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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. That's disappointing about the VF-25S... What did you think of the YF-30?
  2. Very nice TC!!
  3. Yes!! And right next to it a reissue Michael!
  4. I just started collecting a few months ago, starting with the Frontier Valks and going to be getting the Arcadia Valks when they are released. Its not quite a display just yet. I am redoing my shelves, so I just placed my collection on my coffee table and snapped a quick pic.
  5. I got my VF-25A yesterday and I like it, just after seeing MacrossJunkie's added stripes I feel its slightly lacking out of the box. Oh well... once the Super Parts gets added to it, I don't think it will bother me as much.
  6. Adding the CF Super Parts to my "to be ordered" list.
  7. Its good to start seeing the pics of the actual VF-25A and see people post up on it. I was worried that VF-25A would turn out like the VF-171CF with all of the problems that occurring with it.
  8. MJ, that looks so much better!
  9. Thanks jenius, great job on the videos!
  10. I haven't tried to cancel an order through NY, but I have had to change my order qty. Initially send the an email and no repsonse. I finally gave their live chat a try and was able to have them change an order qty. Hope this helps.
  11. anubis20, I just looked up the video and I will give it a try. Thanks for posting the fix video.
  12. The MB Destiny looks evil! That is another one I need to pick up. Sorry for the slight detour, back on to the VF-27 discussion.
  13. Tough call, I have the Metal Build Exia/Repair III version and its an awesome figure!
  14. I am glad I wasn't the only person who had this. When I first took it out of the box, I thought it strange it was covered a thin film of grease. I wiped it down with a cotton ball and water and all is well.
  15. jenius, I always look forward to seeing your videos they are well done and informative!
  16. Saburo


    Great job on the VF-1J!
  17. If you don't mind me asking, what are you using as your light source?
  18. MJ that is amazing work you have done there!
  19. I was thinking of picking up a VF-171 CF plus the armor parts and just display it in fighter mode. But after reading about all of the issues with the triangles breaking, I would be pissed if they were to break just trying to attach the armor. So I may have to pass on the VF-171 CF...
  20. This is what I am hoping for. *crosses fingers*
  21. Awesome job on the weathering, I am looking forward to see the redo pictures!
  22. grymg and anubis20 Thank you for the suggestions. I found both blue painters tape and Tamiya masking tape in my toobox, I thought I had lost them during my move.
  23. I have read that some members tape a portion of the nose cone of the VF-27 to protect the paint from accidentally getting scratched during transformation into battroid mode. I am afraid that I'll nick the paint, so would drafters tape be ok for this, since its a low tack and will hopefully not peel the paint off when removing it?
  24. Mine arrived on Friday, I was too busy to get to it till today and I am very happy with it. The VF-27 was my favorite of all the Valks in Macross Frontier so I am slightly biased. It sure has a lot sharp and pointy parts.
  25. I also go my Alto delivered today. I compared mine to what you have posted. 1. Canopy on mine is exactly as you have written. The main section is ever so slightly raised compared to the windscreen. 2. On mine the right side in fighter is flush and aligned. I did transform it to partial Gerwalk mode (standing fighter mode).
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