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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. here's fighter mode, side and front. did not put much work into this images since i wanted them to be clean to show certain details, but if you want i can do one with shadowing effect like the custo 19 i did. by the way, please don't hurt me but have you ever wondered how would a VF-1 look like if it have a gundam head?
  2. here's my design based on the VF-1 but with a joint strike fighter look. also has a simplified version of one of my early head esigns. hope you like it as well.
  3. thanks UN-marine, looks like this topic is starting to become home for new VF designs, maybe i'll do one and post it here, i always log in around 10 pm, so right now i gotta get some sleep. i barely have five hours to do so. maybe my design will be something new in transformation sequence. maybe you guys noticed that there are certain types of transformation in macross: - the clasic style like the VF-1,11,0,etc., the arms go beetwen the legs - highly complex stile like the 19, Sv-51. while the 19 has similar fighter structure like the ones above i put it aside due to a higher complexity in its transformation - general galaxy stile, like the 17 and 21,22, these guys have the arms on the sides, and the fighter appearance is to keep'em stealth. hope i try something new, as long as it doesn't look like the one on the macross II comic thread.
  4. for my eye's sake don't post any image of hibiki wearing that... i already use glasses, that would make me blind.
  5. are you related to kawamori? cause you do good VF designs, not just the head but the entire craft. it has a F/A-22 feeling to it. how about an electronic warfare version of the head for your design?
  6. that part about beating them reminds me when homer got robbed and chieff wigum told him that anything he did was fair and square as long as he doesn't invite them in as he pretended to do with flanders.
  7. QUOTE (myk @ Feb 9 2005, 01:19 AM) I seriously wish Bodolza would cruise on out here and obliterate this planet... the only moment when our problems end and whe can finally rest in peace is whe one dies......... or wins the lottery.
  8. Sorry to hear about the robbery. Yeah, the law in UK is pretty much the same, protects the criminal and if you even think about self defence, you're probably looking at a jail term. One of the many, many reason why I chose to no longer live in UK. Graham well, i see that everywhere the law protects the criminals. the case here at mexico is that either human rights will try to aid the criminals or will get me to jail if i beat someone senseless in my very own home. even worse it is known that in certain cases the cops make deals with the thieves. for example my house is less than two minutes from a police station, when my house got robbed one of the neighbors actually called the police, but it took a lot of time for them to arrive, giving the robbers enough time to steal mainly electronics. perhaps the only way i can use force is in the case that my life or the life of my family was in danger, to be honest i'd rather allow them to take anything as long as they don't hurt anyone, besides i don't have any gun beacuse the use of one for self-defense makes you look like the agressor. and if it was not enough the sentences they recive are enough to make you either laugh or cry. i'd better take some advise or investigate about this matter since last week a guy who happens to live a few blocks got free, and he is known to be a thief. what bugs me is that yesterday i saw him trough the window and he looked quite suspicious as if he was looking wich house he could hit or wich one was unprotected. and my fear is that if somene tries to break in and acts violently i would be a treath to my family and i would not be able to restrain my anger and things probably would get ugly, some times i fell i can't control my self. but anyway i better investigate what security meassures i can get.
  9. i personally hate guns, but damn i have to admit many have quite interesting designs and capalilities. my favorite weapons are swords, specially the wakisashi. i know this short sword is for defense mainly but i think that unlike the katana it can be moved alot faster so i only would need to parry any atack or avoid them and get really close to my opponent to make the damage, since at a close distance some one with a long sword could find difficult to stop the short range attack of a wakisashi, the only disadvantage is that is very risky. as for the weapons i own here are the following: katana wakisashi tanto 3 nunchakus one hunting knife boken ( not deadly but painful ) a few shurikens the weapon in wich i am more skilled are the nunchakus, and the weapon in wich i am least skilled are the shurikens, i can only hit a target from two or three meters and average from five, from more distance i suck in my acuracy.
  10. wow, finally i have a second reason to buy a PS2, being the SDF macross the fisrt one. still i wonder if there will be two maxs, and what will happen if they meet?, will the universe come to a sudden end?. also the same dilema with miria. i don't think you need to know much japanese to play the game since when i first played the original alpha i did not kno anything other than katakana and that game was the reason of why i started to study that language. still i would like to know if there will be changes in the combat system like in the GBA version where you could join two characters to do a double attack i.e.
