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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yes, different approaches to photographing figures but the goal is the same, to show the Valkyrie at its best and to entice the viewer to buy one if they haven't already or get another.
  2. Very awesome pics ups @505thAirborne! Speaking of Ride Armor, I have prepare my wallet because the Sentinel Ride Armor Stick Ver is being released, as well as the Elint Seeker in Jan.
  3. Everyone has some great hauls, my Lego TIE Silencer is a meager haul. lol @aaajin, I have the same place mats as you.
  4. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nice shots @hardreturn.
  5. @Lolicon I was just thinking, you should have held the Enterprise by the saucer section as a homage to one of the episodes.
  6. @no3Ljm nice haul!! I like that Wolvie makes an appearance in all the photos. @Lolicon Oh that Eaglemoss TOS Enterprise looks awesome and the great shot!
  7. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Compared the VF-25 intake cover armor the 31 armor stays on pretty well, but I do agree with @Mommar the intake and thigh aren't as secure.
  8. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @505thAirborne Thank you! The armor is very securely attached to the 31, its stay on during transformation and not too much of a hindrance. The only area that I take great care is the wings, with the boosters attached I make sure they don't swing down quickly during transformations. I love add-on parts for my Valks so I'll always get a set and being that I am the Super Dimensional Enabler I say you get a set.
  9. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ok here's a shot of the VF-31J改 with VF-31F Messer Super Parts. I didn't include the Reaction Missiles so you can see all of the Super Parts. I think it looks pretty badass, but I'll stick to the J's parts. Enjoy!
  10. My Christmas to myself from the Lego and the First Order.
  11. Saburo

    Hi-Metal R

    Very nice shots @Acteon!
  12. Saburo

    Hi-Metal R

    You are doing great with the camera you are using, lighting, background and composition are well done.
  13. Saburo

    Hi-Metal R

    @Lolicon The shots look great and the panel lining really make the VF-2SS even better.
  14. Congrats on the new addition and great shot @tekering!
  15. Saburo

    Macross figures

    LOL, too bad the contract part isn't true. LOL Thank you @Kanedas Bike! Yes, its a great figure and at a great price too. Well, I am not sure how much they are selling for now. Its the Banpresto SQ Figure Freyja.
  16. Saburo

    Macross figures

    Gori Gori!!
  17. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Another quick shot.
  18. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks @brouken! I agree @no3Ljm shots are nice, keep it up brother!
  19. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nah, you don't wanna do that, you need a 2nd set. Jk Great shots @no3Ljm! Now I don't need to do take studio shots of the Kai with the Messer parts, your photoshop work looks good!
  20. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thank you @Valkyrie Magnus Thank you @505thAirborne, I try to get the studio shots done before Christmas. Life has been really busy lately. @spanner thank you mate! Yes, you do need another set of Supers for the Kai. She's has to be Dressed to Kill.
  21. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The 31J Kai is Dressed to Kill.
  22. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Early Christmas present for me.
  23. Very nice @spanner, your shots looks great!
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