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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. yessssssss..... yessssssss..... there trutly is a god, he loves me.... truly good things happen to BAD people.... i have not been on this site for like 3 weeks and the i come to see what's up and i see this... it really made my day. as for the design having owned the VF-19A and the hasegawa model you can really tell how far they have come with the design. i really dont care if it looks more robust on the side view since as one member already said the YF-19 was originally made as cell animation and there is a lot of proportion changes in the animation even when they show it in fighter mode. in my opinion this is the way the YF-19 would really look if it was made in CG with realistic physics and not with anime-magic. as for the design i hope they include a rotating seat, only that i would rotate in a way that the pilot faces the screen disp´lays that are located in the cockpit's floor, tough i don't know if this is cannon since i have never seen how the pilot's seat stands in battroid mode. As for the price i think due to the complex design it will be more expensive than the VF-0, maybe around 180 dollars per unit. another thing, i hope they make the lower legs able to open to display the long range missiles like in ep.4 during the dog fight. hopefully with the experience that yamato will gain with this design they will be able to start designing the Sv-51 wich in my opinion is the most difficult one due to the very samll parts ijvolved with the transformations, specially with the fatige in such critical areas like the wing root and the parts that connect the legs with the rest of the body.
  2. I agree on having an USAF low-vis version of starscream. BTW, watching the pictures at HLJ brought me back some memories when i was a small kid going to laredo Tx. to the riverdrive mall and next to one of those toystores there was a transformers promotion in wich a person was disguissed as starscream and it really looked coll, he was giving away for free some colouring books, i think i have a picture my dad took back then lying around in my house so if i find it i'll post it. Also, at HLJ site they state that it was designed by the hoary floating head. Is it true?.
  3. i know is against the image nintendo wants to give to its customers but i think i would be funny if the characters have a special move wich sends their foes to a better place in a hilarious way. and yes, about that mario vs sonic thing: I WANT BLOOD.... or at least see an old Sonic fan drop a couple of tears after an humiliating defeat. there is nothing better than to see someone cry after defeat, specially if he is a pokemon fan...
  4. wow, i'm writting down all your options to at least include them as CAWs in a WWE game i have... well, back on topic i would like to see cranky kong, after all he is the original DK, and also toad and the hammer bros. as for konami how about one of the two main charactes from contra, goemon, heck even vic viper. from capcom zero, the one from the X series since the GBA one looks like a girl, also arthur from ghosts and goblins in his underware and my personal favourite strider hiryu, remember that back in his best time every console wanted a piece of him, just look how many ports were made of that particular game.
  5. Something i would really love to see pac-man do is to have a special attack in wich he could devoure his opponents leaving only the eyes like in the original arcade game. Also if capcom were to include some characters i hope they don't bring the entire street fighter lineup as they did in marvel vs capcom, where i should have been limited only to Ryu. Mmmm... Simon Belmont would be a good one, as long as he does not look like the last main characters that appeared in recent castlevanias. How abothe ducks from duck hunt taking it on the dog that picks up their corpses?
  6. That one has some kind of non-human features in it's design except for the machine gun. As for being a good mecha designer i think it has to do with wath do you consider to be a good mecha design, wich may appeal some but not to other people. It also depends of how you want a mecha to perform. For me a good mecha has to be something realistic like the valkyries since unlike gundam they do have a reason to be giant robots since they are fighting a race of giant aliens. Also the way they fight is to fast and spectacular none the less. However theyre are those who preffer something more like powere armors like in Assault Suits Valken, wich are not one of a kind, but more like your average tank. Also the word mecha in japan is not limited to robots, but also include everything mechanical, like guns wich is one of my favorite subjects, since i've been doing a lot of reserach on the inner mechanisms that allow the gun to work. maybe if i could study a career on industrial designs or mechanical i could apply the knoledge on every sketch, however there is also the psycological part, for example look a the head of the YF-19 or the VF-0S and you'll know it is a badass machine. Just see how many prefer type S heads over any other variant.
  7. hi, this thread is for everything about the latest installment of th smash brothers franchise. to satrt things up here is a direct link for the teaser: http://streamingmovies.ign.com/revolution/..._wmvlowwide.wmv what shocked me about this video is the inclusion of solid snake, who has the honor of being the fist third-party chararcter ever inlcuded in the franchise. Also there is a possibility that he won't be the only third-party newcomer. what i would like to do is if you were to choose up to five characters to be included from companies that released significant titles for any nintendo consoles, who would you choose? as for me my options would be: 1.- Sonic, since he was long ago Mario's rival during the 90's console wars between nintendo and sega. 2.- Pac-man, for good old times sake 3.- Megaman: he first saw light in the good old NES. 4.- Ryu Hayabusa: originally born in the arcades his finest hour was in the NES. 5.- even tough he wasn't in any nintendo console i wolud choose Cloud Strife as Final Fantasy's ambassador of good will. what do you guys have to say? *edited for grammar
  8. just to ask for something i was thinking but didn't want to start a thread. Assuming that they UN still uses dollars as their currency how much would a VF-1 cost and how much would a VF-22 cost?. Just as a reference the F-22 is almost 170 million bucks a piece while the B-2 is over 2.5 billions i think.
