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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. i'd buy three to keep'em in each mode so i can see the three modes at the same time. if yamato won't make one then i would like bandai to make a perfect grade one, since i think it is a model and has a good scale threr should not be any problems with the design as long as the fighter mode gets the main priority over the other two. the other option is if some one sells again a resin kit like SHE or the already assemblied YF-19. the last option would be that we take matters into our own hands and design an exclusive MW YF-19 design with some folks who arer more experienced in design to plan it and have some one to cast the pieces required for a variable one. if the design could be done usin hasegawa's YF-19 it would be great since the only things that would be needed are the transformation sequence and parts to allow the model to transform.
  2. if any one can help me, i heard in this trhead that there is a macrossworld official color scheme. if anyone can provide me with an image i'll appreciate it. i'm gonna order a couple of VF-19's from bandai and want to paint one in such a color scheme and if a head design is elected then i'll see if i can get a friend in my city to make me a sculpt. the other one will be in a dark gray and black and try to make a head like the one in my last picture.
  3. here's another design. did it under 10 minutes on my notebook, hope you like it too. (this one looks less than an EVA). by the way, that VF-1MW looks sweet, just like the R-1 head in SRW alpha.
  4. cool fire valk. i think it was made using parts from the 1/100 bandai model. if it was so then i better buy a hase 19 and a bandai 19S and with some minnor swaping i would get a 1/72 VF-19S. by the way, did anyone else realized that the chest section of the hasegawa is the same size as the bandai 1/100 VF-19S chest section. maybe using parts of each kit one could build a semi-variable.
  5. forgot to say this, UN MARINE that VF design looks great with a stelth feel to it, quite reminecent to the VF-EX esperimetal series.
  6. even if it looks like eva actually i did not base in that, instead there were many inspirations for this: death star gunner helmet Sv-51 face assault suits valken armored core euro fighter prototype helmet and there is more, just that there is something i like about those designs, the only type of head i hate is anything that looks like a samurai helmet on a mecha like i.e. gundam, except for some like the ashtray red. by the way this head would look awesome on a VF-19S giving it a more intimidating look.
  7. this is the ugliest thing i have seen, the only good part is the head. if people want to design VFs at least hey should do it in a belivable way. there's just no way that thing can transform from that fighter mode to that battroid mode.
  8. here's a concept for a head, i always liked this type of design so it was quite a quick one except for the painting, hope you like it.
  9. every time i hear macross is not that popular in japan i feel sad and fear that the franchise could be forgotten. i really wish bandai could give macross a second chance by financing a new TV series like in the old days. besides, how comes gundam got to be more popular in japan, if it's because of the mecha designs then i don`t belive it since macross designs are a thousand times more appealing. and macross is not the only under rated franchise i know...
  10. a pretty face on a perfect body. good job. by the way, if her skin was a little more tan i could swear she's a more mature version of mao.
  11. hi, joining in, here's my location: N: 27° 25' 55" W: -99° 32' 3"
  12. 1/1 scale mecha is the final frontier. maybe these are the kind of people kawamori was refering to as the future pioneers in macross plus.
  13. i remember i started into macross when i bought the ninja scroll movie, then i watched a short clip of mac + and i was like: hey, that's cool, should give it a try, and when i got to see it i was amazed by the animation, story and beatiful dogfights. the next macross i watched was DYRL in a video a friend taped from a cable channel. i did not had any problems keeping up myself with the story and i consider this movie as a jewel of classic animation. i have heard alot complainig from several people here in my city who wants macross to be like star wars or lord of the rings in the aspect of background information like in those movies i mentioned. personally this doesn't bother me since i just sit and enjoy this stories as they are the personall vision of it's creators. also i just had a discussion with a local robotechie who doesn't like the way macross series are going since unlike robotech i fell them as more spiritual and deep. there are just many people who hope for this series to be action movies and therefor they cannot fully appreciate this movies as they are.
  14. and that's why it is not titled: do you remember action?
