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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. battroid.
  2. Ok, started this topic for anyone who wants to post their original VF designs, this is derivative from the custom head thread at toys, hope everyone has something nice to share. don't just feel limited to VF designs, you can post your designs for fast packs, heads, missiles, weapons like the gun-pod or everythings that suits for a valkyrie. i will start by posting my previous designs:
  3. to this moment i think there are little plot pints left to be spoiled, but anyway i'm looking forward to see this movie, hopefully there will be something that could surprise me even when i know a lot of the plot. i remember that before ep II came out i knew almost everything that was going to happen, hopefully there is something new to see when i watch the movie. so far i know it is going to start with a huge space battle, our heroes manage to get to the invisible hand, they face with grevious who escapes, the face otu with dooku who puts obi-wan out of the fight. anakin defeats dooku and by order of palpatine he kills him. after dooku's death anakin manages to land whats left of the invisible hand while firefighter ships take out the fire. after palpatine is brought to safety he is greeted by dignataries and members of the jedi council, he gives the order of makin anakin part of th jedi council. anakin asists to am opera by invitation of palpatine, they probably have a talk where palpatine brings the ''tragedy of darth plagueis the wise'' wich is about how to cheat death. later obi-wan and anakin are given separate tasks. obi-wan is to capture grievious while anakin is given the task of being palpatine's personal bodyguard. at some point the jedi bring the chancellors matter into consideration and mace decides to pay him a visit, this is perhaps the most relevant moment in the movie since anakin chooses to side with sidious and bringing an end to mace's life. after this incident i think palpatine call an emergency mmeting at the senate where he declares that the jedi are enemy to the republic and so the infamous scene at the jedi temple comes. meanwhile yoda is out on a mission to assist the republic forces to face an incoming assault from federation forces, hopefully the scenes of kashyyk's battle will be like those in saving private ryan, except there will be no blood nor gore, but rather have some interesting views like a war documental. so, in utapu obi-wan manages to locate the escaping general who is comunicating with palpatine, maybe obi sees the image of palpatine and after defeating grevious he contacts with yoda and let him know about this fact. now returnig to kashyyk i think that after the battle the clones are issued with the order of terminating the jedi, here probably we will see many shots in several locations where the troopers turn on their former leaders. during this onslaught on kashyyk the wookies help yoda to escape, after he returns to coruscant he decides to confront sidious and go to a saber fight in wich we will see the poor litle guy loose. yet yoda manages to escape with the help of bail organa, then he meets with kenobi and go to the temple, where they will see it in ruins, there they will see some video recordigs of the imperial raid and they will see that it was anakin who lead the attack, yoda will try to contact with the surviving jedi while obi-wan goes to naboo, there he meets with padme, he has a short talk with her and leave. later anakin comes to padme after receiving new order to get the rest of the separatists on mustafar, he will also have a short talk with her about the sudden changes in the galaxy, about heir selves and other important stuff, the he departs to mustafar to do with his mission, padme decide to go after him, but without knowing she will be followed by obi-wan. at mustafar the remaining members of the separatist movement will be conducting negotiations with sidious, then he tells them he has sent a representant to negotiate with them, then a door open and anakin comes inside and start killing them, later padme lands on mustafar and meets with anakin, but then obi-wan suddendly appears and anakin, feeling himself betrayed by his wife force-chokes her followed by a force-push, padme hits a wall with her head with considerable force, obi-wan tries to make anakin go back to the light side but anakin starts telling him it was obi-wan's fault that her mother died, about how kenoby is jealous of his own skills ans that stuff, then he attacks enobi and the duels starts, we all know who ends up winning, but i certainly hope obi-wan win by skill and not by sheer luck like when he fought maul. well, the rest is well known, padme gives light to twins and dies due to her injuries, anakin is saved by sidious and is given the suit, yoda goes to dagobah, organa takes leia with him and so does obi-wan with luke, he gives luke to owen and fleds into the desert. i think this movie will have a very sad ending to it. maybe to dark. but anyways i will always have this video to cheer me up, it just made me laugh a lot, funniest video i've seen so far, maybe is old but wathever, i'm giving you the location here: http://www.startsiden.no/underholdning/lyd...de/?links=&cat= just right-click on ''star wars kid'' to save it in your HD.
  4. did not saw my image that way as being femenine, maybe it is because it has a fragile look to it. anyway valkyries should be elegant, not grunt looking like gundams.
  5. striderhiryu


    yeah yamato, make it. you know you want my money...
  6. striderhiryu


    oh cruel destiny, why am i being tortured by the desire of owning such a beauty...? j/k, seriously yamato should go for that one, everything is done so there is no need for their designers to get their lazy butts off.
  7. spoilers rock¡¡ so far i have heard that anakins does has a father, maybe shmi didn't want anyone to know that her son's father is palpatine and so she came up with this ''there is no fatter'' stuff. by the way, i miss the comments from duke....
