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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Thanks EXO, had to give up some hobbies for Macross but it was well worth it... LOL Thanks! I forgot to place a 1/144 VF-1S for the picture so the YF-19 wouldn't be lonely. haha
  2. Not sure where to post this, if this is wrong area I apologize in advance to the mods. June marks my 1 year anniversary of Macross toy collecting and joining MW. I wanted to say to all of the MW members, you are all awesome! All of your posts, knowledge and advice have helped me greatly as I grew my collection. I hope I am able to help all of you as much as you have helped me. Thank you everyone! Although my bank account isn't as happy about it. LOL My first valk was the YF-29 30th Memorial Edition and one year later it grew to this.
  3. That's the generic hex base for non-SMS units. I hope that paint defect/scratch on the port LERX is not a production issue on all of the YF-25.
  4. I typo'd my previous post and corrected it. I just use that saying when I am uncertain of which one to pick because I like the options for given items. I completely agree with you both are awesome and both need to be bought.
  5. Yes! This is how all of the releases should be.
  6. When in doubt buy both.
  7. That is an impressive setup! One day I'll have a nice display setup. I stopped by Ikea last night, I am planning to buy 4 Detolfs soon and needed to find a replacement as a riser/base for them since then 1x5 Expedit is no longer made. I spoke with the sales person and he said that there are no plans for a 1x5 Kallax. I did find a Besta TV shelf that will work in the Expedit place, I'll probably need to reinforce it to hold the weight of 4 Detolfs + toys since the Ikea page shows the load capacity to be 176lbs/80kg. Besta link http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/80218458/ If anyone is using a Besta using it as a base for their Detolfs, please let post you thoughts and/or suggestions on the setup. Thank you.
  8. Thanks! I was surprised to find it, I thought it was lost in a fire. A bunch of our family stuff was stored at a storage place that caught fire many years ago. I like the shots you took, looks like Godzilla walked over to your place for a visit.
  9. This is not a recent purchase, but it was a recent discovery. I was back home for vacation and found one of my childhood toys, a 1978 Nomura Die cast Cosmo Tiger II while searching through my parents garage. I was surprised to find it and its still in really good condition, the box is a bit beat up though. Gakken85 That Godzilla is awesome!!
  10. That is a great dynamic pose!
  11. I am not sure how others have avoided the parts making contact. Now that I have seen the scratch, I can't unsee it. Let me know what touch up paint matches. I may have to buy some too.
  12. Very observant David! There is a slight scratch on the cheek. After going through the transformation again, there is an area where the cheek will rub against the neck plate where it collapses into the torso.
  13. David, I did a partial transformation on my Ozma 29 and there is a bit of space from the "cheeks" to the shoulder plates. From the looks of it as long as the head is aligned right there is very little chance of the paint being scratched off during transformation. Here are some pics. Sorry they are a bit blurry.
  14. I don't have one so I am in. Once again into the pre-order madness I go.
  15. Thank you for the info. Nope no rocks and fossils, just a bunch of plastic and metal.
  16. After seeing your post I want to check out the Kallax line. I was planning to buy the single column Expedit and use it as the base/riser for my detolfs. I wonder if that the single column (1 x 4) Kallax can support the weight of 3 detolfs?I agree with you about their designs withstanding years without change. I am guessing the Kallax is cheaper to produce, due to the lesser amount of materials.
  17. I saw that too. I got my Pre-Order invoice from HS and now its paid. See my post above #424, the link I have provided explains NY's point system. To bring it back up, all you would need to do is complete a purchase.
  18. You can earn points that gain you levels, which are used to customize your NY page and after obtaining a certain level you can request a discount code. The amount of discount will be determined by NY based on your buying history. No problem. It's good they have an incentive program, the strange part is that you don't know how much discount you will get. There is no tiered chart to show what levels get what discount. When you have reached the level for a discount, you send a request for a discount code and then they determine discount amount based on your buying history with them. I hope they day I request a code they are in a good mood (might be best to request after a holiday, they'll all be in good moods.) LOL
  19. I read through the terms on NY website, here's how I think it goes. You will gain points on completed purchases (paid and shipped). If the item was pre-ordered before the points system was started you will not earn points for that purchase, but if the item was pre-ordered after the points system was started you will gain points once it paid for and shipped. I think that's how it works and why we are not getting points off the current items we have purchased. Here's the link, take a look I could have misunderstood the whole thing. hahaha http://www.nippon-yasan.com/cms.php?id_cms=37 I am looking at the list of my current POs, none of them will earn me points. Sorry for the slight detour.
  20. I'll need to check mine when I get home. I transformed it once and left it in Battroid mode for a while then put it back to fighter mode. I am very careful when transforming my Valks especially with the head.
  21. That's good know they are not being super harsh about it, but then again the situation will probably be different if you cancel multiple items/times. Haha.. you got -1 exp. Time to get back out there to level up.
  22. I am curious to hear if they have cancelled you POs or not. I wouldn't think they would cancel them.
  23. Nice, I am waiting for an invoice from Hobby Search.
  24. I am looking forward to getting the YF-25 and waiting for an invoice so I can pay. Where did you order from?
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