  9. I was checking for information on wikipedia and the guy who made the music for the video is final fantasy's composer Uematsu. Also i read there that there is a survey being done in japan so fans can vote for wich characters they want to see. If they were to do something similar here in america my top five would be: 1.- Sonic: Mario's long-time rival, just remember the 90's 2.- Pac-man 3.- cloud strife: he's in my opinion the most popular character in the final fantasy franchise 4.- zero, just because he is way cooler than X 5.- strider hiryu for obvious reasons of mine even tough in wikipedia they mention Master Chief i think that is pretty unlikely, however like i say: the more the better.
  10. I recently watched a video for dairantou smash brothers X and it impressed me i a way i have't for quite some time. Perhaps i'll go for nintendo's Wii just for this game, specially since one of the new comers is none other than solid snake. I personally hope that other characters have the balls like snake to get in the brawl like let's say pac-man or rockman... unless they're scared to broke their nails.
  11. here is the link to some designs i and other members posted previously on the fan works section. Warning it is picture intensive: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=13358&st=0 enjoy. i have many designs but since i no longer have the CD to install my camera nor do i have a scanner i can´t post them.
  12. i think he could not reach the controls because when he was falling the G's where pushing him back on his seat.
  13. wow.. yesterday i ws lurking like at 7:45pm and now i come and see a lot of beautiful pictures. BTW another quick question: wich parts are metal? just to know if there is gonna be parts that won´t look good once the paint starts to fall. man i can't wait, specially since i went to the bank in the morning to retire cash to pay fo it.
  14. i hate you hollywood¡... why do they spit like that in the face of people who once liked the orignal movies like that?. i barely read a few lines of the plot and i think taht it will go like this: a predator teaches a girly inept underachiever delivery boy how to have faith in himself.....Agh¡ when i see the letters VS i expect violence and blood, not this. I´ll stick with the original predator film.
  15. quick question: will some one make 1/60 water slide decals based from the hasegawa sheet for this baby? i really don't want to use stickers.
  16. once i get my invoice from HLJ and after i send my payment i´m gonna tell one of my buddies who works in mexpost wich is the company who manages EMS here in mexico to not send it to my house, but rather to call me to my house so i can go and receive it at the office and then show it off in the main plaza.... Now that i think of it he hasn´t ordered his own zero and yet the bastard will be the first one to actually have it in his hands.
  17. damn i can't belive how slow this month has been so far. Ireally want my VF-0S, yet if this was a slow waiting period i domn't want to think how it is going to be once i send my payment. I´m thinking of something like this: me: is it here yet? mail man: no next day. me:is it here yet mail man: no and so it goes until it drops in my house, i come out saying is it here yet, while the mailman say the same until he yells: here's your stupid package. i receive it and poliitely say: thank you sir. anyway i think this are gonna be the best 160 bucks i spend in this year so far, that unless they decide to release an Sv-51...
  18. im in, BTW many of your stories reminded me some things i used to see here in my town, the saddest being a bunch of guys playing yu-gi-oh outside a local comic book store as early as 5:00 am. they were eventually banned from the place and yet keep going there until the manager actually called the police.
  19. gotta get multiples of this one. will use only one and the rest to make sure i don´t share to anyone... now if they could finally make a 19 then i can finally be happy and overcome my inner demons since i lost my yamato 19A.
  20. cool sword A1, and by the way thanks for the advice you posted. wished i knew some one who could build me a cypher (think of it as a tonfa with a really sharp blade) , i was talking to a friend in laredo texas who like to collect swords and even manages to build some combat knifes but it seems the design might be hard to handdle. so far i only have katana, wakizashi and tanto, and nunchuks, all ready for combat. have you tried to do some of the tricks arnold pulled out in the movies like in conan the destroyer when he was ambushed by soldiers who where after the princess, and at a point he faced a fairly skilled one then he spinned the sword and passed it from his right hand to his left hand behind his back. in the movie it was not a quick move however it looked cool, but if you can manage to do it faster it will look better. i think people collect swords because some people are aware of the beauty of those things, yet there are others who do not collect them for that reason but rather to learn to use them for their true reason to be. a sword that is not used with respect and only to play is a dead sword and has no spirit in it. i know because i do use them for their true purpose in self-defense. i actually once used one to scare off some junky who managed to get inside my house and was trying to get open my car, however i felt pitty for the bastard and did not strike him.
  21. i was thinking on what A1 once said about today's kids being worthless pussies. i know cartoons are supposed to be made for kids but even when they're main goal is to sell merchandise at least they should be done in a way that teaches them how to confront tough situations and beat the odds. as far as seeing a character dying in a cartoon i can recall the G.I. joe movie that was released in mid-80's. sometimes i wished things where like in the old days... but since they are not the only thing left to do is to keep on going forward for better times.
  22. a valk can take on a gundam any day, just remember: valkyries are flown by MEN and gundams by KIDS.
  23. here´s mine:
  24. gotta get that game at all costs... still i wished they had included the YF-19, that would had been sweet.
  25. quoting on A1: Parents of suicidal children ALWAYS look for excuses. Finding an excuse is much easier than admitting you failed as a parent. the truth has been spooken, i think that someone who goes for suicide just for something like a videogame is a pussy, lacking the courage to stand up and face his own problems and choosing the easy way out. as for the fathers there are times in wich discipline must be applied, and to do so they need to have strong determination and avoid being intimidated by their sons. sometimes i pitty those who waste the precious gift of life.
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