thought this might be worth putting up...
  6. Heehee, yeah, love that coincidence. SURPRISE SKULL SQUADRON CAMEO!
  7. Heh, yeah, was lazy in not changing the glass' reflection map - that's a photo of my street....
  8. Oh $#!%, did I break clearance again? Man, Special Projects is gonna have my head.....
  9. Model looks beautiful, Dat. Definite improvement on the intakes. At this point, weathering is almost certainly the main thing you need to do for greater "realism." As for the glass, not sure what you should tweak. Realistic glass shaders are actually usually pretty complicated shading networks. My advice would be for you to simply download and import a prebuilt one. Highend3d.com has a good glass shader...
  10. This scene was the best part of the trailer:
  11. Not yet, but no reason why there couldn't be - this is just the first render and comp I've done to test out my new textures. Anything in particular you'd like to see?
  12. Okay, here's the obligatory carrier deck shot....
  13. Well, this is neither Macross nor M$ Paint, but I likes it anyways....
  14. GORGEOUS, Rod, just gorgeous.
  15. Cool - but damned if I can figure out the geometry of it when the main strut collapses forward....
  16. Yeah, I'd have to concur. The separation line would have to be lower than that folding support strut that projects forwards at a 45 degree angle from the front of the main strut. although damned if I can guess where that strut you pointed out folds away to when the gear collapses, so what do I know....? Nose gear stearing mechanism explanation would be tops, thanks...
  17. Okay, here's #2 in our series of "valk lineups" left to right: Brian, Doktor Gonzo, Aztek, Datterboy
  18. I'm pretty bored.
  19. Hmm.... I'd be interested in Sara, too...
  20. ::holds up his IRONHORSE LIVES! banner, looks stricken::
  21. Cool, thanks.
  22. Thanks David! Now I just need to find some good lineart for the thing.... either that or head over to MATS and just copy the F-14 gear....
  23. Good show! Sorry for the inactivity, been really busy elsewhere. Az: Sorry man, that last file you sent me didn't work out. I was able to get it converted to Maya format, but it had no hands, and I had some trouble anyway getting a battroid that looks like the one in your renders - obviously, you know how to handle your model much better than I do! Any chance you could send me a version already in battroid mode? Thanks! -Peter
  24. Anybody know how Lucas' romantic life is doing? It's important, y'see - TEMPLE OF DOOM, far and away the darkest and grisliest thing Lucas has ever created, is pretty much a direct result of the bitter divorce he was going through at the time. He's asked about this in the interviews in the new Indy DVD set, things about it, smiles, and says, "yeah, I guess I was pissed off." Man, we need some woman to break George's heart again so we get a dark super gore-fest for EPISODE III....
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