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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Yes!!! This is a must for me.
  2. Damn, can't get anything past you guys. I forgot to put the arm armor on and didn't notice till after I was done taking pics. Took down the photos, I'll retake them with the armor parts on.
  3. ** edited, I forgot the arm armor, I'll post revised images.
  4. From what I have seen from all the previous pics and the teasers you have shown, I am very happy with what I see.
  5. Thank you CY! I can't wait for your stands, I am picturing all the different shots I can take using it. Hahaha! Nope I am just collector like everyone here. I want everyone else to get sucked into the Macross collecting madness. MUAHAHAHAHA!
  6. Here are some pics. Fighter and Gerwalk first, I'll take Battroid pics tomorrow. Sorry only 2 pic of Gerwalk mode, it wasn't cooperating with me and kept falling down even with brace I made to keep it from tipping backwards. Enjoy!
  7. I saw Dark Ghosts post Is this the confirmed date when the pre-order opens and is this a web release (unlikely) or a general release? I am guessing general release.
  8. The centering issue you called out was the first thing I checked when I got everything together, I looked at it for a few minutes just comparing. I am taking a break from taking pics, Gerwalk mode is frustrating.
  9. I looked at the VTOL units and they look centered when hold them, but when its on the fighter it seems a tad bit off.
  10. I am still sick at home, but woke up this morning to find that my Tornado Part are out for delivery. Now I wait...
  11. This is great news! Time for pre-order madness.
  12. You should order right now. Hahaha! Its ok, Yuki and Akira will look good in your display case. Nice haul!
  13. Good to know, thanks for posting pics.
  14. ChaoticYeti, looks like its holds in place, did you notice any problems when posing it without the brace?
  15. Ah ok, now I know what part you are talking about. Sorry about that. I was thinking the ball joint for the shoulder.
  16. This is video is for the YF-29 but it applies to the VF-25, hope this help no3ljm and chyll2.
  17. I'll think about it, or I'll find one of the photography threads and resurrect it. I held off on purchasing the Yamato Girls for a long time, but I finally broke down and I am glad I did. From what I have seen Mori Yuki is a going for about 9000¥ - 10000¥, Yamamoto Akira is about 6000¥
  18. You are too kind, thank you. I am just glad I am able to contribute in to MW. Time for you to break out that camera and start shooting. Very nice! I like your custom stands, very creative.
  19. Thanks spanner! Something different than my normal Valkyrie in black photos. Thanks anime52k8! Melda Deitz, I like her with the VF-27 color scheme and rival to Akira who would pilot the VF-25. I do agree she would look great with a YF-29 in red. Its an awesome figure, good detail and the paint is spot on and she's a fighter pilot.
  20. Thank you, these are great shots! I'll have to live through everyone's photos till mine arrive. Sorry to hear that Kaneda How did it break?
  21. I am bummed that my Tornado Parts are not going to arrive till next week. But I did get the replacement for Alto to pilot the VF-25F, arrived today! (Akira Yamamoto piloting the VF-25F or the YF-29 and Melda Dietz piloting the VF-27γ, one can only dream right? ) * I have been experimenting with the bokeh background effects or as I like to call it the Magical Girl lights, but didn't want to use it with the Valks. This was the perfect opportunity to try them out. Let me know what you guys think.
  22. I'll give that a try this weekend. The thought of painting it did run through my mind, but I am not confident in my painting skills. Yeah, its not dirt I used a cotton swab to clean the area after I took the photos.
  23. The Tornado parts look awesome, but one thing I couldn't help but stare at in your pics was the stand. I like it! Congrats! Post up pictures! My Tornado parts are still at FedEX location in Japan...
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