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SMS Squadron Leader (11/15)



  1. @borgified Yep. Looks like @no3Ljm has reposted them. I still am keeping most of my Valkyrie photos on my Flickr page, for now.
  2. @no3Ljm I don't mind. Please feel free to repost. 👍
  3. @MacrossJunkie I feel the same way. In the past year, there haven't been any releases that I was interested in, and most of the releases were worldwide. I plan to be online for the PO madness night just to take advantage of the favorable Yen rate. However, like you, if I am not able to secure POs, I won't be stressed about it.
  4. I am up for a PO madness night, but I haven't been in one for a while too.
  5. It's all good, you are working with what you have and doing a good job, you put a lot of creativity into the shots. Keep it up! 👍
  6. Haha, I see what you did there @spacemanoeuvres. Well done Han.
  7. @MKT high-speed run through the Death Star trench. Great job! @Mog I like how you have them displayed. @MKT another great shot of cruising through the trench.
  8. Thank you @treatment. Thank you @MKT.
  9. Great shot and amazing work on the weathering as always @Lolicon.
  10. Great shots @MKT, the last shot gives the impression that the ghost is much larger than it is. I was thinking the same thing. @lechuck I have the initial release and WWM release, the WWM release does have some changes. The blue paint on the WWM is darker, and the joints appear to be a bit tighter but then again my initial release the joints may have loosened over time. On the WWM release, I did notice that the knee/leg extension doesn't have a tight "lock" when extending and the arm cannons seem to align properly forward in fighter mode.
  11. I set the wings to high-speed mode for this shot, accentuating the YF-19's silhouette.
  12. @Mommar agreed the timing was bad for the 1/60 scale, but was great for the HM-R line. It would have been interesting if they had gotten the 1/60 OWL- ONE funded. I had several conversations with FEXT about their plans for the HM-R and 1/60-scale Valkyries. I am not at liberty to say, but they had some really cool things in the works.
  13. Sadly, they were not able to get the numbers they wanted for PO for the 1/60th OWL One armor. FEXT had reached out to me and asked me to photograph the 2 sample units they had. I agreed and shipped them to me from Hong Kong to the US via FedEx. The 2 samples were not the final but they looked amazing. Although the 1/60 OWL-One armor never entered production, I was honored to be asked to photograph the two samples.
  14. Nice series of shots, also your workbench is clean and very well organized.
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