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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. that helmet looks like a fusion between a VF-0 pilot helmet and an X-wing pilot helmet. by the way, the cockpits looks claustrophobic, like in a F-1 mirage.
  2. weel, i ended up watching the second trailer in the least expected moment. i was finishing watching the simpsons in a mexican channel ( TV azteca ) and as soon the news program was starting they showed the second trailer, and boy that's the best trailer i've seen. looks like it's gonna be a PG-13 rating for this one, they showed anakin slicing nemoudians and members of the separatist army, scenes of the opening space battle in wich i saw how one of the republic capital ships interior was blowned up and the miliatry personnel and clone troopers were sucked into the vacuum of space. also some scenes of the duel betwwen anakin and obi-wan, i specially liked when obi-wan yelled at anakin ( in what i belive are secons before he gets deep fried in lava ) ''you were the choosen one¡'', also the duel betwen sidious and mace's pose, in wich he strides toward them in a frightening way wich gave me the creeps. and the anticipated duel between yoda and sidious. man that was to much for me and all under 3 minutes. now i can't wait to download it, specially in quick time so i can check for details in the scenes i might have pass up. i really hope the movie is as good or better than the trailer. Btw that boba fett picture looks a lot like my young brother, same face, look and hair.
  3. i think that picture is the alternate ending of macross plus after the ghost takes active duty within UN Spacy forces.
  4. they should realise that they could make more profit if instead of targeting the japanese audience they targeted the US audience. i bet macross would be more popular outside japan. they only need to take HG out of the game. IMO i think japanese audience is more focused on gundam and other series.
  5. well, i've checked my hasegawa fighter and the tubes do not seem to attach to any part but the rear of the arms, so maybe they lock there to keep the arms in line with the rest of the chest and nose fuselage. but also i checked the front of the tubes pretty close and they do have what seems to be four machine gun tubes, and there are no obstacles in front of the tubes so they could be either machine guns, as mentioned before isamu does shoot what seems to be bullets, not lasers. as i see it they are probably machine guns. perhaps to attack military personel instead of fighting mecha. just imagine a 19 doing what ivanov did inside the asuka. by the way if anyone can read the decal used in the hasegawa model that goes in the tube, as far as i managed to read was only the first line ''CAUTION'' in a yellow rectangle.
  6. OK, this time i done it. i wasn't going to release this one until i finished fixing some details. to compensate here's the picture i was going to upload:
  7. nice and interesting custom alphaHX. wish my custom had that articulation on the legs and knees, since mine is almost a fixed pose model except for the arms that still have some mobility. here's a picture of mine, right now i'm trying to repair it since the last time it fell from the shelf. by the way what type of screw did you use for the leg-knee joint? and how about trying to do a semi variable or variable one using the bandai and hasegawa kits?
  8. wohoo. finally some good news, lets hope hasegawa gives us more kits. i specially hope the 11 comes out along battroids for the other models, sadly i don't have my 19 battroid with me anymore, i fell once again and this time beyond repair , so i hope they do at least a battroid for the 19.
  9. striderhiryu


    eventually, they will pay for they total lack of vision...
  10. i think it would be better if you could give the builder the otion to do it as a VF-19 kai or a VF-19F/S. it would require only the heads for the kai, F and S model and the two different wings.
  11. striderhiryu


    i really wish this models gets the attention from yamato. even if it was a toy in 1/100 or 1/72 without fast packs i would be willing to pay as much as 300 bucks, as long its perfect variable, i don't care if i have to take out the hands for fighter mode. i won't be buying anything else until this thing comes out.
  12. wow, that's pretty impressive Ed.coli. i specially like how the landing gear wheels are used in the battroid feet, like in the destroid cheyenne. and also the mechanical structure is very convencing. remember guys that you can post anything as long as is a fighter with transforming capability and also you can post art for its accessories. i will continue posting more images once i get some spare time, i've been quite busy lately.
  13. another design.
  14. man i can't belive i did the same mistake twice, must remember attach file then add reply. i'll promise i'll never do this again and that i will try to keep up with new designs. by the way here's the battroid mode, now that i think about it you guys must already noticed how different design styles UN-MARINE and i use, just like a competition for a contract. think as shinsei vs general galaxy.
  15. here it is.
  16. oops.
  17. i'm back everyone. i was watching my military aircraft book and came up with this design, so far i have not seen this type of fighter in macross. enjoy:
  18. iie, ore wa nihon jin janai, mekishiko jin desu. OK, i was going to upload some images i've done but right now i'm very tired, had a tough day and a car almost hited me in the street on my way home, but tomorrow i'll upload them, basically they're gerwalk for my two previous design and two new ones i've done. i'm going to get a little away from tyhe classic VF-1 lines to explore new transformations sequences. by the way UN-MARINE that gerwalk is neat, i knew you would come up with new designs. keep up the good work man. and to everyone else i hope you can posts your designs so we can all learn from each other, also if you like you can give your tips on how to design or how to improve them. i.e. when i draw the battroid i draw appart the gun pod and then i put the gunpod design under the sheet where i am doing the battroid, that way i can do a clean image of the battroid holding the gunpod.
  19. OK guys, i started a new topic at fanworks. UN-MARINE, i¡d like to see your stuff posted there, and by the way i'm sure you'll come up with new designs, keep'em coming.
  20. custom 19 head. will psot new designs tomorrow, also i'll try to make variable designs of actual fighter, maybe i'll start with the F-15. UN-MARINE, please feel welcome to post your designs, i know you'll come up with some new ones, and i'm sure they'll be awesome.
  21. custom VF-1 head.
  22. battroid mode of the one above.
  23. another custom VF, top view.
  24. a custom fast pack set, based on the VF-2SS.
  25. her goes, sorry for that.
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