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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Yep, got mine too. The wait is almost over... Good bye money.
  2. Thank you and I am glad. Macro photography is fun, I haven't fully gone down that route since I don't have a macro lens for my camera. Looking forward to you joining the picture frenzy. Its not my fault if you start buying more and more camera gear, because it can get addictive.
  3. Thanks, but sadly I think the restoration has better chance at working than finding a set of "reasonably" priced Fast Packs.
  4. I suspected could be that, I took the pics last night and then posted them. I haven't had a chance to examine it closely since I am at work right now. I'll check it when I get home. Ugh hand cheese... I had a friend back in college who's controllers had hand cheese just caked on them. We all knew to bring our own controllers if we were gaming at his place. LOL Thanks, but I am not disappointed by it. Its part of the aging process of a toy so I accept it. chyll2 had a great suggestion, buy super/strike parts! That should cover most of the spots. I emailed a friend of mine who is a toy collecter/toy restorer, he gave me some suggestions. I am going give it a try.
  5. I love this shot the yellow background makes the VF-25S pop! Thank you, I am happy to have one now, but now I want more... Thank you for your kind words Mr. March. I just glad that my 2 hobbies are beneficial to one another. I can take pics of the toys and I can get more toys to take pics of. If it was toy collecting and fishing.. not so beneficial. I hope that my photos don't deter others from posting pics. Its all for the love of collecting Macross Toys, so post your pics everyone!
  6. Haha, great suggestion, I like the way you think!
  7. I was wondering if anyone has experienced the glue turning brown or yellowing on their Yamato Valks? I noticed along the seam lines of the parts that the there was a discoloration, I am guessing this is the glue that is turning a yellow/brown. Does anyone have any suggestions if there is a way to fix/clean this type of discoloration? Thank you!
  8. Here's my attempt at the backshot looking over shoulder shot.
  9. Nice! Too bad about the delay, but its moving forward.
  10. Very nice, especially that Godsigma!
  11. I have a friend who collects those figs, they are pretty cool.
  12. I like the VF-1 clean, its great looking but.. my love for super parts goes all they bay back to childhood. My cousin had 1/55 Bandai VF-1S with Strike Parts for his birthday, I thought it was the coolest toy ever. Granted I had the Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S with GBP armor, but the Strike could transform and keep the parts on, where the GBP had to be taken off. I had parts envy... Hunt has begun. I wanted a DYRL Roy, but they are hard to find at a reasonable price. I was watching your video and would pause it, then do the transformation very slowly. I am pretty sure if someone watching me it was pretty comical as I was talking to the valk. "Come on work with me." "You ok nothing broke right?" Thanks for the info, I'll keep an eye on the swivel bar.
  13. Thanks for the help Gakken! The parts of the transformation I was really worried about were swiveling the shoulder part into position and separating the diecast plate from the chest piece. Now that I have done it, I am fairly confident transforming it.
  14. I just got my shipping notification too, but not from Sideshow. What are you getting from Sideshow?
  15. That is true, I just like how awesome the VF-1 looks with Super/Strike packs on it.
  16. Looking the pics of the Tornado Messiah, I don't think the spot I have open on my shelf will fit its wing span. I am going to have to rearrange a bit.
  17. Haha! I'll be sure break it to my wallet gently.
  18. Shhhh... I haven't sprung the news to my wallet yet. Thank you spanner76, I can't believe I didn't get a VF-1 earlier, its so nice to look at.
  19. Haha.. oops.. sorry about that. I figured post to macrossmonday and let you know. I am compiling a list of VF-1 variants I want and its going to a fun hunt.
  20. Haha... I knew this was just the beginning... Thanks to Gakken85 and his video. More photos of the same purchase.
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