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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. i think i'll get it for old times sake, i remember when i used to attend my classes of wu-shu and after the class i ran to my home to catch the show.
  2. does anyone know anything about the background story of these games, specially 2036?. i always tought that in 2036 the UN encounters another zentraedi fleet of the almost 1000 fleets that lurks around the galaxy.
  3. anyway i hope he keeps real, no fancy flying nor any of today over-fantasy moves. god i miss old school martial arts movies. by the way i hope they do training sequences like in kickboxer with some good music, something about like eye of the tiger, i always listen that one when i train in my house, don't know why but i drives me to pull my body to its limits.
  4. quoting skull leader: . I mean, who else, in a split moment, can drop into the splits and bitch-smack a fat guy in the junk?. that move is one of my favorites and my second speciallity. of the trhee upcoming movies i am really looking forward for kumite, specially since i liked blood sport and i hope to see some really good fight scenes, the more hard and violent the better, i hope it does not has any lame dialog. however i don't want to see any unreal moves like in some of the recent martial arts movies like in crouching tiger hidden dragon, i mean artistically it looks good but i hate to see people flying.
  5. an anime classic i would recommend is ninja scroll, and as for newer stuff maybe bakuretsu tenshi.
  6. i have some like screamers, star ship troopers, space balls, and that kind of things... by the way no one has said anything about movies of el santo, some things about them are funny.
  7. this is the only image of the VF-22S in battroid i could find, it seems that it locks all vulnerable areas of the canopy.
  8. i wonder if they can make the pilot's seat rotate like during the transformation in the first episode of zero.
  9. well, this is another case in wich hollywood finds a franchise that caught it's attention and then they decide to make a movie while taking away everything that makes doom interesting. by the way, do you think this movie could be as bad as ''house of the dead''?
  10. personally i'd like to see ivanov's Sv-51, then the VF-0A/D and Sv-51 alpha, after that the ghost drone and FAST packs for the zero and twin boosters and add-ons for the 51, after that an armor for the zero and finally octos and cheyenne.
  11. finally i get to hear good news, hopefully they make the zero valks into a complete collection like the 1/60 VF-1's. if things go good then there is chance to see even a 1/60 Sv-51 so it can have something to go against.
  12. dammned, i'd like to kick capcom in the balls... well, at least i could play games like capcom x namco and maybe buy a PS1 to play strider 2 and macross DYRL, VF-X and VF-X2. meanwhile i'll continue to download the strider hiryu manga, i found it at lscmainframe.topcities.com wich takes the plot of the NES version, but it's in japanese.
  13. i voted for more than one, actually i'm going to buy the three of them for the following reasons: Revolution: good multiplayer games, also can read GC discs and i already have over 30 games. PS3: for the RPG's, future macross games and if posible a strider sequel. Xbox 360: for Halo and any good FPS it has. if any console does not satisfy me it will bee sold.
  14. basically it was DYRL with other characters. anyway the mechas where impresive, too bad the animation quality was inconsistent, being eĆ­sode 4 and 5 the better animated ones.
  15. hi everyone, one queston that bugged me for quite some time. why many protoculture designed mechas seem to be based on one eyed organisms, like the zentraedi regults, glaug, nousjeadul-ger, etc. even later mechas like the bird men?. could this be a clue to the protoculture phisical aspect or based on protoculture worlds native organisms?
  16. well, maybe then you might have seen the strider manga that jump comics published a long time ago.
  17. thanks. So that means i am not the only strider fan...
  18. could not resist doing this..... 20 seconds.
  19. You mean like this? hey alphaHX. is that 19 yours? i'm asking because i recently ordered and payed a hase and a bandai 19's. i was thinking on a way to build a PV version but it seems to be a really hard task to accomplish, since this is the last attempt top do so. however if i can't pull it off i want to do a semi variable 19 like the one on the picture, in wich case i would like to know how did you or the modeller who built it managed to modify the lower portion of the legs.
  20. thanks for the tip. one more favor, just a small question: does the 1/48 VF-1 has large metal parts ore are they all made of plastic?
  21. Hi, a couple of weeks i received a FP Vf-11B, however the paint on the metal legs is starting to fall, does anyone know how to prevent further paint chipping? i,m asking this since i have never touched the metal parts even tough i transformed it several times. also does temperature affects the paint?, since i live in nuevo laredo next to laredo texas and the temperature has rised over 100 farenheit and has been quite hot.
  22. WOW all those models where way too much for me..... i never tought i'd say this but this was honestly the most wild navigation on the net i have done ever... one question to the modeler: are you god? after seeing this and since today i spend over 75 bucks on a hase 19 and bandai 19 for my custom i can only pray that at least it comes right....
  23. hi everybody, i'm back after a long time. perhaps many remember my first custom model, the YF-19 battroid. well i'm starting my last project wich is a very personal goal of mine: to build a full variable YF-19 in 1/72 scale. right now i ordered a styrene sheet (2.0 mm. thick), a hasegawa YF-19 and a bandai VF-19. after i watched a certain custom battroid using a bandai and hasegawa battroid kitbash in battroid mode i finally decided to give this project of mine one last shoot. hopefully i'll receive my kits in a couple of weeks after i send payment this monday, so if any one can give ideas or any advice you're more than welcome (not that i have not planned the building process), i'll check this tread each week end (my PC crashed). by the way if anyone wishes you can get your kits and do this a multi-party project in order to share tips to finally build one perfect variable 19. once i start building i will take pictures of the proces and if done well i'll ad pics of the transformation process. well' this is it for now, wish me luck.
  24. that's so beautyful.... why did i have to born only to suffer for not having one of these.(bites own hand)
  25. this topic is funny
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