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Everything posted by striderhiryu

  1. I don't think we'll be seeing the U.N spacy millitary forces in this series. If there is anything they do when they come against a powerful foe is to just buy time even if it means to sacrifice a ship or colonial fleet just like in SDF and in M7. the whole defense would be carried only by the SMS. However if the alien bugs threat is too big i think that at some point they could send a task force to take over military operations on the Macross frontier fleet. still that's just my guess. i really hope to see some VF-19 A/F/S or VF-22S CGI at some point. BTW one think i recall from the M+ OVA is that among the issue the super nova project was imed at was the situation when there would be colonial disputes. I certainly hope this does not happens since this type of story is covered only by the "other mecha show".
  2. OMG, it looks so sleek, it makes my 1/60 YF-19 look like a fat lady. Also the shoulders are nowhere to be seen, this is by far the most perfect VF yamato has made, and the best is that valks don't give the red eye of deat (damn you xbox 360). really can't wait for the early bird or preorder.
  3. My opinion on the VF-171 is that perhaps is an overall upgrade from the basic VF-17, just like how in real world the USAF hornet was upgraded into the superhornet. The shape is almost the same but the differences are there (like larger flex, redesigned air intakes, etc.). Also, as for the enemies in the show i wonder what motive do they have to attack humans, are they somehow tied to the AFOS?. do they also sence the Kaduns?
  4. By the way one other point i forgot about ivanov is that so far he has the deadliest aim with guns. On ep. 2 he shot on purpose at the cockpit of the VF-0a with a pretty gorish result. also since he is flying a sukhoi he rarely wastes ammo since that plane does not carry more than perhaps 150 bullets. another good pilot is guld. He keepm very good control of his YF-21 when he was chasing the ghost and keep on target without fainting despite several internal organs had implosed on the first seconds of his last run.
  5. I think that D.D. Ivanov should be above roy in terms of skill, after all he did shot down roy and the only damage he ever received was loosing his rigth hand during the raid against the U.N fleet. Also he could read roy's moves and always was one step ahead. The only reason he died was because he lost it after watching Nora die in front of him.
  6. that reminds me that around 1995 there was a tv program here in Mexico called Nintendomania and when the gameboy's games reviews were about to start theye played the music when isamu is in the simulator in mac + ep. 1.
  7. the part were rambo kills the guy in the jeep with the 50mm. reminded me the scene were ivanov does the same to those guys onboard the asuka but w/out the smoke. now if he could only be given a chainsaw rifle like the lancer...
  8. good to hear yo got trough the game. this weeks has been very busy and now that i have a two-day brake i`m gonna give a try to the last area and finish the game. by the way in the morning while i was playing acrobatic flight with the flanker i did a really interesting maneuver but only worked once and i`m trying to remember how i pulled it, since as far as i remember i went afterburner and began to clim at a 90 degree angle and then reduced to 60% thrust so i could begin to loose speed. however as soon as i began climbing i was also rolling by pushing the stick all the way to the left. for short as soon as my speed dropped to zero i started to fly heads down as inverted while the plane was spinning on it`s axis. i think the maneuver is called the helicopter but haven`t found any info on how to pulled it or wich angle should i cut my engine. i still have the data on my mem card with the flight and when i showed it to my brother he was amazed. also do you know what other maneuvers the flanker can pull.
  9. oops, double post.
  10. the area 7 strategic mission might look tough but is not that hard. also it is divided into three stages. on the first one you will engage some su-33 and to you left the area a couple of destroyers wich i usually take down from a distance to clear my path. on the second stage you will engage multiple fighters and my recomendation is to watch your distance and alttitued and to stay away from the enemy fleet. while engaging fighters in this part i kepp an altitude of 4000 mts. and as soon as i take down a target i go afterburner to gain altitude quickly before the next wave of eemies appear. after you past this part you will be ordered to take down the enemy fleet. including one enemy carrier wich take two to three direct hits to take down. after clearing this mission you will go to the last area wich i still have not cleared but will try this weekend. since there is a lot of aerial and anti-warship fight involved i reccomend the flanker since it can carry quite a deal of weaponry without sacrificing agility and speed. by the way on this area i still have to clear the mission where you have to eliminate a spy plane. but havent manage to clear it yet. however my brother did it and was given the raptor and now he guns down more plane than i do with complete impunity.
  11. to shin densetsu kai. as far as i can remember that mission is were you have to escort the rescued chairman ettu. on that one i used the f-16 armed with aim'9 and aim -120b. i remember that i had to be between the enemy fighters and the cargo plane and asigning target to my wing by slecting a target ojn the hud and then issuing the order to engage while i focuse on the most inmediate treath. so far ià m stuck on the last mission wich are quite challenging. but if you need raw firepower to take the enemies from distance my bet woul be the tomcat. tough it`s not that maneuverable. on most interception missions i mainly use the su-27 to get the s ranking. i find this fighter to be amazing maneuverable and the engines put quite some power and can easeky climb to 5,000 meters wich is in my opinion the ideal alttitued to atack my targets and begin missile evasion in case the enemy targets me and shots on my. also speaking on wich what technique do yuo use to evade missiles. for me all i do is from 5000 meters i roll halfway and when the missile enters the second ring on my radar i start going down while deploying flares in such a way that the missile cant`keep with my speed and due to the angle i can manage to evade. by the way. did you know that you can actually land a su-27 on an american carrier. i remember i saw a guy do it on youtube and i its really dificult but not imposible and have actuaaly managed to do it three times. the key is to pull a cobra at a ceratin distance and very low alttitude so when you begin to loose altitude you land on the carrier. still as i have said it is very difficult.