  15. just a quick question. what caliber are the munition used by variable fighters like the VF-0 and do the munition have explosive charges?, was watching the transformation sequence in mac 0 ep 1 in the part where roy shoots down the missiles we see he shoots many round to the background and half second later we see a line of explosions. the explosive round would also make sense since that way they could maximize the damage uppon colission with the target.
  16. by the way Nightbat®, your image made me laugh, wish someone started a new topic maybe at fanworks where anyone can posts images like that one.
  17. already have my cypher falchion on hand. it stings.... REALLY¡¡¡
  18. you should check out the newbie topic at the top, by the way the macross is not a zentradi ship but an inspection army gun ship. you can also go to the macross compendium, just type it on any search engine and you'll find the site. hope this helps you.
  19. But dont forget the anti un have had more time with variable fighters. So the question is whether it would have been a fair fight? What I would like to have seen is roy going one on one in battroid mode against Ivanov similar to the battroid street fight in macross plus where you see dyson and guld trying to rip each other's limbs off or the episode in sdf macross when britai rips the chest plate off hikaru's vf. I always was fond of seeing battroids get wrecked and damaged. When there are no gunpod ammo, a lack of fuel, and all your missiles are used up, it up to both of them to try thier hand at mech to mech close combat. While all that is happening Nora is enraged and tries to kill Roy and because he is half damaged from the fight with Ivanov, he ejects. Shin fights her in one last decisive battle, while much later on, the monster does its usual thing of shooting the birdmech which is indiscriminately killing everything. There you go: an easy alternate change of events that allows us to see who is decisively better without just killing off the aces so suddenly. I find that when characters die so suddenly (roy's death from loss of blood in sdf:macross) it just leaves a negative taste in your mouth. You want them to go in a dramatic fashion (like in roy's death in DYRL). i agree with you, hopefully if big west decides to make a movie version of mac 0 they should allow nora and DD to go out with glory and not like cannon fodders. hell, if ivanov was to go against the AFOS they should make him look as heroic as guld in mac + movie, even make himm damage a bit the AFOS so his death doesn't look so pathetic.
  20. macross DYRL is a movie centered around the love triangle with the space war as background, the reason why the concept of love has higuer priority over the war concept is because that feeling is what saves humanity in the last moment, also the music in the last battle is what triggers something that makes the zentradi to fight on the UN spacy side. and what do you mean with some old lady... misa is not THAT old, i think she's like 18 yeras old. and if she is a little grumpy is because she is on the military since her family members were also military.
  21. don't count me in. i love this movie.
  22. well, maybe he could had spared focker's life if he were to shoot him down, but remember how he took out that pilot in episode 2 with cold blood aquracy, right in the torso, and the carrier scene, both were gory.
  23. saw the entire series and i can say it was good, still i felt a little down with the conclussion of the story and the last dogfight. maybe they decided to have DD and nora killed by the AFOS since they knew that nora and DD would have won the fight, however in the last fight nora actually let her guard down when shin surprised her with a transformation and a serie of attacks so perhaps nora could be shot down but not ivanov who actually was the best pilot in the series. in episode 4 he was playing with his pray, always in control of the fight and this was actually the only time i saw focker in real trouble, if it weren't for the reinforces focker would not have made it out alive, even if his fighter was shot down and he bailed i bet DD would shoot him when he was falling with the parachute, because DD is way too sadistic.
  24. the battroid costume looks like a stormtrooper-variable fighter cross breed
  25. best pilot: roy focker vs DD ivanov vs guld goa bowman vs isamu alva dyson vs hikaru ichijo vs max jenius vs shin kudo vs nora poliansky vs millia falyna roy focker: 4 350 results DD ivanov: 37 700 results guld goa bowman: 1 240 results isamu dyson: 523 results hikaru ichijo: 6 040 results max jenius: 4 020 results shin kudo: 27 000 results nora poliansky: 50 results millia falyna: 35 results WINNER: DD ivanov wars: UN spacy vs anti-UN vs zentraedi vs meltrandi UN spacy: 12 800 results anti UN: 15 100 results zentraedi: 18 400 results meltrandi: 1 480 results WINNER: anti-UN
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