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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. DX SoC Combattler V!! I was sooo close to pulling the trigger on it but I decided its best not to do it. Hmmm NY sells body parts?
  2. Her and his
  3. Saburo

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice shots @tekering! How do you like the wireless LEDs? I have been watching some videos of them and they are pretty cool.
  4. You notice any issues with stress marks on the hardpoints?
  5. Saburo

    Hi-Metal R

  6. Saburo

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks. You'll be very happy with them,. Thanks @sh9000, looking forward to seeing your custom Regults. They are pretty cool!! They arrived just before Christmas but didn't take them out of the box till after New Years. They seem have slightly tighter joints compared to the regular Regults especially in the knees. I'll know for sure when I break out the Regults and Glaug for a photoshoot. Now I kinda wish I ordered a 2nd set. Thank you @ZorClone!
  7. @dj760Nice pickup on the YF-21! I am hoping that Arcadia releases it. All the Sunstreakers, one of my favorite TFs seeing the pics almost makes me want to break my no TF Collecting rule.
  8. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Pretty much, here in WA its was really quiet not much people popping fireworks. Ok, back onto topic. I have to look into how the Lil Draken attach to the VF-31.
  9. Saburo

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally got around to opening these guys.
  10. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Cool. Yes NYE is pretty much a war zone there and also there so much food and celebration. I miss it.
  11. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Mahalo @wmkjr, have a great NYE and best wishes to you for 2018. I didn't notice the posted times had changed till you mentioned it.
  12. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Last set fighter mode. Happy New year to everyone!
  13. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks @Mommar! If that's the case I bought some snacks for the party.
  14. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thank you @Lolicon! Working on the next set of pics I'll have them up soon, this will be my last pic set of 2017.
  15. The first release of the Fewture Ex-Gokin God Phoenx was the Firebird paint scheme, later they released the repaint which was the normal paint scheme. Art Storm (parent company of Fewture EX Gokin) is releasing Big Scale G-5 God Phoenix approx 40cm long, take a look at the price tag... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-033883 Congrats @505thAirborne
  16. I'd like to get your thoughts on the Ultimate EX Voltron, what do you think of it? I am always weary of Toynami releases.
  17. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thank you @Slave IV! Here's the last set. Enjoy.
  18. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    VF-31J改 Siegfried - [Hayate Immelmann Use]
  19. My Christmas Day project is complete. The TIE Silencer is bigger than I thought and it looks evil. Haha
  20. Saburo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hehe, Ok just getting started on the photos. VF-31J改
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