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Everything posted by azrhino

  1. Dude! Please tell me you didn't take a loss on the Monster project. I guess on the plus side, is if you did, it reduces your AGI and therefore your taxes. Sorry, last terms class was Federal Taxation.
  2. Rant away, Mike. You have obviously given this a lot of thought, and nothing you have done, or don't plan on doing, will prevent me from getting a few of these. I know it might be more of a pain, but had you thought about selling the components separately? I.E. Wall Section A, B or C is $XX.XX, Floor Section A or B =$YY.YY, etc. Anyway, keep up the great work. I am truly enjoying this, and looking forward to the finished product.
  3. Everything looks great, Mike. The only critique I have would be that the gantry doesn't have enough lateral travel. Would it look too goofy to extend the wall up just enough so that the gantry could travel over the top of the door, and on to the next section if needed, say 1/2" higher?
  4. For a flat finish I use Testors Dull Cote. For a Semi-gloss/Satin finish, I use Tamiya Flat Base mixed with Future and shot through an airbrush. It takes a little experimenting to get the right level of "glossiness" but shoots nicely.
  5. If we have reps from HG in attendance, will it cause issues for some of our garage kit makers if we bring certain LARGE chunks of resin in the form of finished kits for display? I appreciate the works being created, want to see more created and don't want to see anyone get some silly C&D order.
  6. I'm in for at least one.
  7. I've got friend that is a non board member that would really like to come and see Mari perform. Regardless of who attends, it behooves us to keep the raging "fanboyishness" to a minimum. We'd like Mari to think we are kind of normal... BTW, has she indicated any restrictions on what she is willing to autograph? (No, nothing wierd. I would like her to sign the base that my Ryuji "Miss Macross" will go on.)
  8. Thanks for all the work so far, Kiririth! I will definitely be there. It will be a good chance to get out of Phoenix during one of the hottest months here.
  9. Baking soda
  10. Even better!
  11. You must have gotten a nice copy. The RADOME on mine is deformed, and I am still trying to figure out how to make a new one. As for the canopy, are the vacuformed copies total crap? If not, there is a product called Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty that you can use to make new masters. You mix it up per directions, pour it into the vacuformed canopy, and let it dry. When it dries, it shrinks just a bit so you can pop it out without destroying the canopy. You can then fix any defects in the plug and use it as a new master.
  12. Ahh John, you must be breathing too many resin fumes. I distinctly remember you stating that the next regult you would do is the scout version... Or have I been breating too many resin fumes and imagined it? My vote would be for the scout also.
  13. With new parts to make a scout??? Please????
  14. Tony, did you scratch build the Guld also, or is it a commercially produced figure?
  15. Have you visited Monkey Depot? 1/6 figures is their main product. I searched the loose clothing, but didn't find what you were looking for. But, they might be able to order it for you.
  16. And another great bonus HWR MKII. When you move back to the states, it is on the military's dime. They get to figure out how to pack all your stuff and move it. Do they have a weight limit though? And do you already have a 1/6 figure to have sticking out of the turret?
  17. She's a beautiful little girl, William. Congratulations to you and your wife.
  18. Thanks for sharing, Mike. That is an excellent man-cave!
  19. One more off topic post. Could you post some pictures of all the stuff in that room? I see 1:1 helmets, and other assorted goodies, and would love to see some clear shots of them.
  20. I like that sculpt. Minmay looks far less "childlike" and more like a young woman. It also would be a great pose to modify to make the outfit she wore in her concert at the end of DYRL. Anyone know how available this kit is? Oh, and thanks for the build thread Ryuji!
  21. Something else to try is a product called Gorilla Glue.
  22. physioguy, Nice job improving the diecast Monster. It makes a big difference.
  23. Well, I guess I have been lurking on this page for long enough. I am a VERY slow builder, and I have been using cheaper kits to build up my skills before tackling some nice Macross kits. I recently completed the 1/72 Testors/Hawk SNJ. Simple kit that had no interior detail, so I scratchbuilt the cockpit.
  24. I'm rather partial to Magic Sculp myself. I have yet to try Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Would anyone that has used both like to start a new thread comparing the two? I don't want to hijack Valkyrie's build-up anymore than we already have.
  25. Perhaps you could break down the entries into Basic, Intermediate and Master modeler. Entrants would choose which category they HONESTLY think they fit in. Also remember that pictures can hide a lot of flaws (at least it helps with mine), so an otherwise average modeler can have an outstanding looking entry. And many online contests are based on reader votes (i.e. Starship Modeler and Modeling Madness) with no skill categories.
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