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About CamuiGackt

  • Birthday 11/07/1981

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  • Location
    Boring USA, but Tokyo in a couple of years!
  • Interests
    Jesus My Lord, Japanese people (women), culture, anime such as:GTO, Gundam, Macross, Evangellion, Transformers (Gen 1 only), Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Beebop and Tenchi. I also like martial arts, Japanese weapons, Japanese food, hashi (chopsticks), music (Gackt/J-POP/ROCK, nuclear theories, sportscars/sportbikes, endurance running, biographies, cute girls, engines, schematics, machines, mathematics, intelligence tests, personality tests, intelligence gathering (CIA, FBI, DIA), military hardware (F-15, F-14, F/A-22, SR-71), cute girls, books, art, puzzles, brain teasers, complex problems, instant ramen, cute girls, rubik's cube, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum........<br><br>Let it be known that I LOVE Macross II, and Ishtar rules! Hence, the awesome avatar. Finally, let it also be known, that I have a thing for Lynn Minmay, and love Mika Kaneko's music, as I also love Marii Ijima's as well. Such vocal beauty...

CamuiGackt's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Thank you all. At least I know I am not alone now. lol Mika Kaneko rules, I forget which songs she sang because the titles were mostly Japanese, but her voice, oh, her voice...if only I could marry a 50-year old woman and overlook her looks for her voice! Okay, her voice is not that good...but it is still great. All I know is that she only sang in Macross II, and I can't even find a fan page or anything for her! What a shame...
  2. Hello? Anyone?... *crickets chirp in the background*
  3. CamuiGackt


    Thanks, but i was hoping for a bandai Valk, fully assembled, as i cannot paint worth a darn. That did not stop me from getting the Perfect Grade Evangelion Unit 01 and Wing Zero Custom, the Wing Zero I have yet to assemble for fear i will mess it up. I wish i could just send it to someone to do professionally... Thanks anyway...
  4. CamuiGackt


    I was wondering, has any company made a VF-2SS from Macross II? I mean a figure, not a model. I MUST have this one if it came in 1/55 or 1/60! Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller? Beuller?...
  5. wait a tick, you bought a VF-1S Hikaru STRIKE valkyrie for 1600 yen???? Either you've got it confused with the "SUPER" valkyrie or something's up... You guys smell something? I was reading through this thinking surely this guy is mistaken. 17$ for a hikaru strike?! How bout posting some pics. The 1/55's are cool 'n' all, But the toy is behind the times. Plus, those bubble heads are just butt ugly. I have nothing to gain by lying to any one of you. My 1/55 stands on top of my TV in all it's glory, fast packs and all, and, yes, I DID get it for that price! I was trying to find a YF-19 and YF-21, but I came across these first. I looked online first and saw their prices and I was laughing my socks off. Near Yokota AB in Japan, the local mall was very overstocked at this point and I took full advantage. Looking back though, I should have just dropped $250 and bought the whole lot and sold each of them for $50 here in the US. Even at that price, they would be way cheaper than the prices online because they try to rob you at gunpoint for just one VF. I prefer the Bandai 1/55 over the Yamato 1/60 because the Yamato is so darn delicate. Don't get me wrong, I like it that the engine covers come off and all, but the plastic is so weak. The thing hardly stands in Batloid mode! The Bandai will stand forever and it has not once fallen over. I think when I return to Japan, it will stand through an earthquake! Bandai banzai!
  6. I got it in the Tachikawa mall in Tokyo prefecture in Japan when I was in the Air Force last year. They had a bunch of the Yamato 1/48s collecting dust. I think I saw like 8 all told, all blue Maxes...They were like 10,000 Yen each (about $80-82), way too high for what you get, in my opinion. They also had the Ostrich ELINT-seeker and tons of Bandai 1/55s for only 1,600 Yen ($9.75 +/=), a veritiable steal. I passed on the one w/out the fast packs and got the real deal, the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie baby! This thing is so cool, I still drool over it after a year or more of ownership. Yamato makes great Valks, but if Bandai makes them for less w/more durability, I say go for it. I want a YF-19 and an SDF-1...
  7. I hear a lot of trash being said about Macross II that I do not agree with. It does not keep continuity with the rest of the series, so what? that is what Gundam has been doing for over two decades yet people flock to it. I know I do, at least the Wing and Seed series... I loved Macross II! Yes, it was longer than a Kennedy's excuse, but I liked it. I know the Japanese actors are worlds better, and the English acting is stale, but what about the actor for Lord Ingues? He sounded narcissistic and vile, not bad acting at all. Watch it again and listen to what he says and the way he says it after he starts killing his own people and before he is eventually destroyed. Very good acting. the animation was great for the day and can still amaze you with it's beauty. Just look at all of the awesome watercolor paintings done for the advertisement of Macross II, they are so awesome. The music was great too. Mika Kaneko in particular has an awesome voice. Macross II got me into anime with the help of Evangelion and Macross Plus. Give Macross II another spin. Let's just kill Hibiki and call it a day, alright? I have an obsession, a Minmay obsession. Don't try to help me, I will not let you.
  8. I bought a 1/55 Bandai Hikaru Ichijo VF1S while in Japan for only 1,900 Yen (about $17!!!...with tax) and it is worth every Yen. I have to say it is much better than my much more expensive Yamato 1/60 VF-1J with Super Pack for 6,500 Yen ($55?!?!?). The Yamato is very delicate by comparison, even though I do not throw these things around and treat them very well. The Bandai 1/55 transforms much better and is so very solid. I think it is a masterpiece, and can hardly be improved upon. Yes, I have seen the 1/48s from Yamato and I can still say this with conviction. I would go so far as to say it is the best Valkerie design I have ever seen. Besides, they are likely just as delicate as the 1/60 VF-1J anyway...Any opinions would be great to hear, thanks. I have an obsession, a Minmay obsession. Don't try to help me, I will not let you.
  9. I absolutely love Marii Ijima's music, but even more so, Mika Kaneko's. Her balads in the Macross I and II soundtracks are so very sublime. Anyone else care to chat about this? I am new, by the way. Any comments welcome. "Lust never satisfies, but true love always satisfies."
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