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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Haha! Thanks brouken! I launched a FB page too, it has toys other than Macross on there I also want to add Jenius' pages, to this. There is detailed information/reviews on all of the Macross toys. Scorched Earth Toys Scorched Earth Toys Youtube Channel Glad to have been of help. Welcome to the Madness! We are here to help...
  2. Mine are in Seattle too, they better get delivered today.
  3. I can imagine how happy your son was, I remember how happy I was when my dad gave me my first Valkyrie as a present so long ago. I guess you can't use the "I bought it for him (your son)" explanation on your wife, because she already knows it's for you. Lol
  4. Welcome to MW NOD! That's a great start to your, I mean your son's collection!
  5. Yep, MW members are really good at that.
  6. You never know you may find a MW member who is in your area. I have 2 friends here in that are Macross collectors. There is a bad side to having a fellow collector friend who is close by, they can convince you to buy stuff. I blame Valkyrie Magnus for getting me back into collecting Valks, so for payback I try to convince him to buy more for his collection.
  7. Haha true. I have added 2 VF-1S (Roy TV ver and Hikaru DYRL Strike). But what's good is a having a fellow MW member who is a friend that has a massive collection of Valks. Valkyrie Magnus has brought over some of his Valks for me to shoot. Glad my photos have helped you.
  8. Yeah... It was traumatic to lose our family belongings. I was in high school when the the facility burned down, it is depressing to think of my Valks becoming piles of melted plastic. One day, I'll have a 1/60 replacements for the 2 that I lost.
  9. After the count you'll come out of your corner ready for another round. Yes, that's part of the cascading effect of the armor parts. The Armored part prices are just skyrocketing. I won't discuss that here, there is another thread about that very topic. I am glad I bought my Armored and Super parts sets when the prices were "reasonable".
  10. Nice additions to your collection!
  11. xrentonx might be on to something, you were so drunk you imagined the store! Be thankful that the buttertroll incident didn't happen. As for my story of loss... When i was a kid, I had Takatoku VF-1S w/GBP armor, Bandai Hi-Metal Super Ostrich and a couple of Joke Machines (even as a kid, I kept the boxes). They were my favoite childhood toys. We moved and had to put some of our family belongings into storage. Then one day the storage facility caught fire, all of our stuff along with other peoples stuff was destroyed.
  12. That's cool valhary!
  13. This hobby tends to do a beating on our wallets. That is a nice set of latest purchases you got there. If its in your budget get the 25G Tornado parts you can alternate between configurations.
  14. Maybe consider picking up a set and hope a reissue comes out for the G? Better to pay a lower price now, than trying to track one down at possibly a higher price later if the G gets reissued.
  15. I never truly appreciated it till I saw one up close and in person, thanks to Valkyrie Magnus. I hope to one day add one to my collection. Kanedas Bike you wouldn't happen to have another you would eventually want to sell?
  16. Thanks for the posting the photos OzmaLee74. It looks good, I can't wait till mine arrive.
  17. Post your findings, I am curious if the corrected it. Now that is a nice surprise.
  18. Haha... I am glad you got it. Looking forward to your pics. I guess I'll just stare at the pics I took of Valkyrie Magnus' VF-4G. Maybe I should print out a poster of it.
  19. Thank you for the update!
  20. Ooooohhh... nice!! I was close to pulling the trigger when Kanedas Bike had first listed, but I had some other things to take care of first.
  21. A while back I would always see Armored Parts sets on Mandarake hovering at the $180 - 200 zone, then jump to $250... now you rarely see them up for sale on Mandarake.
  22. International Economy is listed on mine too. I am guessing that is it...I checked my previous order for VF-25F Tornado parts tracking which as also listed as International Economy, that was delivered in a couple of days and its exactly the same (2 sets of Tornado Parts) as the G parts. I have been looking but no pics or reviews of the G parts in the wild.
  23. Mine is in transit, now it's 9/3 rather than 9/4...
  24. Nice shot TCracker!!
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