  11. great picstures, i really want this movie to be darker than ESB, already saw the pic with all the jedi corpses including wath seems to be the younglings, since this is the last star wars movie why keep restraining with the violence level, sure i know star wars don't need to show explicit violence but at least make it like in LOTR, also i look forward for tjis film to be a lot more mature and not ''a movie i did for my children'' or so as that lucas puppet said in one chapter of celebrity death match making alusion to TPM. by the way how comes there are so many death jedi in the temple scene and like 3 death troopers?, the jedi were supposed to feel the incoming danger. or does this show how the troopers are actually alot superior than droids.
  12. add to it that poo called gayblade, yu-gay-oh, duel masters, etc. how can a kid (and not so young guys) waste a lot of money on cards, thats insane, on the other hand buying models and customize them does actually make you gain more abilities.
  13. sorry to hear your house got hit. triugh my life i`ve lived in two houses and both were robbed. in the first time i was a child but the guys who got inside made one f*cking mess trough out the entire house. the second time i was like 18 yeras old and me and my mom went to leave my two younger brothers to a fiend's house, then we decided to make a stop and buy some pizza after leaving my brothers at their friend's. i think it too like 20 minutes since we left the house and when we returned we saw the house with the door opened. some bastard broke into it and stole a N64, 15 games, two TVs, a VCR, and everything from my room¡¡. what worried the most is that i have a pet, a cocker spaniel wich everyone in my home treats like another member of the family, i was worried they could had hurted her but luckily she was alright. after this incident at least one member of my family stays in home, we never leave it alone. ever since that last robery i promised to myself i would cut the hands of whoever gets inside my house and give them a beating that will make them regret they ever got inside.
  14. another shot with closed wings.
  15. here is a shot from the back.
  16. i know there are still many details in this model i need to attend, also there are many decals that have not been aplied yet. at leats the main structural build-up is finished.
  17. well, to start my story yesterday the guy who attends a local comic shop got some kits and started to sell them, i happen to see he had a VF-0B and bought it for 30 dollars. i started building it today at 2:37 p.m and finish it at 1:49 am. i'm gonna start posting the images so please feel welcome to input your commentaries.
  18. let's just hope if they make a movie version they correct the ending and sell it as a special edition with the entire cast asking for our forgivness.... j/k.
  19. OK, the question is, with wich macross character do you identefy yourself the most and why, and if necessary in what aspect you are no alike? you can use any character from any of the series. in my case i would identefy more with guld in certain aspects. to start i am a very serious person and very responsable. i have a great sense of honor but unlike him if i ever do something wrong i admit it without hesitation but always expect the same from those i know. another aspect in wich i am very similar is that when my pride is hurt i tend to act very violent, but never harmed anyone...so far (some persons i know don't mess around with me beacause they are already aware of my skills, specially with swords). the main thing in wich we are not alike is that i don't get obsessed with a person in such a sick way and i do not stab anyone or act at his or her back, any serios matter or thing i have to say i prefeer to do it face to face. so what do you guys have to tell?
  20. i agree that the SHE is the best looking model, but it seems way to expensive and difficult to find. i say we should do one for member of macross world as long as they can get their hasegawas model, the `phase of cutting the pieces is not so hard. next collect funds so someone can plan a variable sequence and cast the required pieces to build a variable 19 and sell them. by the way i never had any troubles with my banpresto so why not a banpresto variable one, the way they could pull it out is by simplifying the variable mechanics of the 19. maybe using flexible yet sturdy materials for wires that could be used to give pasability to certain parts like the arms and legs, since i think a guy at japan used a similar wire system for his variable 1/144 VF-1's. so what do you think?
  21. i agree with graham. (throws smoke bomb and dissapear with maniacal laughter)
  22. I think that the toy and model licenses from BW usually last 2 years. So it's entirely possible that Yamato's M+ licence (perhaps M0 license also) have already expired and Yamato has chosen not to pay to renew them. Graham That was just the kind of comment I really dont need at this moment... now everything tells me to kiss goodbye my YF... Anyways THANK YOU G-Man. perhaps yamato is leaving behind the mac + franchise... oh well, anyway i'll have to buy another 19 and build it in gerwalk and that's it, i will have then all three modes on my desktop and you might thing i will acchive my goal but not until i get at least one variable 19.
  23. here's the VF-1 god of death:
  24. yes it is a bullet chain, it only sticks out in battroid mode according to my original idea since otherwise when transforming to battroid it would not fit in the head area pit, it would also keep the thing cold to prevent over-heat and protect the internal sensors from the heat, and the machine gun purpose is mainly anti-personel.
  25. so beautifull.... so sleek.... this model inspires me... to do a battroid one. one question. can you make a list of the parts you used for the arms and where did you bought them? this is the only tricky part i need to solve to make a battroid SV-51.
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