  12. i actually own this game for my 360 and i think it does a pretty good work simulatind the way the fighters react during flight. as an example you can perform viktor pugachev`s cobra manuever the way it is depicted on wikipedia on the su-27. still i think they should had included the su-37 and su-47 to try them out since it wonder what other variation one caln pull with thrust vectoring. also i do find quite challengin to engage western fighters against soviet plane. specially if you have to face them in strike mode using only machine guns. any way the think i enjoy the most is flying around with the su-27 and try to pul new stuff like cobars on a vertical plane, either going up or down¨, don`t remember quite well the name for those maneuvers. one thing thta i liked is the variety of fighter you get to choose to go against, inclding the mig-35 wich i think was called the mig-1.44. on a side note in noticed that on the credits the name of scott t. hards comes up as one of the voices and if he is the man who own hlj.com i wonder wich characters he played voices on the game.
  13. for me it started around 09/10/01 when i ordered the vf-19a since i had pass on the original yf-19 for some long'forgotten reason. after that i went into models and then returned to the toys with the fp vf-11b and finally the 1/60 yf-19. still i remember the old days from toycom...
  14. i think it is a color scheme to help the valk survive the radiation of reflex weapons.
  15. don't know whowill get the main role but he better keep steady like in the original animation to save frames. still i wonder how would that look like in live action.
  16. i´m going to agree with nightbat regarding to the character´s designs. in my opinion fighter pilots, specially VF pilots should look tough or cool, not like wussy kids. other than that i would need to se this to make a more fair judgment but still the fact that it does not wear the name macross has already made me feel not to interested, no matter how cool the fighters look
  17. I wonder if the feet will be retractible and fit inside the calf like in ep.2. Do you guys think it could be one of the gimmicks?
  18. the one thing about this toy that really worries me is that the small tab located near the end of the wing root that connects to the lower leg in fighter mode might break due to stress, since it is very similar to the way the wing connects to the lower leg on the old bandai 1/100 scale model, and since i used to have one i can tell by experience that it seems fragile, unless they use harder plastic material. Graham, do you know if that part can resist easely multiple transformations or will it wear down?
  19. OMG, this babe looks way better than i expected. Looks like i´m going to cancel my VF-0A and keep saving to buy at least two of them. Something that i like about it is that in fighter you can barely see the parts separation. As for gerwalk it fionally gets justice and i can´t wait to see pics of the battroid mode back. If it comes with option packs i hope the include the weapons module for the right arm.
  20. BTW about he sharon apple figure i would like it in full body, as when she was harasing isamu and also the short haired sharon that manipulated yang into attempting to shot isamu. and yes, just in case you wonder she has to be topless.
  21. Ine thing that bugs me abou the wings is the size. i think they should be large like the yamato previous 19, since one of the things i liked is how they looked in battroid, specially from the rear.
  22. In my opinion i think that making the 19's intake shape so it benefits more the battroid mode is definitively a bad move, to set an example for all of you who had owned a bandai 1:100 VF-19kai/F/S model, you might remember that even tough a shorter and smaller air intake benefits battroid it makes the fighter mode look bad. Also remember that the mode that should receive the most priority is fighter since battroid and gerwalk are suposed to be optional modes. BTW. i think that if the YF-19 were to be featured in a CG remake the battroid mode would look completely different to the more robust and short interpretation given in the original line art, think of it as the liquid stone battroid mode, however it would still look awesome, just like with the Sv-51. Now that i mentioned the LS variable model i think that the yamato YF-19 will have if not the same at least a very similar variable sequence (an elegant way to say transformation), tough neither have the correct crotch piece at least it is the closest thing to a YF-19 that stays within the boundaries of realistic physics and less anime magic. Changing subject it would be cool if they include the following: * optional back seat * figure of yang * figure of naked sharon apple * opening missile bay on lowwer legs * retractable feet (as seen in ep.2 of m+) * right arm optional weapon module (the one isamu uses to blow the destroid monster)
  23. also one of the good things in battlecry is that if you are good the game let's ypu make some flashy move to humilliate a frined in vs mode. specially if you are good at dodging missiles in battroid mode.
  24. i have played both VF-X2 and battlecry and in my opinion an ideal macross game would have the graphics featured in star wars: rogue squadron 2, the game play of battlecry in ground missions and the gameplay of VF-X2 in fighter mode. also it should have every single VF with all version for each model,
  25. Maybe some guys don't like how the forward fuselage side view looks, however i find it more real and it gives it a "strong" feeling to it, like in the F-22. As for the F and S variants they only need to add a different shield, shoulders, lower legs and feet, different wing, heads and take out the cannards and add verniers instead. Now if what we want are different repaints then i'd really would go for a F-16 type pattern. Also i hope they include an extra seat and Yamg figure to go along.
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