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About alldarker

  • Birthday June 11

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I can't find a source for the God Phoenix's 'real life' measurements which makes it pretty hard to put a scale to this model. Considering the length of the G2, which seems to be about the size of a Formula 1 racing car, I'd say the scale is indeed in the range between 1/350 and 1/320 (making the G5 around the length of a large passenger jet). It's definitely not 1/200. That's more the scale of the Fewture large model.
  2. I received the ET God Phoenix last Friday. I've opened it and had about 30 minutes to mess with it: enough for a first impression. It's my first and only version of God Phoenix, so I'll not be able to compare it to other versions like the ones made by Unifive or the Fewture. The G5 is very nice indeed. It's well-painted and the colors pop. The intakes and vents opening and closing work well, and I do like the opening and closing landing gear, even if they lack actual rolling wheels instead of molded ones. It really is a pity that the bird missiles on the bottom are painted, but the ones on top aren't. As said, G5 comes with two different nosecones: one plain one and one which folds open on four hinges. Mine seems to close alright even with G2 stored, but the joints are very visible and definitely detract from the streamlined look. It's G1 - G4 that have have the slight issues. I wasn't able to fit G4 into the wing pod, and while trying I actually broke one of the tracks. It was a clean break on a glued connection, so I'll be able to easily fix it, but it shouldn't have happened. The rail on which G4 hangs and the bracket which holds G3 are pretty flimsy soft plastic, and I feel they might just break with a little too much force applied. I also feel like they might have designed G2's wheels to turn, instead of being molded. G1 is pretty nice, with actual deployable landing gear (which I wasn't expecting), but I haven't yet been able to deploy one of the two rear landing gear, because it's stuck tight, and too small and thin for me to dare exerting too much force. The Red Impulse jet seems to be fine. The one I have looks nice, it has no issues, and the landing gear deploys fine. I haven't yet put on the firebird accessory, but I can tell it looks great. All in all, I'd say my pre-order money was well spent, although it's probably not quite worth the current secondary market prices.
  3. Well... It's currently in 'deep storage' in a cardboard box in my rented external storage facility, so pulling it out is going to take a little time Still... I was checking out pictures of it earlier, and, well... Gahhhhh, it's making itself hard to love. I guess the tuxedo look is kind of interesting... But I'd rather just hide it behind that armor.
  4. Picked up my Arcadia VF-1J from the post-office on Monday, bought from Ami-Ami and shipped SAL to Europe. Annoyingly, the customs duties were pretty hefty, but the figure itself was worth it. Box was slightly f**ked up, with an annoying fold on the back, but the figure was perfect, luckily, considering Ami-Ami's less than stellar 'customer service' reputation. I have to say, I opened the box in good daylight, and the pinkish hue on the VF-1J is unmistakable to me, even without a reference. Even so, this is my fifth VF-1, but this is my first Hikaru VF-1J (I know, for shame), and it just looks great to me. I stupidly bought the Arcadia 30th Anniversary VF-1J, and my buyer's remorse was so strong that it hasn't even been opened as of yet, but there's a good chance I'll finally open it so I can make that one wear the GBP armor, and use its stand for this newer VF-1J.
  5. My PA preorder would also have been a credit-card charge, and the amount due was blocked prior to the release. In the meantime, I was also notified several days ago that my order was cancelled due to lack of stock. However, today I'm finding out that those PA a-holes have still blocked the total charge on my credit-card: it's not actually deducted, but it's still a block on my line of credit. I'll give PA a couple of days to fix it, but if this doesn't change soon I'll have to contact my CC-company, and I'll see if they can deal with PA, like stopping them from being able to pre-charge CC-cards.
  6. PA had the pre-order at US$ 142.99.
  7. Ughh. Tempt me again, why don't you
  8. I have been given the shaft by HLJ in the past too often to depend on them when it comes to pre-ordering stuff. Many Henkei / United series Transformers slipped through my fingers as HLJ 'were waiting to acquire more stock'. So, while HLJ are fine and dependable with the stuff they have in stock and that are readily available on release, for critical pre-orders they are completely crap. I have a late pre-order in with PA: and to be honest, I'm not too fussed if it comes through or not. Hell, I even saw AND passed on the 25S they were offering on AE yesterday.
  9. Great minds think alike! I literally bought my first two Ikea Detolfs yesterday. After having moved to a house with floor-space three times(!) the size of our former apartment two months ago, I've finally got a room for setting up the man-cave. This weekend I'm planning on finally getting a couple of my Valk's out of external storage and into the Detolfs. Price in the Netherlands: amazingly, about the same as US price: €50 ~ $66.
  10. This topic reminded me to finally commit myself to getting a (version 2.2) VF-1A Mass Production from HKC. I've been putting off getting this one for the longest time, but I do just love the coloring on this one.
  11. 171 CF was a lot easier and cheaper, and second place has to go to the RVF-25. This gets third place though...
  12. http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Yamato-V2-Table-2.jpg I actually believe HKC are still selling the 2009 version 2.0 Hayao Kakizaki version with rainbow canopy. Going by anymoon.com's list, there haven't been any TV Kakizaki releases since then. It doesn't matter that much, because it is still marked as 'safe'. I can actualy vouch for it myself: this was the first Valk I got, mostly to get a taste for the VF-1 Valk at a very affordable price. It's a wonderful looking Valk: I personally really like the simple coloring.
  13. Picked my my VF-27 from the post-office today. My first transaction with NY, and it was pretty good. I ordered on August the 19th: just one day before this one suddenly became more available everywhere. I guess paid more than I could have, if I had only waited, but the folks at NY were nice enough to mark the value of the package at €5.00(!), meaning the package went through customs without a hitch and especially without extra import costs. I know my packages HLJ have NEVER made it through customs without a significant customs import mark-up due to the (proper) value marked on their packages, so I reckon I've already compensated my loss on paying too much quite nicely!
  14. Yup. Got an 'in stock' message from A-E already. I'm fearing those shipping costs already. And checking my other A-E pre-orders, I see that my next pre-order to come into stock is probably Takara Masterpiece Soundwav: another toy in a hugely oversized box It's probably not even going to save me much money shipping them together.
  15. Those waterslides for his legs and chest... Are they all seperated on the sheet (so you can place each and every one seperately wherever you wish), or are they all connected (you place them all in one go)?
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