Jesus My Lord, Japanese people (women), culture, anime such as:GTO, Gundam, Macross, Evangellion, Transformers (Gen 1 only), Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Beebop and Tenchi. I also like martial arts, Japanese weapons, Japanese food, hashi (chopsticks), music (Gackt/J-POP/ROCK, nuclear theories, sportscars/sportbikes, endurance running, biographies, cute girls, engines, schematics, machines, mathematics, intelligence tests, personality tests, intelligence gathering (CIA, FBI, DIA), military hardware (F-15, F-14, F/A-22, SR-71), cute girls, books, art, puzzles, brain teasers, complex problems, instant ramen, cute girls, rubik's cube, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum........<br><br>Let it be known that I LOVE Macross II, and Ishtar rules! Hence, the awesome avatar. Finally, let it also be known, that I have a thing for Lynn Minmay, and love Mika Kaneko's music, as I also love Marii Ijima's as well. Such vocal beauty...