  8. Nice looking kids. Barney is banned in my house, as is Teletubbies My boy quite likes watching Sesame street though. Graham i agree, when i have a kid i will bann every single dumb and lame show that is out on TV. and that also goes for lame anime like yu-gi-oh, beyblade, duelmasters, and any other things those crazy japanese come with, for my wallet's sake.
  9. something one should consider in some cases is the violence in some animes like DYRL. while some might be worried about it i did not had any problems with that, also before i introduced my cousin and my young brothers into macross we used to watch some anime for the violence, i think the first one was fist of the north star, we really had a good laugh watching those heads explode. but in my brothers case i only allowed them to watch movies like ninja scroll only when they were mature enough.
  10. regardless if your side is winning, only when you loose a relative or someone close you open your eyes wide and see that it sucks. or when you have awareness of the suffering of other actual living human beings, wether they're military or civilians.
  11. a deadline is needed and then a poll............ my bet is Flaming Guantlet's VF-2SS for the winner.
  12. well, i'm not a dad yet but i have a cousin who was like four years old when i introduced him to macross. it was first with macross plus, when he started watching the opening battle he was mesmerized, then next came the toys, games and models i own, it was first with the VF-19A. so, as to inherit our love for macross to the next generation at least for me i'm sure it won't be difficult, yet the most important part is that the kids enjoys it, as we did in our time. i think if i have a kid and he likes the show i could greatly help to develop the relationship even better since there is nothing like a father and a son who share the same interest wich allows them to have some quality time. maybe the right moment to introduce them to it is when you feel they have a little more awareness of the world so they can understand certain things, maybe when they're six years or older. hopefully one day i will be blessed with a kid in the future.... but i have yet to marry. maybe it would be more interesting to hear what the actual dads have to say about their experience in this matter........
  13. now that a very fine picture, did you used the bandai model for reference?. wish i had bought one of those when i had a chance...
  14. hope this explains a bit on the transformation process.
  15. here's the battroid mode, this one is hand drawed, since where i live is already night you'll have to excuse me for the quality, but i didn'y want to wait long to share this with you all, if you can tell the transformation sequence by looking at booth images then i can say i did it right, still the way i planned it it is quite complicated, and there is a bit of anime-maguc like the 19:
  16. god i hate when i do that. here it is:
  17. hi everyone, i'm back. datter boy, that is the most beautiful scheme i've seen for the VF-1, and i'm being honest about it, now if you could post a guide for the colors and someone could do the decals with the option of having custom names for each member... anyway here's my next VF design, since UB-marine beat me with the x series number i'm gonna scrap the numeric series. this is the top view of fighter mode, did it on paint.
  18. OK, right now i am taking a break here at my work, so i did this quickie for all of you to see, once i get home and after i do all the other things i need to do ill come back and see if i can upload any other design i come up with. P.S. does anyone has an image of the MW color scheme?
  19. ups, forgot this, do you want the image to be clear like the last two i submitted or do you want it to be with shadwing effect like the custom 19 i drew in my notebook, i think that image is on page 5, by the way since it is not a poll the first to reply to this message gets the image the way he chooses, either clean or with shadowing effect.
  20. mmm... that gave me an idea, tomorrow i'm gonna post an image of a VF-1 with a custom head, maybe it will be one of the ones i posted or maybe a new one, and will add custom fast packs and perhaps custom gun-pod, or what about a mecha-scale shot gun. maybe the fast pack will be like the ones used by the VF-2SS, the biggest and collest set of fast packs ever.
  21. thanks UN-marine, since you submited first an original design maybe i should call mine the VFX-3, i wanted to keep it as a simple yet funcional design since if there was a contest for a military contract it would be probably picked as their option, remember what happened with the YF-22 and YF-23, they elected the simplier, easiest to maintain and most functional one. mmmmm, maybe i should cal my company ''light sword cypher corp.''. if someone has the time to clean my image i would greatly apreciate it, i used to have a program for my old scaner wich allowed me to make a scan into black and white only, but damned XP won't allow me to insatle it, it was MGI photo suit, if anyone can find an XP version, please let me know, i really would like to submit my design with some cool color schemes, also UN-marine, i also would like to see your design in color. maybe tomorrow i will post more design as soon as i can come up with them, both heads and maybe VFs.
  22. anyways, there are certain advantages of beeing spoiled, for an instance i have done a bet with some friends, everything i need to win is for palpatine to at least once mention darth plagueis, by getting info this way there is no doubt i'm for the dark side.
  23. so far the picture with agent one has been the funniest thing i've seen here. next was the guy decapitated in DYRL
  24. one of the most memorable moments in DYRL ( its just a quickie in 5 minutes and saved it as .JPG)
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