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Doktor Gonzo

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Everything posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. kornholio - welcome aboard! The Gundam looks excellent so far - what 3D package are you using? Looking forward to seeing your version of the VF-1!
  2. This seems logical. The Transformers... ARE ALL DEAD.
  3. It's not so hard. Grab Vinnie's most excellent work, head on over to the "Mass CG Project" thread, and we'll nursemaid ya along
  4. That's Doctor Uwe Boll to the likes of you - he gets mad if you don't use the honorific....
  5. SPECTACULAR, Ever! Add me to the list, man! Oh, and you wanted comments? Okay, though I'd be hard-pressed to find anything less than perfect.... let's see.... are the intakes/hips final pieces? They look a tad square-ish -- the lower front edges could do with a bit of rounding off. Is this possible? Man, I want one either way!
  6. Love it. The new accessories RAWK.
  7. Congratulations Graham - he's brilliant-lookin'!
  8. Dat - looks wonderful! Don't worry, we'll work out your piston issues sooner or later. meanwhile, perhaps you might "hollow out" the cavity under the chestplate where the heatshield lives - it looks kind of weird popping through the solid piece. Again,very cool!
  9. Brian: Agreed, the originals were better, but these hands'll do just fine for now... WOZ: I'll second that, great start! Rod: I said "great start!" already, but it applies here too - let's see more!
  10. Naah, I don't think Wolf13's and Mechmaster's work on the DYRL and series SDFs can really be bettered - their models are awesome! Don't worry, I'll think of something....
  11. heh, you mean THIS l'il guy: I stuck this in there as a possible new icon. Now not sure I'm gonna use it - so if anybody else wants it, be my guest....
  12. ... trans.mov
  13. ...
  14. I'm definitely in. One suggestion though: this poster we're working on in the other "Mass" thread was always intended to be a "dry run", preparatory to doing more serious, involved stuff. Maybe we ought to bang that one out finally, "clear the deck" for this bigger project?
  15. The fan racer is very nice, approaching photoreal - very clean, flowing, very well-lit. But honestly, any of the vf-1's in this thread completely trounce that one - what can I say, I really respect you guys' work!
  16. ...and Sir's lineup:
  17. Hey, you had but to ask...
  18. try selecting the pieces with the transparency issue and doing Edit >> Delete by Type >> History before you retexture. Dunno, might help...
  19. Dat, That's some kind of weird corruption of the UV projection. It happens to me every once in a while, but I'm still not sure why. Only solution that seems to work for me is to re-assign a shader to the entire object, then re-project the textures.
  20. Not only do I own it, it inspires me to weird and unnatural acts of devotion. Case in point:
  21. So THAT'S why we cancelled the Comanche....
  22. Worth noting that this movie, with the same story concept, was under development by Proyas long before the "Asimov license" entered into the picture. So everybody saying this flick has "less than nothing" in common with the short stories is absolutely right - this is a 100% unrelated robots-run-amok piece with the Three Laws shoehorned in and a scientist character hastily rewritten as "Susan Calvin", both at a very late stage of development when the I, ROBOT title was lent to the production. Blergh.
  23. Hey, Ruakar! Where you been man? Haven't seen you around here in months!
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